Syms gun is the absolute worst

Sym can do this even easier!

Err, nice to show us all how less you know about the game. Sombras ult is the ult with the BIGGEST need of coordination among all uiltimates!

There is no hero that has it more difficutlt to do that than bastion. No one!

Actually i did not compared them. You made a claim about Sym which i do not agree at all.But i mentioned two other heroes to which your claim fits by far more than to symmetra.
That is not a comparision.

The only downside of Symm is that one of her powerfull tools, the teleporter, needs teamwork to fully shine.
I assumed that your main reason to critsize Symm was that. I was wrong. You even ignore how well she works beside of that.

The rooster kinda shows how underestimated she is. Sever better Players than us to have prooved that this is a misconception.

I am sorry, but statements about bastion and sombra are so ridicules nonsense that i do not care anymore discussing this with you.

According to Masteroverwatch, Sombra averages 26 eliminations per game, versus Symmetra’s 20.

So no, Sombra has an easier time securing kills.


Where’s the evidence of that? No offense but I’m not talking about Gold or lower.

And you decided that how? Based on what? What about Graviton? What metric are you using?

Not to mention I clearly have way more experience on Sombra than you have. As a matter of fact, looking at your profile I can’t see you having any playtime on her.

I think you need to look at the definition of the word “comparison” then.

What are other powerful tools? Again, I’m not talking in ranks like Gold or below. Any hero can work there with modicum of skill.

Who? How? Just because you have one player in Top 500 out of a ridiculously low population that plays Symmetra doesn’t mean the hero is viable.

I made top 10% with vanilla Symmetra back in the day. That doesn’t mean the hero was fine, just that I knew what I was doing.

Again, you are comparing Symmetra to Bastion and saying: “Look Bastion has it worse.”

Which funny enough is not something I’m denying at at all. They are both terrible heroes that need to be fixed. They are pretty tied for the spot of the worst hero in Overwatch for 3+ years.


Unfortunately with her ult being something the enemy can just wait out you need to use it only a few times a game, because if you need it and don’t have it, you WILL lose that space/fight. If you use it too early though, they will literally just wait the few seconds for it to fade away.

I hate her ultimate, I hate that it’s this… Defensive thing that doesn’t really DO anything, when so much of her kit already struggles to DO things.


i wish she did more damage to shields or had a longer ranged beam but other than that her beam is now pretty much balanced. it’s a bit sluggish but that’s because she has another source of damage even though it’s not that great.

i didnt have the aim to gun down a d and a croutchspamming autoaim hero from killing me, just like everyone up to diamond.

she doesnt work against organised groups and teamplayers, which dont exist under diamond
that’s why she was broken up until diamond, and underpowered from there on, reminds me of moira

hey buddy, she’s cancerous for everyone under diamond, which is about 85% of the community if i recall the data correctly

Not having Sym ult doesn’t mean you instantly lose a fight. It increases your team’s survivability dramatically and that can be useful in many ways. Sym works best on 2cp and Koth because you can’t wait out her ultimate when contesting points. You are forced to fight her team with the wall up unless you have Sombra on those maps.

I was trying to point out that as an ultimate it’s both very ‘inactive’ (in that it doesn’t DO anything to the enemy team) as well as very easy for the enemy team to avoid / wait out - not that it can’t be useful in specific situations.

Symmetra is one of those heroes where you can pull off some really cool plays - when all the stars line up juuuuust right - but her RELIABILITY is in the toilet. She has low damage output, low survivability, an inactive ult, and other than her TP that her teammates never get to use because it disappears as soon as they figure out where it is, she’s got zero utility to her team too. She’s just…

She’s a struggle to make work in a way that other DPS just aren’t. Even Torb’s main gun doesn’t require a ‘charge up’ time, he can just shoot you in the face. Do you know how long I have to track someone with Symmetra’s new dumb gun just hoping I ramp up so I can finally actually tickle past their shields and hurt them? It’s crazy!

Her ultimate can be useful in a few ways but it is also just really, really flawed, and it’s easy to ignore as an enemy team as well. A lot of other DPS ultimates are much harder to ignore / avoid.

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Yeah I see your points. Every single aspect of her kit has a delay and that feels pretty terrible compared to other instant damage heroes.

Once you get used to the delays and drawbacks of her kit though, you start to work around her weaknesses to where they become less apparent.

Her ultimate being ignored all relies on how/when the Symmetra decides to use it. A good Sym won’t let the enemy team wait it out. They won’t have that option.

Her ult combined with her turrets, map geometry, her TP, and her primary fire create a perfect storm of survivability and zone control. Map geometry + her wall + turrets make for near impassible chokes and contesting points a nightmare. It amplifies her entire kit when used correctly while also giving her team survivability.

I think a lot of people’s issues with Sym are from lack of practice. She’s very close to being balanced imo. She will always be somewhat niche and that’s okay. Her tools are very unique and specific and imo that makes her all the more fun to play.

Agreed, especially about wall. I lol when people say “bUt ppL cAN juSt WaLK thRU!!!” It’s literally the glue that solidifies her kit and allows her to do something on her own. Yes they can walk through, but they should also either die or be heavily punished for it.

I don’t think the people that think it’s awful have ever been in a position where they wall at full charge with their turrets and look at the enemy team absolutely cowering on the other side of it from Sym alone. Or not really alone, but all you really need is a tank to stand there with you. They don’t even really have to do anything because that 15s wall is Syms golden opportunity to make a play. People will also always underestimate Sym should she choose to turtle in a corner with her wall, because most of the roster doesn’t have options for dealing with that strategy. Under the right circumstances her wall and turrets can easily let her like 1v3 or at least contest multiple opponents alone. It amplified her area denial specifically by giving her a way of saying “THIS is MINE.”


Yet if her team is organized with great teamplayers she succeeds or have you not done your homework lately on Symmetra? She isn’t a popular pick, but like other unwanted heroes she has surpassed diamond bracket with the proper team.

So what you’re saying is that 15% players are only good in the community. Sounds like a “git gud” problem than her gun being cancerous. You might as well applied that to Junkrat since players cried about his projectiles.

This is why Overwatch developers need to stop listening to your kind. What’s the point of adapting if you can complain for a nerf to happen. That’s why Overwatch is frown upon because they know it’s run by kindergarten players and developers are the caretakers to make sure they stay happy.

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You might not know this but team work is a thing in overwatch? Good sym’s have a nice tank to take damage for them.

She isn’t very independent like other offesive heroes. She requires team work her kit relies on her not being targeted first! Turrets die so fast in solo encounters, and she is meant to dip out so she can regen her shields.

Unless Sombra uses EMP then sad Sym is sad. :sob::sob:

Exactly. That’s pretty much 3.0. 2.0 was more of the independent hero thanks to auto lock beam for her offense and defense. The reason why 2.0 and before was a bit more independent was the fact she needed to go behind enemy lines to setup a teleporter.

As support she didn’t need to do much, but give out extra shields to allies, but unfortunately her potential was cut short too soon because the developers here were baffled on her concept.

Actually she could of been, but due to the lack of zero to little tweaks. She was never given the chance and probably ever will. As I said the developers aren’t good at designing Symmetra well.

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you talking about the new symm? or the old symm, cuz i’m talking about the old

yes 85% of the community are gonna magically become as good as the 15%

and listen to the people who want an easy way to play the game and bully the others hiding behind the just get good buddy, some day you’ll learn to land shots faster then the time i need to hold a button for you to die

ye it’s not like the game started dying after the release of moira and brig, it’s because of skill elitists who want the game to be balanced around the players’ abilities rather then the heros they pick

Both. That flow never changed about her if you knew Symmetra well.

My statement remains the same. It’s a “git gud” problem on the player’s end.

Your egotistic side is showing buddy. If you was a good player her so called cancerous gun wouldn’t be a problem. Perhaps Widowmaker should be your answer?

Statement remains the same.

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i don’t know what people are so hung up about symmetra, i think everything about her is pretty good, tp sentry bombing backlines without risking my life is pretty good, saving myself and sometimes teammates from ultimates or sticky situations with teleport is also pretty amazing, just onslaught pressuring with right clicks in chokes are pretty nice, throwing down sentries to catch genjis and tracers is very nice, melting tanks with left click is nice.

the only thing i think about her that is kind of a little hard is that she needs to be around her teammates to survive better in brawls.

i kind of imagine her as the utility mage where she can be useful a lot of the time but really don’t want to be caught out alone too often.

There’s just so much that needs to line up JUUUUST RIGHT for you to make her ‘work’ that it feels disproportionately difficult compared to playing a lot of other DPS heroes. I still play her because I always loved Sym, but playing her takes about 30% more ‘work’ (mental energy, effort etc.) than if I wanted to play another DPS character. And that, to me, is something to bring up in the forums and ask for changes about.

I mean, I wouldn’t hate her wall so freakin’ much if it just existed and stayed. It’s only got, what, 5k health? Make the enemy actually destroy it or work around it! Why is it on a timer at all?? Same with her TP, there’s literally no reason for these things to be timed and so dysfunctional and hard to use when other heroes don’t have to contend with all these issues of ‘Oh you’re not survivable, you have no range, no heavy dps output, and loads of setup time’ - I mean, come the frig on!


She was always like that in higher ranks. Imo now it takes a lot less effort, it’s just that her being more team-oriented is a detriment to her effectiveness considering her community perception. Compared to her old iteration, the only thing that takes more effort is aim, obviously. She feels different to all other DPS because she is different from all of them. Even Torb. Torb was reworked into a basic dps, whereas Sym retains her quality of brains over brawn.

Because she’d be able to deny a ton of space for far too long without it. Not to mention it would recreate an exact problem they fixed from the beginning which was her just feeding ult charge because she had permanent ults. Her damage either killed someone unlucky enough to have 125 or less hp or fed healer ults.

Yeah I totally get your grievances with Sym and I’ve felt the same way about her previously. Something clicked for me with her though. Idk what it is, but she’s one of if not the best hero in my arsenal right now.

I think between some downright biased complaints from sym players and the people that want her reverted, it’s hard to really validate other people’s opinions on the character.