Tank...... the entire match is just based on Tank

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not going to sit here and say I was clearly the better tank.

But I’m not exactly feeling like I was “diffed” on all too hard either

And for added context: I know the other tank. Were buddies. The match is often filled with us doing silly rivalry banter - going on about how legendary our battles will be, cheesy over the top nonsense. It’s rare I lose to them however (which is actually why I took this screen shot in the first place)

exactly, because having triple kills and double damage means nothing, your team lost, it’s your fault you were playing tank


He is just playing doomfist? It’s actually the dev’s fault for making him a tank to begin with, a lot people just don’t know how to play with a dive tank on their team.


loud incorrect buzzer

seen more OTP’s on tank than any other role

I don’t see blue rectangle in front of me.
Tank diff


How does rein have 15k damage mitigated against double sniper?
Someone’s shooting the rectangle a bit too much


All they had to do was swap bastion and reins shield would’ve gone bye bye

true, and the tank balance isnt worth playing at all if you played the game heavily before as a tank. theres no longer a balance between playmaking tanks and support tanks and its nearly impossible to find a balance and continue climbing since you’re one less player now.

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I made a sarcastic comment

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I am understanding now. Yes I see

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I did and I proved my point. Had 74%WR on Ram in unranked over 50games around plat level in S9
Tanks are still crazy strong

Games are decided by which team can keep their tank alive. This is not just the skill of the tank. In fact, it is more about the skill of the supports, both staying alive themselves and keeping their tank healed and using their abilities to rescue the tank when needed.

Very little actually comes down the tank skill I find. They are totally reliant on their supports. If 1 team manages to kill a support first they have a massive advantage because it is then easier for them to kill the tank, and once the tank is gone the fight is probably won.

Its absolutely wild (but not surprising at ******* all) , that the support-one-trick-stans on this forum are still saying its a tank diff, some said its a combination of both tank/dps, completely disregarding the fact that the enemy moira has 18 ELIMS and the HIGHEST heals in the lobby.

This post and the replies is just blatant proof of how delusional and biased people are for support. This match was a support diff, all it takes is ONE bad player regardless of the role to make it hard for the rest of the team and cause a loss; the freaking ana on your team was beyond awful barely having 4k heals and the most deaths of all supports. couple the fact that you were on a team with a bad support + heal bot, vs a FULL TEAM OF DPS. Im pretty sure that moria contributed to the enemy DPS inflated stats, and vise-versa

I really hope they just remove tank from the game, & nerf support out of spite, so much that everyones forced to just play dps. These people are nuts.

to be fair the widow was bad too, but moira was the main culprit SOOO…


This is what I pointed out as well, it was a loss because his team wouldn’t manage to kill the Moira that was obviously carrying the other team.

Not the tanks fault in the slightest, in fact that one death Moira had was probably from doomfist lol

  • Role Queue 6v6 = Massive Queue Times or bad Matchmaking
  • Role Queue 5v5 with Unpopular Tanks = Larger Queue Times or bad Matchmaking, Tank Diff badly
  • Role Queue 5v5 with Popular Tanks = Good Matchmaking, Good Queue Times, Tank Diff but a well matchmakered one

  • Open Queue 5v5 = GOATs, but good Queue Times and Matchmaking
  • Open Queue 6v6 = GOATs, but good Queue Times and Matchmaking
  • Open Queue with Role Limits = No GOATs, but good Queue Times and Matchmaking
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I would like to remind you why we had Massive Que issues in 6v6, and the partial reason why we went into a 5v5 format.

Hint Hint, no wanted to play tank then. Do to how they needed to be balanced around their tank partners, and how they were reliant on such to be functional. Creating a huge imbalance of DPS/tank players.

On another note… were are the que issues in 5v5 I play around high plat and diamond. I get games in like a minute or two on dps.

You mean like the event que, where you load in and like half the players already picked something. Leaving you with whatever is left. Enabling the old issue of players being pushed into roles they don’t want to play, and creating really bad matches because of imbalance of skill between those players on roles they didn’t like / have experience in.

(that and the one tricks are still a thing, and their is a good chance you will still have like 5 dps mains load into a match all arguing over the role)

Lol you don’t need to remind me.

✅ [Role Select] Finalizing this concept

No, I mean like this.


Amen, they would be smart to implement this. All the people screaming “ BUT the qUEUE tIMeS” can silence themselves, if queue times were such an issue we wouldn’t have two separate comp modes to begin with.

You would be correct. Got her during her ult.

Emphasizing again that picture isn’t me going “see I was so much better!”

But at the same time I feel going “see, obviously the tank” in light of everything, I feel is also at least a smidge, dubious.

Barf. :face_vomiting:

6 dps in a game, and in a 6v6 format.

God that doesn’t fix anything. that’s just what I mentioned above.

That and well if this the main format, tanks and supports are going to be nerfed “haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard” We basically have super charged versions of every tank now, with better defensive tools in a lot of cases. meaning dive and double barrier comp are back with a vengences (ram/sigma or mega rien) While supports are made to be able to defend themselves, and now have their “peel” tank back. So your going to have hard time dealing with any back their.

Tanks/supports can’t be filled in by dps, your just going to get none functional games where one side has a hyper dive comp, and the other is like 5 dps and a mercy thats also a dps and has no idea what their doing.

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