Sym's Hindi ult line replaced with her English one

You have this confused.

Every hero has 2 main ultimate lines(some skins have special ones), one that is intense or fierce and is often in another language, another that is more informative. For example, yells “Nerf this” as her fierce one and “Activating self destruct sequence” as the informative one.

Enemies hear the fierce one, allies hear the informative one. The player using the ultimate however, hear the fierce one. The exception to that rule is supports, who hear the informative, or “allies” voice line.

Symmetra has her fierce one for enemies, which is the Hindi one, and for informative one for allies. Allies have always heard “Reality bends to my will”, which is her allied voice line.

The Brigitte change was to make the Brigitte player hear the same informative line as her allies, like the other supports do, and not the intense line for her enemies, which heroes of other roles hear when they use their ultimate.

It is worth noting that Reinhardt, Torbjorn and Bastion do not have the “informative” voice line, so their allies do not hear anything.


Thanks for the report, it was still working the way it did when Symmetra was support. You (the person using Symmetra’s ult) should hear the Hindi version of the line when you activate it.

We’ll fix it in a future patch.


Michael can I ask you something? Who’s your favorite heroes? Gameplay wise and lore wise.

I’ve noticed that this happens if you happen to take damage just after casting it. It’s almost consistently the case. If you don’t, you hear the Hindi line.

Is there any chance of improving the symmetra QoL? It is too fragile in my opinion and without much mobility since the teleporter takes too long to be active, in addition to having a small interaction radius to be used in cases of emergency.
For the rest it is very good and it is very fun to play.

While we’re on the subject of ultimate voice lines, are there any plans to change Reinhardt’s Gridironhardt skin voice line. The skin gives a slight advantage to those who use it because the voice line for Earth shatter is quicker and a little more quiet, which makes it harder for enemies to react to in time. I was just wondering if this was on the development team’s radar or not.

Anyways, thanks for all of the amazing/awesome work you guys do. I genuinely appreciate all of the things you all do for us, and I could not be more pumped for BlizzCon (which I will be attending) to see all the awesome new content. Thanks again, Michael!

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Yeah, we are working on adjusting the voice line so that it’s more in line with the sound of Reinhardt’s base line.


Some news about “Onwards to Victory” Winged Mercy’s voiceline?


Kinda makes sense too since the Hindi line sounds so powerful and intimidating, I’d much rather have my enemies hearing that than plain ol’ “Reality bends to my will.”

Characters with non-native English voice lines all use their non-English line for the opposing team’s audio, and their English line for their own team. Generally the player hears the same voice line as the enemy team, but that may not be true on all heroes.

There are a few exceptions due to non-English speaking characters with native English speaking voice actors. Reinhardt and Pharah being notable examples). Lucio was one of these cases, but they have (somewhat) recently recorded and added Portuguese voice lines and he now follows the normal rules.

are there any plans to add mccree’s specific ult voice line in van helsing skin ? there was something for him in data mined stuff :smiley:

Sym is totally still a support. They just moved her because she doesn’t heal and people kept complaining. She’s not a dps lol

Nothing at the moment, sorry.


That is the way it works, the change was what Symmetra hears, not her allies or enemies.


No plans to add voice for Soldier-24 from Reaper’s Retribution event? I love his normal voice and as I know you already remade all voicelines for event. Thank you!


Any plans for D.Va to get a “Surf This!” voiceline on Waveracer?


Sad, but thanks for the response!
I hope we would have that voiceline too soon!

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Rein, Torb, and Bastion to have audible ult sounds for friendlies, they’re just not verbal.

Rein has an audible hammer smack on the ground, Bastion has kind of an engine sputter accompanied by the sound of rolling tank treads, and Torbjörn’s turret has a mechanical transformation sound, like a bunch of gears and springs shifting.

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Just an inquiry, Mr. Chu, since you seem to be answering a few questions by the players, but do you happen to know if the Noire Widow skin will ever be made cross platform available?

What I mean is, if I already have the skin unlocked for an account on XBox, will the skin ever be made so that it’s connected to my Blizzard account as well? That way I could have the skin on any platform I have the Blizzard account it’s already unlocked on connected to.

I suppose this question is also valid regarding the other “Legacy” skins as well.

One of the main reasons i’m reluctant to buy another copy of Overwatch is that I know my exclusive skins won’t carry over from Xbox to PC, and i’m just wondering if that will ever change.

I’m not in the know about this, was there a suggestion that they were adding a special ult line for this skin?

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