Survey about Supports

Anti mercy isnt an argument…it is a classification

I find my definition to be very clear and unambiguous

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I think its just better to separate them in the most well known groups

RevertMercy Squad
ReworkMercy Squad
MercyIsFine Squad
MercyHater squad

You should probably define each and ensure all sides fit one if the categories

Yes, the bias is strong in this one

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Right. And why do you feel the need to classify people, exactly?

Good for you?

Important bit for you again.

For instance, the way I read your initial postings comes across as you thinking I dislike Mercy or that I am against her. Which is not the case. I do think she’d be better off with some design changes, but I’m not actively rallying for them and I do think she currently works alright. I’ve enjoyed every variation of Mercy.

Being anti something implies you’re against it. And I’m not. So by placing me in a label as anti mercy rubs me the wrong way. It doesn’t do you any favors which is simply why I’m suggesting that even though you find it clear, you should elaborate and make that more clear to your fellow posters when calling others antimercy.

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Stating that a group is Anti-“X” carries a negative connotation when paired with something.

The players who disagree with how the character feels after a slew of changes or players who simply want improvements to her current kit are not “Anti-Mercy”. I would say they care for the character a significant amount to sink their free time in to suggesting changes and providing feedback.

You can use whatever wording you like, but it may come across as dishonesty on your part to third parties.


Ill do so with small quotes because its 2:30am

RevertMercy Squad

“Bring Back mass rez”

ReworkMercy Squad

“Mercy needs another rework, she is not fine”

MercyIsFine Squad

“Mercy is balanced at the moment, she has good pickrate and winrate”

MercyHater squad

“You just want your hero to be overpowered again”


Some questions were a little vague like least most powerful. Because in my experience, that depends on the comp.

I always see threads constantly getting derailed because of this crazy debate over a term that one person is using. Every time I see this, I can only think of that meme “Stop trying to make fetch happen! It’s not going to happen”


Given the enormous amount of discussion of Mercy and the two sides that have materialized from it, I think it is natural to use simple terminology to delineate the two

I don’t see my definition as carrying any negative connotations. One group wants changes, and the other does not

I don’t feel there is any dishonesty in the term at all

Great. You’re being told it does and that your post is not clear to others. You admit, you cannot control how others interpret your posts. Wouldn’t it make sense to try and be more clear and concise to avoid such confusion in the future by not using language that is widely regarded to have negative connotations in the future?

The very definition of being anti something is to be opposed to it. You’re lumping plenty of people who are obviously not opposed to mercy into a category that clearly means they are opposed to her.


I don’t believe my definition does anything but delineate a group of folks who want Mercy changed from a group that wants no changes

If someone decides to attach negative connotations to that, that’s their call, not mine.

There is nothing innately negative about the definition

Like I said, you can continue to use whatever term you want, but it could be misinterpreted as dishonesty on your part by third parties.

Anyway, this survey was… very focused at the end. Certainly not what I expected.


Any statement anyone makes can be misinterpreted

There is nothing dishonest about the term or its definition.

But yours is vastly misinterpreted, and causes confusion quite often. I would think that you yourself would rather not use it anyway, as it often derails from your arguments, and makes it hard for your opponents to take you seriously.


The definition means to be opposed to something. I am not opposed or against Mercy. You’re putting me in a label that says I am.

That’s not exactly fair of you.

I would invite those who misinterpret it to review the definition, but again, anyone can misinterpret anything at anytime




opposed to; against.

“I’m anti the abuse of drink and the hassle that it causes”



“neither side in the debate, whether anti or pro, has offered a particularly convincing case”


a person opposed to a particular policy, activity, or idea.

“a shadow army of antis who endanger your sport”

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I have explained my definition.

It is very simple and clear

I dont see any negative connotations to it, and as such I dont see it as unfair to anyone