Stop citing Battle Mercy when you say that Valkyire is a fun and impactful ult, please

The odd thing is is that in other folks games - those I watch, those I play - it does make a difference.

Almost every time

I don’t see that even in those rare cases enemy team has Mercy. They still die.

Making that claim that they can heal and damage at the same time once every 10 sec is not really a good statement pal.

They can do it every 10 s, Mercy can’t do it at all.

Its puzzling to me that I see it help almost every time and you see it never help

Its puzzling to me that a teammate would have an equal chance of surviving while being healed at 60HPs/s (or at any non-zero rate) as when said teammate receives no healing. Logically, a player with healing should stand a better chance of survival with healing than without

Big whoop.
Its like saying Mcree is the king of CC, compared to Reaper, because he can stun 0.8 every 10 seconds.
Quite a stretch but have your cookie mate.

Reaper doesn’t have CC, though. And that’s why I said “at all”: Mercy doesn’t have multitasking, with or without abilities.

Killing enemies is also supporting the team, in a different way.


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Come back and say this again when you die because your mercy din’t heal you to go shooting the enemy team :joy:

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Honestly, Cleo, honey… just give up. People honestly think Mercy’s ult is an okay thing to have on an ult spot. Do what they say and watch them rage at you about how awful a Mercy you are because you’re doing what they told you to do.
That’s what I did, and I find it extremely amusing. I haven’t had this much fun since they reworked Mercy, and she pretty much gives you report immunity if you know how to walk the thin line that divides the “throwing” from the “But I’m just practicing what I watched a pro do in a video :(”

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Knowing when not to do it is part of the skill of Mercy. Mercy already has varying gameplay. Know when to use the pistol and you’ll find her much more fun probably.

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Thank you <3

I rarely even get complains in chat about “not healing” someone. And if we lost this fight, my gold in healing usually is enough evidence of me keeping everyone as healed as possible.

I am puzzled how one can get gold healing while exclusively pocketing a Pharah

You didnt on the sentence I quoted, you stated it like it was the norm. Here it is, because you seem to have forgotten it :
“Unfortunately, Mercy can’t hurt and heal at the same time, unlike other healers.”

Still not true. If someone CANT heal and damage at the same time, with the exception of a very tight window every 10 sec, then the general statement would say exactly the opposite, with an exception.

You were trying to make the exception as the rule and thats wrong.
You can run around all you want but my rebuttal was spot on accurate. With that being said, you do you. Good day mate.

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Pharah usually gets most golden medals, too, and as most dangerous player on my team, takes quite a lot of fire.

As for why I fly with Pharah, it was explained already - helps a lot in evading flankers. If teammates are in need of healing, I descend a bit, heal one to full health, and use GA to remain at optimal height.

Sometimes it’s Hanzo instead, if we need damage.

Factually, a Mercy pocketing a Pharah is only healing damage the Pharah takes, when all of the rest of the team is as a whole taking more damage and can potentially (if they had a good Mercy who is attempting to heal everyone) absorb far more healing

It’s not my fault, though, that Pharah player knows, when it’s time to back off and disengage, and some players don’t. With players that know art of survival, my healing numbers get higher, too.

Quick quiz: if you are taking fire, what is your response?

  1. Find nearby cover and call for healing
  2. Charge in and die a hero
  3. Show, that you are brave, and refuse to even look for health pack.

Yeah! Just like how Reaper has to know when he has to switch from his defensive part of his ult or his offensive one! Wait, no…
Um, just like Tracer has to know when to detonate her ult to get max damag- wait, no…
Just like how Orisa… uh, Doomfist… err, maybe Genji… Hanzo…?

Weird, it’s like Mercy’s ult is a grab bag of different improvements that fight with each other gameplay wise and people is blaming Mercy mains that have a hard time trying to make sense of such a really weird, really bad designed ult while the only thing they have to care about with their mains is “Do I have to use my ult now? Yes / No”
But that’s impossible! People don’t have double standards with Mercy! Mercy mains just complain too much! Mercy’s fine and her ult is fine! Ha ha ha!


Using the Pistol during Valkyrie is comparable to using Deflect during Dragonblade

Are there situations in which it’s appropriate? Yes

Should that be used as the basis for describing an ultimate as fun/effective? No. It rather defeats the purpose of the greater benefit of the Ultimate.

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Oh, honey, no… how can you be so wrong…
Using pistol during ultimate is equivalent to using deflect during ultimate exclusively if Genji’s ultimate suddenly gave Genji the ability to no-cooldown toggle deflect.

Dragonblade exclusively and massively boosts Genji’s damage output. Genji’s deflect remains the same as it is when he’s not ulting.

Valkyrie buffs every aspect of Mercy, be it supportive or not, and because of that, it improves everything… a bit.
She heals… a bit more.
She auto-heals… a bit more.
She flies… a bit more.
Her shoots are stronger… a bit more. (Mostly because she doesn’t have to reload, slightly increasing her DPS)
She empowers… a bit more. Even less so than her heal, because this only benefits from the AOE effect.

Mercy is given the ridiculously hard task of juggling when to DPS and when to heal even when DPS is -not- her job (Just go watch any “GM in bronze” videos and see for yourself how one of the things they almost always mention as a problem in lower ranks is “Tanks stop tanking to DPS, healers stop healing to DPS”) just to make sense of that monstrosity she has as an ult. Genji, on the other hand, has a focused ult that boosts exclusively his damage and that clearly tells him when to do what.

I can guarentee you that if Dragonblade made Genji able to toggle his deflect, his damage would be barely any higher than his usual damage, making people complain about how Genji’s ult is more defensive than offensive in comparison to other DPS (Which is already a complain about Symmetra’s ult, even though that one is entirely focused on defense)

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