Reinhardt still has a pay to win skin

Can we PLEASE fix the voiceline for the summer games Rein skin?


Wait. What?

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We got this

In response to

They’re working on it. It could even be in the delayed PTR patch.


Pay to win= Voice line problem? What?

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Bless! Thanks for informing me :grinning:


The voice line has a quieter and delayed start, iirc


It’s the same problem as the lone hunter hanzo. His voice line is waayy too quiet and is delayed.

Normaly I block most Earthshatters with my Winston bubble but the new skin throws me off so bad.

But it’s not pay to win at all. It’s a misleading title not stating the overall issue here.

:woman_shrugging: don’t ask me, I’m not a rein player usually hahaha

Ok thats fair. Its a skin locked behind lucky event lootboxes that you have to pay for. And it gives a unfair advantage.

Not the worst pay to win but def a problem.

It is a paid advantage. You are being overly pedantic for what reason? To pretend to be stupid and trick us all? Oh, we fell for it!

I think some people consider it pay to win because it gives you an unfair advantage over other reins and can make your ult harder to avoid / block. You either got lucky and got the skin in a lootbox, you didn’t get it, or you were someone who spent a ton of money on lootboxes to get the skin for that advantage.

I don’t think it’s pay to win in the sense most people associate with the term. The advantage isn’t big enough to be a huge difference for the vast majority of people. It is still an issue that needs to be addressed, and I’m glad blizz is doing so.

Since you can earn the same skin without paying.
It is not Paid to Win.
I understand that it should be fixed, but the title is misleading.

Maybe the title should’ve been ‘‘Grind to Win’’ but anyway, the voiceline is a problem and I hope they fix it really soon.

Since you are very unlikely to be able to grind out 3000 credits over 3 weeks it is pay to win. Or atleast luck to win.

Pretty sure they fixed in the recent update

I had 6k before Summer games.
I earned about 2.4k during.

You can get his skin in non buying loot box. How does an skin give you an advantage overall?

I mean yes they should fix the voice line. I agree on that, but to consider the skin pay to win. That’s confuses me fully.