Tank...... the entire match is just based on Tank

Team damage was almost the same - healing was similar.

x3 the MIT will help

Hero choice didn’t help either. I usually hate supporting a Hanzo/Widow combo

Mitigation stat with Doomfist is misleading. Things thatre shot at doom, and miss because of his mobility- don’t count as “mitigation”.

Tbh, considering you both had ~3-4 deaths I think it’s a tank+dps diff. Rein’s not getting picks but he’s also not dying any more that you are, which is what I’d assume helped them progress obj and enabled his DPS to secure more elims.

Obviously this is entirely speculative, but it kinda looks like you won TDM and he won OBJ.

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What I’m seeing is that your team was incapable of killing their Moira, and that alone sealed the deal.

It happens, you’ll get blamed even when you’re doing great. People need to cope somehow.


Support and dps players can and should swap too but they are the most stubborn players out there, then they blame the tank for the loss


Ding ding ding ding!

Ow mobile :moyai: :moyai:

No for real, I promise you. This game will be on iOS eventually

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While the later point is true, I see support swap all the time, especially if the beginning of a match is not going in their favor. Then tank. Then dps, but it’s usually just to counter a pharah or to last ditch with junkrat, bastion, etc.

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It is hilarious after they spend most of the game refusing to engage or provide resources and then type ,“tank?” I thought it was just me, but they did it to my sweetest Sistah Spice too. Like, what in the world? Freaky little creatures…

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Your team:
26,347 damage - ReinMIT 15,234 = 11,113 total

26,271 damage - YourMIT 4,427 = 21,844 total

It’s quite a contrast. Put together with the fact you were playing dive with a team that couldn’t/wasn’t.

Just from this stat board, I completely see your teams perspective. Key word: Perspective

Having your tank jump away from your primarily long range team becomes a “no YOU swap” - “no YOU swap” moment

it also doesn’t count as damage


It comes full circle where we ask the question… why are “tanks” like ball and doom even in the game? If they can’t play bc they upset the team… that sounds like the team needs to adjust to the play style the dev team is forcing, sadly.

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There, fixed. That is more like it.

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Alright you have a great point… so many games my team flames me for tanking “poorly” in their eyes, yet my supps are barely healing and just want me to go rein.

Then when you ask for more focused healing they throw and flame harder.



TLDR, don’t shoot the horse (tank)

Till either they are cut off from their team, burnt out of resources be it their own cooldowns or support tools like nade/suzu/lamp.

instead focus on killing the dps/supports first. They will die a lot faster to focus fire, and force out the above mentioned tools a lot quicker.

Remember now, a support can only ever be healed by one other hero without burning cooldowns. While a tank can layer two sources of healing in with their damage resistance barrier/ healing.

Just the average overwatch 2 experience.


There are lots of ways to win if your tank is significantly worse than the enemy team’s tank. Here are a few:

  1. Your team’s supports, support your tank much better than the enemy team’s.
  2. Your team focuses the enemy tank and makes them lose effectiveness.
  3. Their team does not engage when their tank engages.
  4. Your team has better focus fire than the enemy team.
  5. Your team has a more synergistic comp than the enemy team.
  6. Your team’s supports debuff the enemy tank and the enemy tank’s supports don’t have an answer (suzu, etc).
  7. The enemy team’s supports do not debuff your team’s tank.

If some combination of these things are true, the team with the worse tank can easily win. The best shorthand I’ve found for this is whichever team makes the other team’s tank more miserable will generally win- regardless of the skill disparity of the tanks themselves. So it’s not whichever team has the best tank. It’s whichever team plays to destroy the other tank more- but it’s a team gap, not a tank gap. It could be dps gap, or support gap, etc. It’s not always tank gap.

ETA: Also, in many of the cases I outlined above, non-tank players will assume the worse tank was the better tank. Most people have no idea how tank play works and are very bad at assessing which tank was more skilled. Often what people think is a tank gap is actually a support or dps gap- they just don’t know how to evaluate tank gaps.

Game relies on who supports their tank the best*
Lifeweaver mercy comps are trash for a reason

Peeps missing the point. Tank is the easiest to counter. Because its 1 role played by 1 player.

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in my experience I’m better than the enemy tank and still lose because my DPS couldn’t hit Hog that’s standing still in their mele range…

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