Tank...... the entire match is just based on Tank

Sorry but the game just relies on who has the best tank player.

Every single game I win is when the Tank is just simply better than the opponent. That is every single Overwatch 2 match.

What a washed up game this thing is.


it comes down to tank skill and willingness to swap

some matchups (like mauga v mauga) are support battles, but most are

one counterpicks, one doesnt

counterpicker wins


When Blizz removed the second tank from the game, it became Overwatch .5

Overwatch Lite




You should try playing tank, it should dispel this notion pretty fast.


I have done and the Tank that plays the best makes the biggest difference to a match. If your tank is bad it is impossible to carry that person, if the other tank is significantly better than yours, you lose.

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This isn’t true. It could be said for any role. The only problem is most players refuse to swap when they’re being countered. But it’s just more noticeable on the tank role since there’s only one per team.

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I disagree with OP. The match is based on whose tank survives the longest. If the enemy runs ana+kiriko or bap+kiriko and we have mercy+zen/lifeweaver, Im not going to be surviving much no matter what tank I pick. I won’t be able to survive the nade and I won’t be able to last long with the healing or utility that does trickle my way. Supports (esp ana nade and the immortalities of Bap and Kiriko) make or break the tank role many times


Not even true I had some games earlier where the DPS diff was almost too much to overcome

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You just proved my point. Every role is weighted equally. You just said supports are just as important because they keep you alive. DPS is the same. You could have great supports and be a good tank but still lose because dps can’t secure a kill.

Ya for sure, though I’d say that when the tanks are roughly equal, the match comes down to which team’s supports are actually support players (and not dps mains queued up as support).

As elitist it sounds, if you main support and hang around others, the difference is night and day when it comes to managing health bars and knowing when to be dpsing. A support main Moira is an incredible sight to behold.

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Yes and no… is not about who is better…

Almost all matchs are about what team hardcounter more the enemy tank and what tank adapt better againsts those hardcounter picks.

I win plenty of games and I am always the inferior tank and refuse to swap. It’s just about who has the better team. Shocking, I know. This wisdom is truly reinventing the wheel.


Yeah you still can win when the tank no swap but this tank and team should be a lot better than the enemy. My point is that the best way to win a match on the majority of ranks is just hardcounter the enemy tank


11 seasons to late to realize this. this is the main problem of 5vs5, tank dies, is game over, tank leaves, dont even try, you will waste a lot of minutes of your life because the game dont have a surrender option


I think that the fact that there is only one tank redefines countering. For everyone else, the role continues to perform, since it’s diluted by a second player, and the number of options your team has to deal with that is fairly large.

When you counter a tank, it can be done by a single player, and the only option is to swap. The pressure is on the tank player, and tanks cannot “main” their hero, because the tank needs to be proficient in all variations of their role.

This is a direct consequence of 5v5


That’s just the way things will turn out when you remove second tank from the game. Back in 6v6 tank synergies were strong but each of the tanks were easily killable. Also “oppressive” tank synergies didn’t even matter in most elos.

In 5v5, the one and only tank needs to become raid bosses now. Which makes them impossible to solo kill most of the time as DPS. While 5v5 can lower queue time, if the tank playerbase is still lacklustre it can result in uneven matches. Which is especially troublesome if the matchmaker can’t find equally skilled tank players on each team. So we essentially got faster queue time for lower quality matches.

What I’m surprised by most is how the matchmaker is still struggling to find equally skilled tank players on both teams. We only need one tank on each team now, why are we still struggling to find tank players?? Sounds like the tank playerbase has actually further decreased from OW1.

TL;DR - Tank diff actually still affects game in OW2 to problematic levels especially when the matchmaker can’t find equally skilled tank players. (the same can happen to DPS and support as well but the game has plenty of those to choose from so it’s rarer)

The only solution is to either gigabuff the DPS or support. But nobody likes OP supports so the only alternative is to gigabuff the DPS. But then that will mean the tank and support role will become boring to play and only the DPS role will be worthwhile of playing which means the game will have less replayability.


ironically not even the better tank player anymore either, its just who swaps first to mauga, orisa, sigma as always and has the team play around pick

I lost this match

My teams response? “Tank dif”


While I know this was meant to poke fun, it’s pretty damn accurate.