Stop demanding sym reworks

It’s super easy for Sym to hit squishies with her orbs in OW2 since there’s only one tank now. Of course the top Sym players dislike the changes. The changes were straight nerfs. Why would they like them? That doesn’t mean the changes weren’t a good idea.

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Literally all she needs is reversion of all the 3.0 nerfs she got to satisfy OWL players who crapped on her.

You…literally ignored the actual, real, physical evidence I provided that proves you wrong. How do you figure most people like quickplay? Because it’s what you like? You seem to think assumptions from anecdotes are reality.

what evidence lmao? you didn’t provide any evidence

So she’s “great” because she got “straight nerfed”? Lol what

Yes I did.

You didn’t look at it.

I’ll post it again.

I will again provide you the link to the picture because it’s already been confirmed you won’t even look at the thread. You’ll have to copy and paste it into your browser because I can’t post a link on the forums: this was posted directly by Jeff Kaplan.

Now, it’s also been confirmed that you won’t even do that, so I’ll type out the information for you.

NA PC Breakdown:
Ranked Role Queue: 35%
Quickplay Role Queue: 31.8%

EU PC Breakdown:
Ranked Role Queue: 34.3%
Quickplay Role Queue: 22.9%

KR PC Breakdown:
Ranked Role Queue: 34.6%
Ranked Open Queue: 25.6%
Quickplay Role Queue: 13.5%

CN PC Breakdown:
Ranked Role Queue: 23.6%
Quickplay Role Queue: 21.2%

PSN Breakdown:
Ranked Role Queue: 29.6%
Quickplay Role Queue: 18.2%

XBL Breakdown:
Ranked Role Queue: 31.1%
Quickplay Role Queue: 18.8%

NX Breakdown:
Quickplay Role Queue: 35.6%
Ranked Role Queue: 16%

Ranked is another word for comp if that’s not readily apparent.

Nintendo Switch is the only platform where people prefer quickplay, and it has by far and away the smallest population of players of all regions and platforms.

Now that we’ve established comp is in fact the most popular game mode I will again point out that she has an abysmal pickrate at all ranks, including bronze, but it gets drastically worse once you get to silver.


How about you actually read Sintown’s post, or idk, do some research before you just make up completely wrong info and post it as fact.

The nerfs were an attempt to offset the advantage she gained with her secondary as a result of the switch to 5v5. Kind of like how Zen needs to be nerfed now because of how much stronger he is with only one tank in the way.

I think the secondary should stay nerfed, but some of that power should be shifted to her primary, which isn’t as good in 5v5. She’s still great overall, though.

I love Sym as she was originally launched. Bring her original version back, please.

I really liked how her original version had her allies automatically thank her for applying shields. I think it was cute

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did read it, no evidence. btw you’re the ones who are wrong not me.

yeah, no im not buying those fake *ss “statistics”. qp is the most popular gamemode cope harder.

It was posted by Jeff Kaplan. How is it fake?

because most players play qp. also Kaplan isn’t involved in overwatch anymore and hasn’t been for years.

You’re beyond helping. You’re on copioum morphine. Wow. Where is YOUR evidence that QP is most popular?

“It’s wrong because it’s wrong!”

Why would those figures have changed since then?

polls support most players play qp, duh.

also bold words coming from you bunch. speak for yourself

because its been YEARS! alot has changed in overwatch since then. those “Statistics” are years old at best. get something up to date.

Why don’t you get something up to date? I’ll wait.

Where’s your evidence bro?

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ladies first

just said it, cope

Awwww you have no evidence. Sad!

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