Still Waiting For The DVA buff

Leak moar of it for us, you know you want to :zipper_mouth_face:

Wow 3 seconds!! Damn! That is actually insane considering it is already one of the most powerful movement abilities in the game.

Not trying to imply it is OP, Hammonds mobility is already absurd but that doesn’t mean he is automatically OP.

I do think D’va will become the d̶i̶v̶e̶ ̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ dive queen though, if dive ever comes back that is. There will literally be no escaping D’va and your team will be forced to peel for you.

Pretty big nerf to sniper heroes, which is a good thing.

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Dive queen you mean, but it wont be a huge nerf for snipers if hanzo can melt dva with a volley of storm arrow and widow 2 shot her


Can we expect other changes to other heroes like Mei, Hanzo, Doomfist? I know these heroes are most commonly talked about here on the forums. Baptiste too but Jeff Kaplan addressed him yesterday. I’m looking very forward to the next patch.


I would love to see D.Va booster be faster. It’s really hard to boost solely with reaction when trying to force coordinate dive with random Winston players without the DM range and without voice com.

By speeding her booster slightly to make up for that gap to catch up to Winston would be nice. This way, it further boost D.Va’s mobility without increasing DM’s power by reverting it’s range, since DM was the start of all the trouble to begin with.

With more Booster spam, I wonder how this will affect Pharah players. Will she be look at as well to help her out (as much as I don’t like fighting a good Pharah player, lol)?

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Nerp, more dva bandaid buffs aren’t adressing any of her real issues.

Flying more often into the enemy team is just going to make her feed more often because she’s still made of paper and defence matrix is still garbage.

(draft ate my message ffs)

Too soon Executus


I honestly think D.Va may need a passive 15% damage reduction when using her booster. It’s not so out of place considering that she is a tank.

I’d really like to know your opinion on Brigitte.

It is really hard to get value out of her, and I’m wondering if the devs are happy with her state.

Honestly, if it was a simple ‘we are happy with her current state’, I’d accept it and move on.

But she is such a niche hero right now, only playable with a select few heroes and against an even smaller pool of heroes.

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that… would be amazing

would you also look into making winston’s jump having a shorter cd as well? (maybe not that short but something to let him keep up with this)


I think you will be surprised by how much D’va hard counters Hanzo, she has always been insane against him.

D’va DM completely destroys Hanzo’s primary and makes it incredibly hard to get value out of him, it is also incredibly good against his ultimate, being able to eat it even if Hanzo shoots it into a wall.

I don’t know how D’va will fair against Storm arrows because we really haven’t seen much of D’va since the Hanzo rework but I think she will still be somewhat decent against it. You have to remember Hanzo still gets 99% of his value from his primary, Storm is still a 10second CD ability meaning that if D’va can shut down his primary, Hanzo won’t be run.

I Am So Tired. I Just Don’t Understand Why We Don’t Revert The GOATS Nerfs They Were Unnecessary.


Omg please.


I loved Junkrat, but they just nerfed him to not be fun. enemy team going down choke, junkrat doing his thang “oMG NeRF rAt HE iS BuSTeD”


That’s an interesting change. Out of curiosity, do you and the team have a vision for the role that DVa is supposed to play on the battlefield? I think part of the frustration with her right now is that she seems like a generalist character without a defined role (a la Soldier), so folks are finding it hard to define the appropriate time to use her.

BLIZZARD SPEAKS! Its been like a full year since I saw a post from you guys! Missed you.


Defense matrix its too short on duration so a good hanzo will totally melt you with his storm arrow, trust me i know, and if you wait until his storm arrow ends and somehow survived, half of the team are already on you gaining free ult charge


Why can’t dva be allowed to walk at faster speeds like rest of the tanks?

Why do we have to get motion sickness just so we can MOVE normally?


Thank you for sharing the news :+1:

It’d be good to see more D.Va’s and less Feed.a’s :sweat_smile:

Have you tested any ideas for Winston?


Because then her mobility plus DM would allow her to run over dps heroes. Its designed so if you play too agressive, enemies can run from you.

Sad day for overwatch. Devs are hell bent on bring back this hero to meta when she was must pick for 2 years. Oh no is not being picked for recent meta, better buff her immediately.

Look at roadhog. Dude has been off meta since s4. GG go next.


The only thing this buff will do is make stalling even worse, because that’s all she will be good for. So you can fly from 2cp spawn and then fly around the point to stall a bit more, ay.

Wet flying paper bag will still be wet flying paper bag even if she flies at people more often.

Matrix won’t protect her when flying, so she can nyoom around doing her pathetic poke damage just a bit more and be just as little impact and feed just as much as before.