It’s like yelling at Chu.
It’s like yelling at Chu.
Oh no, there are posts in the forum that you can simply not read or reply to, making it be eventually pushed down and forgotten. Oh, how can you possibly endure it, I’m so sorry.
Maybe, I think that just leads us back to the main problem though, we have no idea because of the lack of communication. If he can’t respond to things, then we should know this or else it just looks super fishy that he chose a thank you thread of all things.
Thank you for the support! (Mercy for DPS pls. They did it to Sym, they can do it to her too >:D)
Good sarcasm and I’m happy to ignore posts myself if I don’t care–I ignore Sombra threads, Brig threads, Doomfist threads… All sorts of threads. But it doesn’t change the fact that you’re punishing the rest of us arbitrarily
You do know this. He’s the community manager; it says so under his name.
EDIT: For that matter, homie doesn’t even have orange text. He’s a blueposter.
Because Mercy is the most basic hero in the game. OW it’s a two years old game people already knows how to counter Mercy much more than before. Ana having 49% win rate is exclusively because she is hard to play so more people losing/throwing games with Ana at much more speed than Mercy.
I agree, there should me more communication for sure.
It’s just, the forum mods can’t reply.
They are there to judge and think about it,
someone gives you a box of cookies on an investigation, would you say thanks?
He’s a grown man, he should know it would look terrible to post in a thank you thread after neglecting feedback. Besides, in the thank you thread (a thread that mentions the developers) he says “we couldn’t do it without you.” If he’s not part of the dev team, he shouldn’t be saying that.
Continuing the discussion from Things I love about the game, a "Thank You" to the devs:
Also, why is he allowed to say “we are reading your feedback daily”. Who is we? Is it the dev team? Is it the mods? We don’t know anything, there is no communication.
obv not
the forum team
But who cares if the forum team reads our feedback? If anything, it proves that the megathreads are just to silence us if the devs don’t actually read it. In the end, the forums are meaningless.
Right so again, should we be comparing her to Ana who is very much the opposite of the description above?
Also, Mercy has a below 50% winrate in GM. That is ridiculously bad since you need to have a winrate above 52% to stay in GM. It means more people in GM are losing games as Mercy than winning. That by itself suggests that she’s underpowered. Accompany that with the fact that she has 49-50 winrates in low ranks when she’s supposed to be good in low ranks and you have further proof that she’s underpowered.
well, besides the little rays of hope that are getting squashed, cough RichC.
It is useless, but…
Certain balance changes have been asked for and delivered like the visual outline thing that just came out.
Simple because the majority of Mercy mains only play Mercy and nothing else. Don’t expect a Mercy main to play Ana-Zen or even Moira at the same level because those people are only used to do something so basic and boring that have 0 practice on anything else besides holding m1 and spam shift.
I love how people who call us a cult and stuff are the ones who start the drama and somehow think “She has been meta for to long she deserves to be out of it”
That is the dumbest argument one can say. Like what. We don’t want her to be broken. We want her to be playable and fun. She is barely playable and she is not fun. The game should not have a meta, everyone should be usable
Glad she gets an appreciation thread here, too - anyone with the guts to call the devs out on their silence and truly idiotic reworks is a force for good in my book.
I don’t mind the community manager posting in a “thank you” thread per se, but I do mind it when that’s the only word we hear out of him or any other dev in response to all the well thought-out feedback being given on this forum. In that context, it’s a clear “we do look at this board, but we’re ignoring you,” and that’s not okay.
Can you provide proof, please? I’m not saying your wrong. I would just like to make sure.
This isn’t prove. This is just an assumption.
You are being “punished” with forum posts that mildly annoy you.
We are being punished for a rework we never asked for with a gutted hero. Sorry if I can’t relate.
They repeat the same thing because the devs never adressed our feedback, so we can’t know if there is something wrong with what we are suggesting. silence is not an answer.
If “patting eachother on the back” means agreeing among themselves, yeah people that are having the same experience on something tend to. Because a lot of people feel how bad Mercy feels while playing her. It only validates our concerns.
And if you can’t help yourself from clicking on Mercy posts, thats a you problem.
Honey I was a Mercy main for so long but I had to stop because she was not fun or anything. Then she kept getting nerfed so she began to be called a throw pick. I now main Orisa and Sombra, and if I can get into masters or high diamond when I rarely play Comp, other Mercy mains can too
I would like to give you proofs,actually proofs and no stuff from 1 year ago but now we have private profiles on almost 90% of the player base uses it even on top tiers for no reason at all.
There was a girl called YaYa a top 500 Mercy who her second most played character was Hanzo with 20% win rate, I’m not saying that all the Mercy mains cannot play anything else but this meme was extremely popular specially on top tiers game. There is a lot of streamers who actually talked about this on their matches.
Oh good. At this point the Mercy-haters sound so detached to reality I can’t even tell their rhetoric apart from a joke. No biggie.
But… I also play Mercy D: I played her all afternoon! I have over 600 hours on her! I dont’ hate bae, she my life <3