Sym is not rightly reworked ( 🙄 Sym is not a Taxi; 60 Days later.....stop Necroing this)

im ignoring the turrets for now as they are in a good state. im talking survivability wise.


If she was broken why did he rework her then lol

Give us old sym back… pls

No one is getting hit by all three turrets and 180dps at the same time. It’s a fallacy. It rarely happens just like Mercy rarely Rez’d 5 people.


I was predicting the replies to your post

People do get hit by all 3 turrets and her beam though which is still 200 dps before any charge. Plus the extra burst you can get off orbs.

And it ramps up from there.

The biggest problem i see is Symmetra players still trying to play Symmetra really campy like they used to. That just kills her potentisl now.

If you have a charged beam why would you hinder urself and use an orb? You’re just causing your beam to decay.

In reality your turrets are being shot down while this is happening.

If they want Sym to be better they really need to fix her bandaid tick rate.

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I literally said for the extra burst.

Drop 3 turrets, put a teleporter on them start charging an orb, go through the teleporter and hit someone with the orb.

Thats an instant delete on anyone who’s not a tank or Bastion.

Im not sure why youd hinder youself and not use your orbs tbh.

Old Sym was more Melee (Dps) but was categorize as a support.

New Sym is more Taxi(Support) but categorize as a Dps.

I don’t need to say anything else at this point till Devs reveal something.


TP bombing. :roll_eyes: enjoy that 30 seconds cool down. I’m out.


I could also play Junkrat and hit someone with a grenade followed by mine and delete them on a much lower Cd.

Or a few Soldier headshots followed by Helix Rocket, again, on a much lower Cd.

Why exactly is a predictable (that Teleporter set up animation aint exactly instant) kill move on a 30 sec Cd considered some kind of magical solution here?


Sym 2.0 was my favorite character. Her ult was extremely oppressive. Shield gen was the most powerful ult this game has ever seen. Basically if you were clever and you could keep it up it was an ult that can just keep winning you team fights for the whole match. She was a monster at low ranks and if you knew what you were doing she was still a monster at the highest ranks. The rest of her kit didn’t need to be reworked but something had to be done to shield gen


I could care less about the Shield gen… I miss my Barrier. I was a monster with that thing. Now I struggle just to appear in a fight.


Yeah I miss photon barrier the most it was my favorite ability in this game. I got to the point where I could consistently block earthshatter


Yeah it really hurt seeing sym Be changed so drastically. Especially since she’s now less of a dps then she has ever been

Replying to dat beginning of the thread :stuck_out_tongue:


Imagine writing something extremely powerful off as a gimmick when you can easily learn when and where to utilize them simply through failing at them.

If you still want to see near immediate value out of one, ult a turret bomb. Congratulations you’ve just crossed the first line as to how to use her ult as a pseudo dps ult instead of a purely defensive one.

it’s a gimmick. I’d only ever use it in Total mayhem.

If gimmicks in this game did not work, nothing and I mean nothing in this game would work.

Maybe we got this all wrong the roles itself is still the problem. Maybe roles should look like this and we should rework heroes accordingly.

(Following Heroes of the Storm recent changes)

Supports: Sombra, Sym and Zarya

Lurker Dps: Reaper, McCree, Roadhog, Doomfist, and Mei

Range Dps: Ashe, Bastion, Hanzo, Genji, Tracer, Widowmaker, Junkrat, Pharah and 76

Tank: Reinhardt, Orisa, Brig, And Torb

Bruiser: Winston, D.Va, and Hammond.

Healer: Moira, Zen Mercy, Ana, and Lucio

I know there are some weird suggestions but to be fair, I would not call the current roles well defined. (Seriously)

Then someone on another thread said they were “underrated” :roll_eyes:

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Something did have to happen to shield gen, because while it was oppressive to play against, it did so many bad things.

  1. It lived for 10 seconds vs anyone with a brain because they knew exactly where you could effectively put it and would B-line for it. Tracer bombed it, people accepted “lul ult4ult 4head” when it was completely onesided as SG was 10x more valuable than pulse bomb while taking Tracer no effort or risk whatsoever to accomplish.

  2. It tricked teammates into playing outside of its range which could easily become a snowball situation.

  3. Encouraged Sym to be away from the fight for an ample amount of time, and you couldn’t really just leave a teamfight while on point to go place it (you’d be better off just placing it immediately since it would be destroyed anyway).

  4. HP stacking was the absolute most fun way to play Sym but it made her OP. As I said, many teammates would play aggressively outside of its range which cut whatever benefit they got from armor and Sg in half. They play so aggressively that their hp pool and dumb plays allowed them to make at least a trade each. Then, the remaining enemy team try to push point on the trades while being met with a 500hp Sym who guard dogging the point who could literally walk at both supports and kill them and maybe even the remainder of the team by herself with no real effort other than target prioritization. But this only occurred if, as I said, the enemy dumb enough to not kill SG as it was the backbone of the whole strat. It dying was usually met with an immediate loss.

Her current ult can only be effectively countered by one thing, and is essentially 5k health for your team with a duration as opposed to 450 collective hp permanently (10 seconds for 450 vs 15 seconds of 5000)

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