Stop citing Battle Mercy when you say that Valkyire is a fun and impactful ult, please

Shooting things is not the point of Mercy. That’s not what she’s made to do. The more time you spend shooting the less time you’re spending healing. I want to save lives not end them. If I wanted to shoot people I’d play a DPS.

Make Valkyrie more fun when you’re actually playing support.


If you’re not utilizing all the features an ultimate provides you, you aren’t using it to its full impact, if you have a problem with people citing a part of her ultimate as fun and impactful that’s your own problem


Damage boosting your whole team > using your gun.
Healing your whole team > using your gun.

It’s inefficient to use your gun in Valkyrie most of the time.


So the only way to play support is to prioritize healing over everything else
I guess all Lucio and Zen players don’t exist


The gun has its own time to be used during the ultimate just like damage boost, just like healing, if someone refuses to use it they aren’t using the ultimate to its full impact


The only time I tend to use my pistol in valkyrie mode is to kill an enemy widow. Since I can fly it makes it a lot easier for me to take out the enemy widowmaker than it is for most of the other people in my team. And it goes really quick if you aim at her head. Widowmakers tend to stand in one place a lot of the time, which makes it a lot easier to land consistant headshots on them. At least at the lower ranks like diamond and below.


“And here we see what is known to scientists as a stretch, in its natural habitat - a debate on an online web forum, where it is known to appear from time to time, confusing passers-by. It appears as though it is an actual argument, but, in fact, it is anything but. Its sophisticated camouflage merely serves to try conceal it from its natural predator, the ecosystem’s most feared species: the Snarky Git.”
[/David Attenborough voice]

For serious though, I think you know that’s not what he meant by a long shot. Mercy’s kit is 100% built around healing and pacifism - being valuable to the team without ever scoring a kill. Lucio and Zen’s are not. Simple as. :slight_smile:


If you aren’t choosing a hero for the strongest aspect of their kit, you aren’t playing to the best impact for your team. If you choose a healer, shouldn’t healing be the aspect you use them for?

If you choose rein, why wouldn’t you use your shield and only his hammer?

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Who said anything about that, this is a discussion about using the pistol in ult, not about choosing the character please return to the topic

I just saw the edit, but that’s still unless the Widow is popping off lol A good Widow won’t ignore a Valk Mercy, it’s easier for her to shoot her down. It’s slow moving

I believe as Mercy, she should only pull out her pistol if you’re team is at proper health and help pick off the stragglers to finish the team fight fast. Not at the beginning, not in the middle, but the very end then you’re winning. Also, I shouldn’t have to state, but I will, when she has to defend herself.

Also, if there’s nothing but a PharMercy (or just Pharah) engaging your team by themselves, I see nothing wrong with shooting her down while still in ult since she’ll have the easiest time winning that dog fight.


Third fastest speed boost in the game

Slow moving

I’m sorry but you’ll have to explain to me how a valk mercy is a slow moving target because I just dont see it


The topic was about what is fun and good to use. Thus why the op mentioned

Thus, why choose a healer for a dps use of the ult?
Choose a dps.
Or, as op suggests: make support better in the ult.

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Which is exactly why I don’t understand how someone can complain about Valk without complaining about her entire kit being unfun. You literally do the exact same thing you always do, just more effectively. If that’s not fun, how can you stand to play Mercy at all?

Zenyatta IS all about shooting people. I don’t complain that his ult is unfun because it stops me from shooting people and turns me into a boring healing station. Sure, it has more impact than Valk, but its mechanics are even less interesting and engaging.


Okay, I might be wrong on the speed (it doesn’t feel super fast to me, just a little), but her movements are still predictable and she’s an easier shot for a good Widow because she didn’t have a team to hide behind.

What? I thought valk was for killing the opposition pharah
No wonder l am a rubbish mercy player!!!


You don’t need to use valkyrie to shoot at enemies and can easily climb to 3500 SR that way.

If you have no mechanical skills, that’s how it is, but don’t blame the game for your lack thereof :blush:

Zen is not about just shooting people. Without shooting, he outweighs mercy in potential value with disc orb and heal orb.

Moreover, his choices change in his ult. Instead of which target gets one beam, he has to maximize his value with his Aoe. This changes positioning, and use.

Mercy loses the need for her base play because valk does it for her. Nothing is maximized in numerical value with flat chain beams and the range she has.

If valk we’re instead “super mercy” in which she still has one beam but insta Rez, 150 hps, and dmg boosted targets get a speed boost of 20% … Her base kit is still being used and she has more access to choices from her base kit.

Or if super mercy did pull zen, and she had an Aoe of 150, and an aoe of dmg boost. Then her positioning would matter and she has to choose between where to ga and maximize her dmg with base pistol skills


The ult not the character the ult

Because the op like many disgruntled mercy mains is emotional and makes illogical arguments like a support ult dealing dps being the best option every once in a while dictates the entire reason to play them, I will admit I did ignore that the op mentioned that you are right it is mentioned, but dealing dps being the best option sometimes does not dictate the entire reason to play a character, otherwise why play moira, just play a dps

His damage provides more value than his healing outside of Trance.

Valk also has positioning requirements to ensure the healing reaches everyone. And more importantly, she has an actual choice in what the ult does. Zen can only heal, that’s it. Mercy can choose between healing or effectively giving discord to every enemy.

And Zen loses the need for his base play aim, orb management, and most of his positioning (just sitting in the middle of your team doesn’t take much thought compared to being both safe on the backline and in LoS of harmony and discord targets). You don’t even have to position for safety in Trance since you literally can’t die. Mercy has to consider all the new ways she can be shot in the air so positioning very much does matter in Valk still.

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Here’s the top 5 list from top to bottom, however I will mention I made a mistake and forgot about hammond entirely, making mercy the 5th highest speed boost

  1. Hammond 263% speed boost in grapple ball (20 meters per second)
  2. Zenyatta 100% speed boost in ult (11 meters per second)
  3. Hammond 81% speed boost in roll (10 meters per second)
  4. Lucio 70% speed boost in amp (9.35 meters per second on self)
  5. Mercy 63% speed boost (9 meters per second)