Syms gun is the absolute worst

And here too

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It got buffed and it is still garbage.

They removed her shield and then are expecting ppl to just dance unprotected in front of an enemy rein.


its actually not that big of a deal since her main ability should be teleport. its just that teleport is … well… still totally trashy and blizz isnt able to finally adjust it… -.-

A TP thats unreliable, delayed and basically just a strong but unreliable gimmick.

3 turrets that used to be 6.

A gun thats easier to charge only in a vacuum, because Zarya’s gun is charged by doing her job as a tank and soaking damage, while Sym’s charges by doing something that is practically suicide for her now: going to close ranges. Not to mention a super unreliable primary fire at that.

Sym is not really ok. Anyone thinking that she is ok design-wise is licking some big aim elitist O-jerk boots.


It wasn’t though. Every movement ability in the game got them out of its range so the lock-on didn’t even matter. And it had worse range than the current version so all your next points - which are about its range - discredit this one.

It makes no sense that it still has to ramp up damage when the only reason that mechanic existed in the first place was to balance the lock-on. They should have gotten rid of the stages and started it at its current stage 2 DPS, if not a little higher, and had each tick increase its damage up to the current stage 3 DPS to reward good tracking. That way it would be reliable damage for a DPS from the outset and actually reward good aim instead of punishing it by making you charge before you can actually do any damage. That would also distinguish the beam from Zarya’s since she has to do extra things before she gets her damage, which is fine for a tank but a DPS hero shouldn’t have to do that.

Aiming is unreliable?

U can throw from distance to setup easier at chokes before every fight + dont they do more damage and have more HP?

My hours on sym are low but TP has many uses.

  • TP behind enemies, throw turrets on ground and shoot in back then disengage back through TP. This can enable your team to progress through a choke or get a valuable pick

  • TP to a high ground to get map space for you and team. eg - Hollywood first point attack

  • TP a Dva Bomb or ulting Mccree etc.

  • TP straight to point to catch defensive team off guard (usually ends in a steamroll)

The TP is very usable (see OWL) but could do with some fixes, thats it.

The 3 can be thrown and allow for her to be more aggressive and creative with them. Its a positive change for sure.

The potential damage for her primary is very high but she also has alot of utility. Why should she consistently deal high damage without risk of death? You have to play smart to use it effectively, thats the problem with reworking a hero that most people chose to main cus she was easy and simple. She also has a powerful secondary fire that she can spam through chokes or from above. Zarya doesnt

Speak for yourself, the whole “no aim no brain” argument is the real cancer here.


Aiming is inconsistent, which I strongly suspect is why GOATS became a thing. With a lot of healing going around, you need consistent damage, and tanks are generally better at that than DPS due to having lower aim requirements.

They’re compressed, so each new turret counts as two old ones. This does, however, shrink her control range and reduces its effectiveness, because the turrets -still- get oneshot, but they now die at two per shot rather than one, and with fewer attack angles, barriers are stronger counters.

The first requires the enemy team to not be able to kill a 200 HP hero in their midst with no mobility or defensive capacities. If you blinked into a Brig or McCree, you are dead by default, and even most supports can easily duel new Symmetra.

The second requires your entire team to coordinate to get the advantage. The third requires McCree and D.Va to coordinate for it. And the fourth is the same as the second.

You can get a positional advantage, sure, but the ensuing teamfight is a 5v6 to compensate, because Symmetra can’t contribute meaningfully.

Didn’t it barely see any use, and only in about one or two scenarios, with middling results?

Because she deals less damage than other close combat heroes with a much higher risk of death. 195 is low for a close combat specialist, and if you keep crits in mind, 195 max is low in general. If you then also add the wind-up, 195 is critically low. Symm’s DPS potential is nothing that’s remarkably good, and certainly nothing that warrants such a harsh drawback.

According to MasterOverwatch, in terms of average damage per game, Symmetra is the fifth -lowest- hero, beating out only Mercy, Ana, Lucio and Brigitte. And she beats the last one by only 12. The next one up is Mei, with about a thousand more damage per game, and five more eliminations.

Eliminations per game is also a huge problem for Symm, because she’s pretty much the one DPS that struggles to kill just as badly as a support would.

Her primary fire is far and away the absolute worst weapon in the game, with the highest effort requirement, and distinctly sub-par pay-out. And it doesn’t fit in with the rest of her kit.


Just give her something which will help survive in a fight and the beam will magically become better.

Well, old symm’s M1 was the reason I mained her. Due to the rework I barely play her and don’t really enjoy it.


Yeah I miss Symmetra’s old weapon. She is no where near as fun as she used to be =/


There is nothing consistent about symmetras damage


no brain no aim also includes no brain which is mainly no gamesense and positioning and thus i’m glad symm 2.0 is gone

Everybody in these threads pretty much knows that and it still doesnt make her gun good.

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If you miss even a little bit your next tick will dwal minuscule damage.


You do realize that even at level 3 the beam barely outdoes a Soldier 76 who simply decides to start shooting. 195 dps on Syms side vs 181 dps on Soldier’s side. And Soldier can headshot.

The idea that 195 dps is somekind of ludicrous high number just does not fit the reality of the numbers quite alot of other dps have, numbers that dont require charging up.


… Because you didn’t have the gamesense to stop an immobile, 200 HP hero from getting the drop on you?


Listen to yourself. If it was truly cancerous then she’d be the top most dangerous hero and her tier would be S. Get of out here please and no saying “Just because her gun is cancerous doesn’t make her tier high” Hey buddy by you saying it’s cancerous for the game is clarifying she’s dangerous on a high threat level. :man_shrugging: :wink:

Hey gun before was used to not only protect her, but also execute enemies. It was very rewarding just getting it to stage 3 and surviving. That was the challenge of that gameplay of her gun. However players with a " toxic skill" mindset will never see that picture because they choose who they prefer which hero is skilled in their eyes or who isn’t.

I mean if we really want to do that argument then the only true skilled hero would be Widomaker alone.


Even damageboosted lv3 charged symmetra has higher TTK than just about all the other dps on their lonesome all the time.

And that’s just super bad.

Turrets with their 10 second cd that explode in one aoe should never be calculated into her direct damage output, because they are not.


just bring back sym shield