Take control of the forums please. Mercy threads are getting out of hand

There are plenty of heroes that need work. Just because I don’t post about it doesn’t mean I think that they don’t deserve attention.

And I said “character” balancing, not “Mercy”. Meaning everyone.

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I agree there’s an issue, but if one voice is far more prominent than the rest, it’s probably because it affects a high portion of the player base, and Mercy is a very popular character so this is no surprise. I just think that instead of silencing the issues, we need to actually address them. If what you’re proposing actually went through, no single Mercy player would play the game ever again, it would be a major slap in the face.

as i said before, they cant really do that without severely risking upsetting the communtiy more, and i agree it would be. I think something is necessary, either my idea or the one i quoted, i like the quoted one more frankly.

People misappropriate and throw the devs words back in their faces wrt Mercy all the time. At this point there’s nothing they could say that wouldn’t cause an uproar.

The Mercy community on here doesn’t call out those among them that does this (instead it’s excuse after excuse to gloss over it), so I don’t think it’s surprising that they get no feedback.


exactly my point, this is the exact example of damned if you do damned if you dont.

This is why they barely communicate if at all anymore

If you want the Mercy threads gone, just flag them as spam. The system will then automatically close the threads and suspend the posters for you.

I am definitely down with a blacklist feature to hide posts, even topically. I am beyond sick of multiple daily Mercy posts that drown everything else out. It’s such a selfish attitude on this question by the same cadre of people who frankly are using any question of Mercy play to effectively troll and entire community forum repeatedly.

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i do not abuse a system, or people that abuse that system, and i do not want the forum posters suspended, unless they are doing something actually bad.

It’s not abuse when the code of conduct specifically states that permissible content is determined by Blizzard AND the community. We are the community, we get to choose. If Blizzard disagrees with the community judgement then they can reverse our decision.

may not be deemed abuse by them, it is to me, i dont do that, as much as i dislike the mercy threads i wont flag them and possibly get the users punished when they dont deserve it, now if they are being actually toxic or against coc, sure

Mercy will never leave threads. HEROES NEVER DIE


man i really hate that phrase. lol

This could be solved by creating more forum categories like one for each hero or at least one for each role (DPS, Tanks, Supports) but that would be to easy. Blizzard wants to take the lazy way out and just glob everything in one giant pile making it a pain in the butt to sort out.


^ this is also something i would like.

I am super down with this… no pun intended.

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Then where are the suggestions from non Mercy mains on how to fix Mercy’s current state? If it’s you that are the dictators on how she should be played and how fun she should be then where are all of your ideas to make Mercy fun and balanced?

she is the most balanced shes ever been, i dont have any ideas on how to make her fun, not something i really care for tbh, ive personally never found her fun

I get your point though.

With a population as big as Overwatch, there’s going to be some backlash no matter what you do. Staying silent, or giving some silly reason behind a nerf (Mercy’s healing for example) is pretty unprofessional in my opinion.

Actually… Not Spam. XP

99% of the threads fall under the first two, which the Team constitutes as useful feedback. Not necessarily saying they read it, but still…

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point taken, thank you. Its still getting out of hand in terms of toxicity and other things.

exactly(although tbh i think the mercy healing nerf was the best one out of the nerfs tbh, wish it happened way sooner, just to see if she really ever needed those non rez nerfs), sums it up