Survey about Supports

This is secretly about mercy :unamused:

The secret has been outed

Mega, you really come across as having an agenda of some sort here. I’m not sure why you refer to people as “anti mercy” to be frank.

I know you personally do not want to see any changes to her from her current iteration. Some people do (heck, while I enjoy her I find her current iteration flawed). That doesn’t make them anti mercy, and I have yet to see anything else that implies that they are.


My agenda, if it can be called that, is to defend Mercy against the efforts to have her reverted or reworked, as I and many others enjoy playing her in her current state

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So… how does that make people antimercy though?


My definition of anti-Mercy is wanting/demanding functional changes to Mercy.

I have explained this multiple times in many Mercy-related threads on these forums

That’s… not really anti mercy though? That’s people who want changes to her current kit, sure. That doesn’t make them against mercy.

It comes across as dishonest is why I’m being a butt about this. It doesn’t make people anti mercy, it means they simply disagree with you which is allowed. It’s a public discussion forum, but you’re trying to invalidate opinions by simply referring to them as “anti mercy” which is a nonsensical notion. I think you can come up with better arguments than that, as it doesn’t really seem convincing if your goal is to try and keep her from future reworks.


I explained my definition of the term

An anti-mercy opinion is per se no more or less valid than a pro Mercy opinion

Okay, but your definition doesn’t make sense, doesn’t promote discussion, and is an attempt to invalidate other opinions.

Which ironically, makes it hard to take your opinion too seriously when I know you care about the character :confused:


Thats a lot of mercy questions ;o

The definition makes sense to me…I find it to be clear and concise

Factually, I have not attempted to use the term to invalidate anyone’s opinion

It’s heavily implied within your postings, but okay.

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You use the term to label people who disagree with you/the current state of a character. Disagreeing with the state of a character doesn’t make someone anti-Mercy.

I would absolutely agree with you in the case of someone saying they wanted her removed permanently from the game in all forms, but that’s not the case currently from what I’ve read.


I can’t control how one chooses to interpret my posts.

Things that make you go hmmmmm


When i read it i expected it to be like that for every support

Then i went like, oh, when it finished right there

Hey man, I’m just saying I think you can come up with better and more compelling arguments. Your personal definition doesn’t seem to align with what others read it as. So trying to be more clear would probably help.


I use the term to delineate those who want Mercy to remain as she is and those who want her changed.

All of those in one group, not just me, disagree at this very fundamental level with all in the other group.

Anti mercy isnt an argument…it is a classification

I find my definition to be very clear and unambiguous

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I think its just better to separate them in the most well known groups

RevertMercy Squad
ReworkMercy Squad
MercyIsFine Squad
MercyHater squad