Symmetra in GM this week

They’re literally buffing her counters luv lol i-

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It has. Prior to her nerf she was 3rd most used dps with a normal winrate and even saw some use in league. This is the best meta for Symmetra.

Winrate is not the most important metric. Heroes with more power often have lower winrates because of more mirror matches. But she’s low there too.

but your argument is hinged on things that shouldn’t matter much i.e. pick rate and meta

she’s middle of the pack this week in win rate in Diamond and masters, on PC.

she’s perfectly balanced imo

How the hell should pickrate and meta not matter? What?

Hypothetically let’s reduce the game to Soldier vs 2 tanks. And let’s pretend he loses every single game against Reinhardt and wins every single game against Winston.

If Reinhardt has an extremely high pickrate then Soldier will have a low winrate. If Winston has an extremely high pickrate then Soldier will have a high winrate. And if both of them are picked in exactly half the games, then Soldier will have a 50% winrate. And that’s without changing anything about Soldier, only the most used tank.

The meta and pickrates matter a lot. They have a tremendous influence on the game and on the power level of an individual hero. Symmetra has been F tier for 3 years and did poorly until Sigma was introduced. And then she catapulted over night, over heroes that until then were doing better than her.

Why? Because she beats the crap out of enemy Sigma and her powerlevel is greatly increased by ally Sigma.

Meta and pickrate have a big impact.

sadly, Mei’s cryofreeze covers the turret’s hitbox entirely, the only way would be to increase the hitbox size (which is crazy considering the turrets lol) or to make Mei pass through

their choice though was to nerf the damage because the interaction is actually fine since you know, teamwork, however people didn’t have enough time to step away, now they do

I gotta go, but thanks for the chat, maybe we can pick up tomorrow.

here is my philosophy on balance. How to Perfectly Balance the Game

I think you can see why only win rate should be looked at when considering who to buff and who to nerf.

Did Rein ever get nerfed during GOATS?

Who cares? 99% of the playerbase is not GM. She makes the game unfun and shouldn’t exist.

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Nope. He did not. And Symmetra is in the same spot now that he was back then. A hero whose power level is being greatly inflated by the meta. Rein wasn’t the problem back then. Symm isn’t the problem now.

Brig was the problem in GOATs. Sigma is the problem now.

I completely agree. I hope they remove Mei tbh

Really? They nerfed Brig to the ground and GOATS was still played.

They could just make melee and splash pass through iceblock. Nerfing every other turret usage just to keep one strat in the game doesn’t really make much sense… how can you be so certain that that’s the reason?

Then again they changed TP, while saying it felt too restrictive… and the changes just made it even more restrictive. It got nerfed for all usages outside of spawn tps.

So if what you’re saying is true, they’ve nerfed two abilities overall usefulness to keep/enable strats that really shouldn’t be a thing (tp icebomb and perma spawn tps)

And she was still the primary one used despite being bad outside of 3 healer.

Please stop crying, symmetra is a hero for beginners and she shouldn’t be played above plat.

How many people in GM actually want to play Sym? What is there like three of you?

Barriers are strong? Better nerf Symmetra. Stays true : /

I doubt she’ll get compensatory buffs outside of the meta. She did so bad in other metas.

well the strat surfaced today on Reddit which means that it’s widespread enough to be an actual thing in the game, however you and I know that players know stuff about the game way long before they become public knowledge, her stats and all around usefulness seemed to be in a good place before all of this rebalancing, if this is the actual reason, then all of those changes start making more sense

From TP having an increased cd since before TP bomb could be done a ton more, ice bomb was also available to be done more, also if the usage of the TP as taxi becomes more valuable than ice bomb, that means that the combo becomes also limited in availability, the end result, a nerf to the playstyle but not a complete erasure

And Turrets having less damage now when they have been the same since the rework, no one is saying she did too much damage, the amount was manageable but when the turrets become literally untouchable… things need to start changing

Why not changing Mei’s cryofreeze instead? because you would kill a good strategy that has limitations of its own, albeit not enough

I’m not super certain of this of course but it sounds pretty logical to me

I’d rather they keep sym as a damage tbqh. like zoning and her area control doesn’t really fit well with me to put under a ow support, esp in ow where healing from supports is a really important factor for sustain (i.e. too important to be able to really viably put a non-healing or non-damage mitigating support there).

like tank at most but sym doesn’t really strike me to make space like tank would not to mention her hitbox won’t fit the frontline role.

had sym not gotten the tp change I would be outright disagreeing with you because sym was able to be a flanker, backline peeler/zoner and frontline pressure and was expected to do so in a match if played optimally

That’s why i said a rework that will give her healing. That’s what reworks are for, to completely change the character while still keeping here unique design and aesthetic. She already had a lot of support abilities, not hard to add healing into her design. Just look at my rework before.

She had potential to be a decent dps, but the kit she was given in 3.0 will never allow her to reach that potential without over buffing something in her kit. She is half support and half offensive, they never transitioned her fully.

Imo, they should of just removed sentries and given her an offensive ulti, as well as a survivability ability to replace tp. This kit just won’t work. Idk why they keep shoving it down her throat, might as well make her support again if they want it.

I mean i kept that kit in my design down bellow while giving her healing.

My Support Sym rework idea: Symmetra Sup Rework Idea

Last I heard, Jeff was firmly against giving Symm any healing. But that was a pretty long time ago, before Symm 3.0. We might first need to somehow convince Jeff that it is OK to give Symm healing before beginning to hope for a healer rework, if he hasn’t become open to the idea since then.