Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

She’s fine, and she’ll be fine after the release of the next support, and the support after that, and so on and so on

Mark Twain is said to have once said “the reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated” (or something close to that).

Mercy can say the same

She has no purpose and trying to use her will be a pain for yourself.

I am starting to classify her more and more as a high skill hero solely because it comes down to how forcibly team reliant and communication focused she has become as a hero. The only places you get such things, is in high ranks.
Higher ranked players in general perform better in the field, they take less damage because they manage to be more careful, skillful and precise and work with their team better to take less damage.

Whilst in lower ranks, supports jobs are trying to literally manage and salvage things that could have been prevented if there was communication and team work. Supports at lower ranks needs to be more independent in their abilities to react to situations because everyone else is playing more independently and a support needs to keep up with that. That means more wreckless damage is being taken across the board but no one hits targets well enough to kill them if a support can get to them and that is part of the issue with Mercy, she can manage a team taking trash damage but once that careless player starts getting focused, they are never in a good spot for her healing capabilities to even give them time to get to cover and suddenly 6 people doing trash damage to one person is heavily noticed that would not be on any other support. Any other support could provide the time to salvage that situations, but not Mercy. Her independent capability to manage the mistakes of others is so much lower. Rez is supposed to be this feature that salvages mistakes but it doesn’t because mistakes never happen in places that are safe to act on. Rez doesn’t help you get the main tank back because that is a front line hero who is in the thick of the battle which makes the Rez too high risk. You are expected to revive the person who got sniped, keep the numbers together and go for safe rezzes simply because no one will help and coordinate with you to make the more influential plays.

She is bad at lower ranks, where she should be excelling.


So, remind me, what’s your definition of Anti Mercy again?

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I believe it has been covered extensively already

Unless you got that one very good player with you. Mercy can fix mistakes of one player, but not multiple and not too often. Everyone else got their permission to die.

It’s not “high skill”, when you simply need good teammates, it’s high luck.

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Still, be so kind as to enlighten us all what your definition of Anti-Mercy is. The public is just dying to know!
Then again, since you’re just going to repeat some nonsense about covering it elsewhere, I decided to go searching for your so called “definition”.

And since your so called “compromise” thread is a rework: The Dodo Mercy Rework v1
That makes you both “anti-mercy” by your own definition, and a massive hypocrite.


While we are all in this one large thread, can we just make up a genuine definition for this silly term, and direct people here any time one of us sees it used? I know it seems like a lot of work, but dodo seems to be doing fine, constantly directing people to other threads.


According to dodo, anti-Mercy is faction of players asking for changes. Which doesn’t really fit dodo’s own thread about changes.


I explained that the rework thread is an attempt at forming a compromise position rather than something I want; and as such, there is no hypocrisy

You are of course welcome to come up with your own terminology and/or definitions.

I look forward to the results

Explain all you want, that’s still hypocrisy, as you’re “Anti-Mercy” for even calling it a Rework by your own definition.


Resorting to being condescending, again? Really?


I have explained it, and it isnt hypocrisy

I see an attempt at compromise to be a very good thing, given the deep divisions we see here on these forums over the subject of Mercy

And you seem to be trying to make them even deeper. After all, you say

And you make a thread about making changes to Mercy. I see someone needs help with languages if someone’s having a hard time here.


I don’t see anything in my statement to be condescending

My statement is a sincere expression of my thoughts on this matter

And more condescension. That’s adorable.

All of this is explained in the op of the thread in question.

I personally dont see any issue with an attempt to reach compromise between two deeply divided sides

I do not need any help with language (s)

First off, look, another loop! Second off, you say it’s explained, but you don’t really explain it there either, you just say something akin to this being your attempt at a rework. Which, as you say, is an Anti-Mercy thing.


The thread in question here is an attempt at finding points of compromise

I do not favor the rework…I would prefer to keep Mercy as she is, snd this is explained in the op in the thread

But your thread is called a Rework in the title, riiiiiiiiight? If you want to call it a compromise, maybe change that title to say as much? Just so you’re “clear and concise” as you’re fond of saying?

After all, there is no one rework idea, so

sounds a bit out of place. Unless you’re talking about your very own rework thread.