Syms gun is the absolute worst

When you factor in reloads, most heroes lose a ton of dps. Tracer does 240 dps for 1 second, then 0 dps for 1.15 seconds. And while these heroes can crit, bullet spread can also force them to miss while laser weapons do full damage as long as they’re hitting at all. Heroes like Reaper and Tracer are very good at taking out 1 or 2 targets because theie damage is burst, but usually need to retreat after that.

If Sym is able to precharge off a barrier, she can jump in and kill 2 supports and 2 dps in as low as about 5 seconds, before she even needs to reload and without using turrets, with tanks taking an additional 2-3 seconds each. With most tanks having cone weapons that are easier to got Sym with, it’s actually bad to try to play her as a tank buster. She can use some of their abilities against their team, but should be the last targets she goes for. Teleporter can let her get into their backline after charging of their barrier.

AFTER chargeup and due to the finnicky hitboxes even 0.0001 second to miss a target results in dealing 20% of the total damage you could deal on the next tick.

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There are 3 ways to fix Syms awful primary.

  1. We revert it to the previous version because it literally gained nothing from this change and only lost its reliable damage due to it. It cant headshot, it suffers from finnicky hitboxes, theres no reason it should be a “general aim” weapon.

  2. We buff her health to 250 and increase her barrier damage by 50% while also give her back the thrown shield now modified to block melee attacks. This would atleast turn her into some actual shield breaker because the current version fails at that too.

  3. We buff her lasers range to 20 meters. If we dont buff her survivability, do not change her barrier capatibilities that leaves us to changing her into a medium range hero atleast.


Play some Sym on Storm Rising Legendary All Heroes. Make Enforcers your job, there’s a nice sweet spot where their shotguns won’t do more than brushing of damage, but you are in beam range. That’s the range you should be using beam against people, particularly tanks - it’s longer than you expect, but requires careful aim as you dance around, and keeps you out of the most effective range of all tanks.
Plus walling off a Heavy Assault and getting damage boosted will give you 15 secs of free melting for the whole team, ideally somewhere he won’t charge.

The reason those heroes need to retreat is because they can’t handle focus fire. They take out one or two targets, then the rest of the team catches on and attempts to kill them, at which point they can disengage.

Symmetra is the same, except she needs to do at least 2 seconds of preparation, THEN move in, try to get a kill, and if the enemy team is quick enough on the uptake, they will kill her before she gets a kill.

Also keep in mind that once Tracer and Reaper retreat, they’re back to full DPS a second later and can go back in. Symmetra needs to recharge her gun if she goes without target for more than, what, two seconds?

IF Sym is able to precharge off a barrier. Which is pretty much only the case if an Orisa or Winston misfired a barrier. Because otherwise, she’ll be contested, and she’ll be dead as she reaches max charge.


Flaunting around Sym 3.0’s high potential damage after 2 second is stupid, because she literally has no way to survive against a competent team (or really just any team with low tier Fotm heroes like WInston Reaper Junkrat) to actually use that DPS.

Sym’s actual realistic DPS potential is super low compared to heroes actually designed to be at close range, because they dont die when entering the range they are designed to be on.

Claiming that Tracer has it harder that Sym against barriers when Tracer can just dance around tanks is just delutional. Sym can get killed by the peashotter of Mercy pocketing Rein before she gets to max charge.

Currently Sym has no real way to fulfill an expected DPS role (like flanking, counterflanking, shield busting, etc) in any meaningful, valuable way and she gets destroyed by every other DPS hero even those she used to counter. There is literally no reason to use Sym’s primary fire because its suicide against any competent team.

Her nerfworked primary was so obviously created to pander the low tier aim elitists that ignored their backline getting microwaved and died to a inmobile squishy with super easy counterplay and counterpicks, and not because it fit her kit or made her better as a hero.


You mean no other but Bastion and Sombra.

But you are wrong either way. Sym works well even if the team is not perfectly playing together, far better than Bestion.

This is a team game, with a big diversity of heroes. Why must every hero be perfectly balanced under ALL SAME circumstances?
Beside the fact that this is probably impossible to achieve it also removes fun from the game by the possiblity to create situational specialists.

But but I love the new sym :blush: <3

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Torb’s rework was equivalently unimpressive for torb mains.

Difference is, we just weren’t as vocal about it, saw it coming for longer, and many of us just gave up and haven’t really bothered playing him anymore at all post-rework.

That said, the rework for the sym side of things ruined her flavor in some regards, her m1 looks super ugly, but she is more viable as an “all rounder” and less niche.

she really just needs more HP or something to protect herself

Sombra can easily secure kills on her own or disrupt the enemy team without any facilitation of any kind whatsoever from her allies. Not to mention that her ultimate does not need heavy coordination as long as the Sombra does it right before a push.

Similarly, Bastion can operate and secure kills solo albeit with a bit more difficulty. Setting up ambushes is entirely possible with him. Either way, comparing Symmetra to Bastion doesn’t really serve your argument much. Considering he almost tied with her as the worst hero in Overwatch for 3+ years.

Either way, your argument falls apart even under the most basic scrutiny. You are literally comparing the worst hero to the next worst hero in the game. Even Bastion saw some level of League play during Season 1.

Where do you even see me saying anything like that? On the contrary, there’s literally zero reason to pick Symmetra instead of any other DPS in the game. There’s virtually no situation where Symmetra does something better than another DPS. She is hard-countered by 90% of the roster.

The problem is that she is not a situational specialist, she is literally a specialist of nothing. The alleged strategies with TP are 100% depended on a team and basically require for you to have League team. The amount of effort and practice required to actually pull it off provides no benefit and the returns are negligible.

Not to mention that it only works on two maps tops.

I do very well with Sym. Perhaps you do not understand how to play her?

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And a teleporter
And 3 turrets
And a gun thats much easier to charge

Syms gun and her kit are fine. TP needs to be buffed abit maybe, thats it.

And the only hero that recharges her ammo while firing. I bet at least half of the people complaining about Sym have no idea she does that.

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Only on barriers dude.



Yes, I know this.
Does everyone else?

Everyone knows that dude. I have plenty of time on the hero. Her primary is garbage

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I highly doubt that “everyone knows that”.

Symmetra 2.0:

-Lock-On beam (reliable damage)
-Shield Generator Health (+75)
-Photon Barrier (protection)
-Six turrets (Very strong defence)
-Ability to bring back entire team
-Shield-piercing orbs (easy ultimate charge)

Her kit allowed her to really go for it at that perfect moment, shining above all others and show what Symmetra is made of.

Symmetra 3.0

-No lock-on (unreliable)
-No extra health (squishy)
-No sense of defence (no reliable barrier)
-More damage (Unreliable therefore this doesn’t even matter)
-Three turrets (wtf?)
-Clunky teleporter (this has too many problems to list)
-Mediocre Ultimate compared to her old ones

Was this rework even thought out? Her kit goes against itself. Engage with teleporter and… and… die? She has nothing to defend herself against anyone. Before you could have a 1v1 with the back line, save your shield for the Roadhog who just turned around to fight, have that extra shield generator health to help you win against the Hog, shield generator is destroyed, team mates are dying but you’re still microwaving them! Then teleporter for the entire team back. We have nothing like that now…


It’s sad, Symmetra used to be so fun to play but now she really isn’t. I liked her being a non healing support and I thought that she would create ideas for other non healing characters.