Sym's Primary weapon needs a rework when Echo releases

Echoes kit just proves how useless Sym’s weapon is for her as a DPS.

Sym’s weapons should provide healing or something else…

Something more supportive.

(Sorry if I am not making since… I am 1/4 away from being asleep._


From all these things… do u think they care?

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how about they make its range 15m and ttk lower (whether by flattening the dps level, upping lvl 1 dps, deleting lvl 1 or just getting rid of ramp up entirely)… or well completely rework it to something that can reasonably function with her kit without team pocketing.


Sym’s weapons work from the beginning of the shield. Echo’s beam is only usefull at 50 %.
Why Sym’s weapon should be useless now? Plus she has an incredible damage output when charged

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ease of range changes everything

(sorry super tired… life things) The Support Riot explanation

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Sym needs a lot of things. For one, reverting the 20% nerf to her whole kit they did last fall. That was absurd given she still needed fixes and buffs. Just completely remove her whole primary and give one that actually fits her kit, they tried to pigeonhole the charge up mechanic from sym 2.0 and it never worked from the start, well it worked but it was op so they nerfed her primary in the ground and it’s been largely trash ever since. Her turrets slow need to work on all momentum from movement abilities like Blizzard stated slow was changed to do. It still doesn’t for most. Turrets need to be taken to 1 health from AoE abilities so it takes two AoE to destroy. That would solve them getting countered by the very situations they should be countering such as an enemy diving into them. This has been terrible game design since day one. Sym’s orb splash damage needs to do flat half amount, as it currently is, the splash is useless. Her primary latent is useless but her primary should just be reworked completely. Her teleporter should allow for instant teleportation instantly when used for those only at destination end of portal so Symmetra can save teammates with her tele like Blizzard promised, there should also be a large noticeable prompt for tele for teammates so they actually see the option to tele with all the spam on their screen like when caught in a zarya grav. Then we have many minor issues…


how could you forget the biggest crucial thing: improving tp cd mechanic to be like non-infinite tp? :open_mouth:


i Made several quick concepts on how to create a healer and rework sym

here are my links
Newest: New Healer Ideas: Easy to make new healer

Older Concept Ideas for sym:
Idea For New Support Hero and Symmetra Sup Rework Idea

swill look at them tomorrow

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Primary level decay increased to 3 seconds until it lowers in power.

Revert Orb damage to 120 and increase the Travel Velocity when fired.

Turrets no longer slow but now tether their target preventing escape until destroyed (justifying the long cooldown and low damage) increase their ambient sound effect so there is no excuse.

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Sleep my dude. Don’t worry to respond immediately to everyone.
Keep yourself good <3

Anyway thanks for the link.

Because most of the sym community doesn’t even know the extent of sym’s potential nor what some of the simple changes I brought(many stated and promised by Blizzard themself) would impact her gameplay. They’ve completely overblown the tp change as being a huge relevant radical nerf, it really isn’t. It should have a cooldown reduction for destroying your own non damaged tp but it is a very minor fix in regards to the rest of her kit. Changing orb splash damage to work properly or turrets to slow momentum from abilities, or turrets to survive through one AoE attack from non-primary ability would be absolutely game changing for symmetra.

The tele for example although the priority to the enemy went up, it’s functional utility also went up. The extra 5 meters is huge for using it as a tele bomb to place it at safer distances or being less obvious placing it. It’s far better for flanking and team play. It requires less micromanaging. It’s infinite uptime gives it a stability to the minds of the rest of ones team where they can count on it being there if you’ve placed it for static movement for team, it gives a reliability old one never had which is why it virtually was never used by ones team. It allows for preplacement for movement to a health pack or to cover multiple flanks/routes or quick escape like when holding choke. It also allows for more teleport locations with the extra range. The pros significantly outweigh the benefits from the low skill cheese from sending a turret and harassing every few seconds when a person could do before which was less and less practical the higher the rank the person was. It was significantly superior for her fixed primary she had for a few weeks for aggressive play but without that primary such a playstyle is largely a thing of the past, especially with her nerfed turrets. Sym is really in quite a sorry state at the moment aside from the damage on her orbs(which the splash is still trash lol).

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Sym can break shields without the need of a ability that is on a 6 second cooldown. Sym also gets stronger while doing it. Plus she is more supportive than Echo.

please go here and stop updating this: 🛰 (MIG) Echo the best new hero OW doesn’t need

(Having to keep track of several conversations and would like them all to go one place.)…

Oh np, I understand.

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Pretty much this. Blizzard doesn’t want Symm in games. They are slowly giving Symm’s abilities to other heroes (with buffs to make them useful).

I can’t wait till we get that support hero that gives shields.


Echo in or not, Symmetra’s Primary should get a rework.
Another thread where I can leave my idea of her having an anti-flank beam:

  • Lock-on beam: Lock-on radius slightly lower than Moira’s beam, but Lock-off radius slightly bigger than Moira’s.
  • Lock on range: 9 meters, Lock-off range: 13 meters
  • Upgrade Time: 1 second
  • 3 Levels: 40/80/80 DPS
  • At max. Level, Movement-based abilites are disabled. Same abilites as in Graviton Surge. Getting on Max. Level instantly disables and interrupts these abilites.
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Symmetra, Bastion, Pharah and Junkrat all share the fate of being unwanted because they arent McCree and Soldier.

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A good Junkrat player can be useful though. Maybe not as much as McCree but they can be good. Junk doesn’t need anything big, just some minor changes.

In short, as long as hitscan are strong no other dps will be viable. Hitscan’s ability to point and click and hit anyone from any distance is just to good.

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