Stop citing Battle Mercy when you say that Valkyire is a fun and impactful ult, please

I’m not a big fan of battle Mercy and find the pistol to be the least fun aspect of the ult. However, it does have its uses. Namely - you can quickly take out a Widowmaker or a Pharah that is causing the team trouble (and sometimes also a Rein that is low and hiding behind a shield). It’s not something you use every Valkyrie (or even most), but it’s a tool you should be willing to use when called to do so.

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I’ll cite whatever the hell I want when I say Valkyrie is a fun and impactful ultimate and I’ll thank you to not tell me what to do.

How arrogant are you exactly?

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I agree withyou! Thats what im trying to say, make the support part of her kit more impactful.

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Irony, in my tier Battle Mercy is less dangerous, than Mercy actually healing/boosting her team.

I think you’re forgetting that Valkyrie gets 100% staff range, from 15m to 30m

Very easy to kill a target and simply do a 180 to heal literally anyone, better if your team are grouped up

That’s the problem: you need your team already winning.
Usually I prefer to damage boost second healer, if we happened to get one, so their more powerful ultimate will be ready sooner.

Using pistol charges only your own ult, or, in case of Valkyrie, doesn’t do even that. Using damage boost with Valkyrie boosts ult charge for all affected teammates.