Stop demanding sym reworks

then wait for the next patch…?
symmetra already has a better teleporter than reaper, so thats a win in my book

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To accomplish what exactly?

  1. They never said the Sym changes are coming next patch, they said Mercy and Moira changes are. They said the Sym ones are only being tested internally right now. Which is laughable because it’s two minor nerf reverts.
  1. The Sym changes coming do not at all guarantee that she will be fun, fluid, and viable. She will still have clunky turrets in her kit which don’t fit OW2 and a TP that swallows up most of her potential value the same way Mercy rez does.

then your plan is to keep complaining despite not knowing whats going to happen next

Yes that’s how you get things changed in the game…that’s how we got this terrible Mercy superjump change removed and now it’s getting replaced with a new better sounding change.

Complaints = criticism. Criticism fuels change.


the thing is, she already is a fun viable hero. she doesn’t need a rework every few months or years. she’s been changed enough like pick a lane already man. and she’s not “Bad and clunky and archaic” she’s perfectly fine and viable in the role she’s meant to fill, not every hero can do everything man, not my fault you’re using sym for a role she wasn’t intended to fill. just fix the current kit and she’ll be fine no need for another rework. Its time to stop okay?! No More!


She’s hardly viable in OW1 and not at all viable in OW2.

These are all your OPINIONS and most people disagree with them, and stats disagree with them too. Fun viable heroes get picked. Sym never gets picked.

No, we won’t stop and you can’t make us. :hugs:


Bronze is the only rank she has a pickrate over 1% (and it’s a measly 1.7% if I remember right). She is not viable in live, and she’s worse in OW2 so far.


Utter Lies, she is very viable in ow1

and that is also your opinion, you and the rest of the people who think sym should receive another rework need to understand that your Opinion does not reflect reality, neither do these “Stats”. I’ve seen sym get picked alot recently, and she’s kicking *ss.

yes, you are gonna stop. sym doesn’t need a rework and that’s just fact, move on.

oh yeah because comp totally reflects an accurate state of the game even tho a solid majority of players don’t play comp, yeah totally a reliable source of information

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lmfao what? Yes they do! Comp is the most popular game mode by a wide margin. You’re making stuff up at this point lol

Even if they didn’t, it’s still easily the best way to consider viability, given it has the most regimented matchmaking system.

But, it’s still the most popular.

Wrong! QP is the most popular game mode. Comp is not an accurate representation of the game and people need to stop acting like it is. the higher the elo the less accurate it is. when you start reaching high elo the player are such sweats they can work around pretty much any balancing issues. so their opinions should be utterly disregarded when making major balancing decisions. listening to the 1% of players is utterly stupid and is why the games balancing is so terrible

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Stop asking for things that people want? So… should we just not ask for things that we want? Should we ask for things we don’t want? Blizzard, PLEASE nerf Symmetra’s beam damage to 10/20/30 and her orb charge time to 10 seconds!

Her pick rate is low in bronze and gets lower the higher you get. It’s not about the “top 1%,” because there is not a single rank that she has a high pick rate.

You realize it’s the opposite, right? That’s why metas exist. The viability of characters becomes harder to ensure the higher in ELO you go up. You don’t really understand any intricacies of this game, do you?

Do you have evidence to back it up?

Because I have this. if you don’t want to open the thread. Posted officially by Jeff Kaplan. It’s “old,” but I have a hard time imagning the percentages changed that much.

EVERY platform and every region except for Switch prefers ranked to quickplay, and again, it’s still the best place to consider viability because it’s the tightest regimented matchmaking. And in comp, where most players play, where it’s best to test viability, in the lowest rank she has a 1.7% pick rate which is fifth worst, and it only gets worse from there.

Sym is not viable just because you like her.

You are so confidently wrong


This is a competitive game with an eSport worth millions of dollars.Of course high tier play is what they’re balancing around.No one would watch the game if it was balanced for gold players.

No, I’m not, you can’t make me LOL

I think the negativity towards Diablo immortal might change that though.

Yes they have been bowing down to the OWL since its inception as well as streamers and content creators to a certain extent but Activision Blizzard did pull in a good 5.1 Billion from Microtransactions last year and it should expect to jump a little higher with immortal and Overwatch 2 joining.

Immortal is getting that Cyberpunk love right now and i don’t think they want to drop the ball on Overwatch 2 either because Call of Duty sales have dropped 3 years in a row.

Which really begs the question how does a company that created the most successful PC game all time in WoW where they were siphoning pockets every month 15$ while selling expansions every few years and then also introducing an in game store to sell mounts and other items. Along with the most sucessful franchise ever in Call of Duty getting 60$ from a few million people every year. Just to let OW1 2016 GOTY get to the state it is today…

no one watches the owl anyway. they need to balance the game around the actual majority of players not he 1% or less. and the fact it is a competitive game and an esport is a problem, needed balance changes and other problems are being ignored because of a few players in high elo disagree. its driving many people away from ow. Blizzard should make ow a casual game so the actually balance changes can be made around the needs of the majority of players not the few.

so are you lot, but I not judging.

wow for someone who talks so much about “Statistics” you conveniently ignore the fact a solid majority of players play qp.

No, you´re not my boss :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:

you want people to be complacent about what is essentially a throw pick on most maps in most ranks? are you high?

yes because all she needs is an adjustment to her current kit. she doesn’t need a rework all the time. and she isn’t a throw pick, I’ve seen her work quite well recently.