Stop citing Battle Mercy when you say that Valkyire is a fun and impactful ult, please

Not my job at all. My job is to keep teammates healed and boost their damage, when necessary, with occasional resurrects.
Rank gold

Actually, scrap that.
I think your description of what you think is your job might actually be your job.

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Factually - Using her full kit (including the pistol) does not make Mercy a dps or a flanker. It makes Mercy effective for her team

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Sometimes you have to trust your team and fly into battle! Not all the time obviously.

Every players job is to get a win for the team.

A good Mercy player uses her full kit in order to best accomplish this

That “sometimes” should be replaced by “never”. Trusting your team gets you killed. Not going to be that naïve ever again. My survival is solely my responsibility.

You have to know when to do it and when not to do it. That’s part of the skill of Mercy.

For me, it’s “never”, since teammates are overly aggressive. If confidence could deflect bullets, my teammates would be bulletproof.

Only trust myself, on when it’s safe to move in to support my team, or when it’s time to get out. That’s my part of skill as Mercy: surviving, even if everyone else dies, not being shot, even if enemy snipers actively look for me, and not getting caught in that ult storm, that my team totally didn’t see coming.

I find that I am able to use Valkyrie to successfully sustain pushes onto point and win teamfights.

Players who use Valkyrie solely to escape, and don’t support their teammates, are imo in essence forming a self-fulfilling prophecy

Team: heal us!
Mercy: I need to reserve Valkyrie to escape when you all die
Team: {dies} after no support from Mercy
Mercy: {flies away} see, I told you I’d need this for escape

In my opinion, a good Mercy player uses all of her kit, including but not limited to her vastly underrated pistol, to help her team achieve victory

You have such an advantage if you take out the pistol during Mercy’s ult though. It’s not easy going from shooting people in front of you to vertically shooting, especially against a slim and faster moving hero.

I get your meaning behind your post, but if you use her ult correctly it does have impact.

I have the most fun popping valk when they’re trickling. Makes the game end faster as I either damage boost or get crits from above (by that point, red is desperate.)

She’s not useful in every situation and that’s okay too. Idk man I just have fun with her, but I am also easy to please and enjoy OW in general.

Good idea, since - again - there is zero difference in results, with or without Valkyrie. I can repeat it as long as it takes, until you understand it: +10hps don’t turn situation from “whole team takes too much damage and dies” to “team survives”.

Already tried it, and not going to repeat same mistake again.

People complained about how the old ult made Mercy stop healing so everyone died so she could resurrect them, but then people seems to be perfectly fine with Mercy not healing and leaving to go Rambo on the enemy widow and backline.
So each time I get my ult, as the woooonderful pro Mercy players requested of us, and the clearly not support mains that seem to have some sort of grudge against the old ult because they didn’t know what “Don’t drop all the ults at the same time” means, I just stop healing and go kill stuff.

That’s how I actually have fun with Mercy nowadays. I just go kick butt and hope really hard that my team dies and screams at me. Because, you know, that’s what both the game and the community is telling me to do.

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You hope that your team dies? Shouldn’t take too long, since 60 hps still better, than 0.

And 0 enemy snipers are better than 2. What’s your point.

That in my games snipers are most uncommon cause of death. But, I guess, that’s one of few cases with Valkyrie being good. There are others?

0 deaths by sniper are better than 1.
Facing 4-5 enemies is better than facing 6.

What’s exactly your point. Your wonderful community and the really smart devs and pros told me this was the use of the support ult Mercy has. They show time and time again those “Woah, super sick videos!” of battle Mercy leaving the team to kill stuff and tell us “Look, your complains about Mercy are irrelevant! Fun is subjective, and her ult is incredibly powerful and effective!”

And that’s what I do. I just go and kill stuff and hope for them to die so they regret saying that because I’m extremely salty at people telling me that healing while in Valkyrie is the wrong thing to do and that that’s why I percieve the ult as weak and unfun.

The sad part is when I actually win the game killing stuff and I’m left wondering… What the hell were the DPS even doing…
It’s much more fun when we don’t win, though. People screaming, report threats (Which never go through because I still play normally all the time and playing badly is not bannable, even less so playing the way the devs encourage), people leave, some even turn on voice chat to call me stuff…

So, yeah. Once they give Mercy an actual support ult, I’ll be a proper support. Until then, I’ll just do what people think Mercy is meant to do, but she is clearly not.

In my games, players actually expect me to support them, and that’s what I do. Simply because having one healer is better, than having none.

Good for you, my dear.

I dont know where did you get this but thats not true.
You can argue that she is not effective at it (debatable) but saying “she wasn’t made to do that” is wrong. Plain and simple.

And not all other healers can damage and heal at the same time. Ana has to do one or the other, sure she can switch faster because its just hitting an enemy or an ally but “same time” its quite a vague concept there. Only Zen, Lucio and Brig would 100% fit that “category” outside of abilities windows (Moira damage orb + M1).

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Ana has biotic nade, that both hurts and heals. Moira can combine damage orb + healing or healing orb + damage.

This leaves Mercy as only healer, that can’t do both at the same time. Can’t even damage boost and heal at the same time.