Suggestion to solve the "ROLE Q IS GREAT/BAD" debate and it will HELP Blizz

Simply put ROLE Q QP and NO ROLE Q QP on the same page. Classic isn’t the same as it was before Role Q, and not enough people even know it’s there. MOST people don’t read forums or see updates, they just start the game.

SO, that way, over time, the argument settles itself. Whichever one actually gets used more, stays.

Frankly, that’s just smart BUSINESS…


I need to make an updated version of this graphic.


So, why do you think Blizzard placed QP Classic into arcade? Because they didn’t thought of keeping both in quick play? Or because they don’t want QP Classic to be played?

There’s no argument, QP is same game as comp, which is 2-2-2.

I agree, they should.

No, none standard game modes go into arcade where they belong. The game has been out for 3+ years and has a mind numbing simple two panel, 2-3 clicks and you are playing, sort of menu system.
Lets not act like people don’t know/understand it at this point.

there needs to be some sort of clear cut division between this is the correct way to play and this is a non-standard game mode. If you just flop both next to each other on the main screen it makes the game seem as if both are equals/standard and the player just picks what format they want.

Yet that’s not how the game is anymore. It’s now a 222 based game and everything else is “other”. QP Classic might as well be low grav or mayham, it’s the same off standard, not balanced etc game stuff as the rest of arcade.

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That’s made up right? Mine doesn’t do that. I am just confused by your point, but I assume you’re actually agreeing, correct?

Yeah, I made it about a month and a half before RoleQueue came out.

✅ [2-2-2] Putting RoleQ into Quickplay

So you SAW the potential doom coming…lol. PROPHET!!!

Thanks for sorting that out.

You cant put 2 queues. LFG added a choice and you see what happened.
Do you really think that any Tank or Support is going to choose the “Flex” queue when the 222 has lower queues for them?

Sorry but that is pointless.

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What about a mode for those that want the ranked experience without Role Q/Lock?

respectfully, I disagree. I play Tank mostly…I would much RATHER play unlocked. Then I’m not PINNED to tank. If our DPS isn’t doing the job and I think I can help by temp jumping into DPS, and one of the DPS can switch to TANK, that’s true teamwork, and it’s no longer allowed.

I believe the simplest way to answer a business question is to make it a very easy question to answer by the consumer. Blizzard is a business, and the consumer should have the choice to tell Blizz what they want, and Blizz should WANT to know the answer…it’s terribly easy to do that.

Been working on Role Queue ideas for a while now. Oldest one I could find is from August 2018, but I might have an older one.

✅ [Role Select] Finalizing this concept

It would be more like an additional shortcut to QuickplayClassic, within the normal Quickplay 222 menu.

Better solution: undo rock lock and push those who like to use LFG, which did the exact same thing (gave them even more control, even since they could filter based on SR difference). Everyone wins. Those for it have a place to get their 2-2-2. Those against are left alone.

But the devs lose. They dont want people playing 3-3 comps again

Bunker beats GOATs

The only reason 3-3 came about is because they don’t know what they’re doing and insist on balancing with a dart board. Besides, they shouldn’t be controlling what team composition a team wants to use.

Furthermore, this is still a win for the Overwatch team. My solution gives both kinds of players a place to go (actually, it did before the role lock update.).

You think Quickplay Classic is gonna get comps with no DPS?

What does that have to do with what I just said?

Ah sorry, thought your post had something to do with the top post of this thread.