Well, I’d certainly prefer it was either the Portal gun or Gideon’s teleport from Paragon, but… I think it would feel more synergistic if they made the duration infinite (until destroyed) and increased the speed of her orbs to 30 m/s. And fixed the UI issues with the teleporter (move interact to Jump, increase interaction radius).
A big issue with the Teleporter right now is that it’s mostly just used for turret bombs and getting yourself to high ground. If it lasted until destroyed then you could pre-build an escape route for yourself or other backline heroes (eg, Ana). Plus, your allies wouldn’t have to waste half the duration just walking to the teleporter, because by the time it finishes casting they’re usually 3 seconds away. (The orb speed increase is to facilitate this backline strategy.)
That’s just numbers stuff, but they are big adjustments. Big enough, I would guess, to significantly alter how players use the Teleporter.
Symmetra needs some minor fixes & buffs. Im just saying whining about Zarya’s beam is a tired argument that isnt gonna get you anywhere.
Theyre balanced different cuz theyre supposed to be different. When they referenced it being like Zarya’s beam, they were talking how it functioned. Not how it’s damage performed.
I could also play Junkrat and hit someone with a grenade followed by mine and delete them on a much lower Cd.
Or a few Soldier headshots followed by Helix Rocket, again, on a much lower Cd.
Why exactly is a predictable (that Teleporter set up animation aint exactly instant) kill move on a 30 sec Cd considered some kind of magical solution here?
Sym 2.0 was my favorite character. Her ult was extremely oppressive. Shield gen was the most powerful ult this game has ever seen. Basically if you were clever and you could keep it up it was an ult that can just keep winning you team fights for the whole match. She was a monster at low ranks and if you knew what you were doing she was still a monster at the highest ranks. The rest of her kit didn’t need to be reworked but something had to be done to shield gen