Take control of the forums please. Mercy threads are getting out of hand

Everyone is entitled to Free Speech. Imagine taking your main, reworking the hero into this busted fighter jet plane, nerf your hero 13 times and then expect everything to be ok. The final nerf and what we were left with is not what the developer team promised for this rework. So of course people are going to be angry and call them out on it. So if you don’t like it then don’t click on any posts regarding Mercy. There is an outcry for over a year now about this rework “even when it was in it’s OP state” that this version of Mercy was going to cause problems and guess what? We were right.

Drop the “Mercy threads are spammed too much.” Mercy players have every right to fight for Mercy after what she went through.


I for one would be A LOT less upset if they would just say something. Instead of avoiding the issue altogether and hoping it just goes away by itself, they need to actually do something, anything.


I’ve lost all my throwing knives yelling at Mercy mains to “SHINAYYYY!” At this rate, I’m going resort to steamrollers.

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i wouldnt be upset either, but trust me, ik communities like this and if they did communicate itd just be uproar still. as i said ‘its a damned if you do, damned if you dont’ scenario with mercy specifically.

i agree, i dont want them to be silencedor blacklisted, but things are getting insanely out of hand on both sides. They need to do something, but whatever they do is just going to cause anger either way.

Well considering I’m in the community, I know for a fact that a lot of us would all be much happier if we just felt like we were being listened to or acknowledged


i can agree to that, it would alleviate some things, but what if people dont like what the devs say? which happens all the time, the last times the devs communicated we got the earthshatter change and sombra change which a ton of people hated on both sides.

The devs are in a very bad spot, and honestly i feel bad for them, they literally can severely tick off one side of the community either way, or both.

Like i want the devs to communicate more than a lot of people, specifically about rein and tanks, but honestly i also dont want them to in case i dont like it

That’s because they completely ignore any points or concerns we have.

Example: we say she feels unfun to play as, we get a reply saying “she is balanced”.


because their priority is balance. Which is entirely the problem with these kind of games, balance is impossible, everything would become boring and stale.

Everyone wants a ‘balanced game’ but dont actually realize what that would mean or what that would be like. this includes me

Well in a way, isn’t that the whole point of the forums? To discuss the game in a variety of different aspects. I think everyone has the right to voice their concerns for the game in terms of balance. I think the threads that are attacking different playerbases for being “low skilled” and such need to go. Like the threads saying stuff like “Ana deserves to be better than Mercy because she requires more skill”


i agree, but when one voice is dominantly controlling the forums for the most part, i think theres an issue. It makes the other voices almost not heard.

Ive made a rein megathread which got ignored by blizz and a lot of people, ive made many threads about the real problems with the game and they get ignored.

Ok but fix Mercy though.

It’s been over a year and Mercy has gone through 10 Megathreads all consisting of 20000 comments. So that’s over 200000 comments regarding Mercy’s state. What they need to do is stop asking players that don’t main the hero to balance others because guess where that’s got us? A year of Mercy being dominant and now nerfed out of everything that made her viable. Bringing her back full circle to a support that still doesn’t have a decent mid-fight no utility to bring to a teamfight other than Resurrect and now she’s even more unfun to play pre-rework.

they cant exactly ask heroes that main that hero because thats even more biased.

If others voices weren’t heard, Mercy wouldn’t be on her 13th (?) nerf :man_shrugging:

Unless you want your guardian angel deleted from the game they will have a STRONG voice.

im talking about the mercy/anti mercy voice.

frankly at this point i wouldnt be surprised if they did it, out of any character she would probably be deleted, but they would never do it lets be honest, the forums would implode.

Honestly there are 3 times more Brig and Doomfist threads than Mercy threads now and only the bigger threads like Titaniums post “survive” the flagging/closing. So i dont think that Mercy threads are a problem now.

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i agree they have gotten less frequent, but a lot of the mercy threads are just becoming toxic cess pools which is just, infuriating, and this is common from both sides of the argument

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Lose your Mercy mains and boom Game over

yea, lets be real, if the mercy mains all quit this game would die faster than Realm royale. 50% and im not overexaggerating, of the population played mercy till the 13th nerf