You cant say she doesnt need buff if you dont play in comp, thats just moronic, go play with some comp and i’ll see you here begging for buffs
D.Va is not a new hero. People have mastered her by now, especially in GM. Her pickrate is unacceptable, especially for a tank. It’s beyond Zarya during peak dive, Orisa for most of her life, pre-buff hog. Let’s not keep our heads in the sand. I have plenty of successful games on D.Va. I consider myself good at her. But I’ve also had plenty of successful games on Symmetra 1.0. She’s pretty bad.
Mostly due to Charlet Chung being just as adorable as the character she voices lol
Just going off what the dude in the video clearly stated. You can’t make a change based solely on the top tier players.
Really comes down to changes must be based on both QP bronze, top500 comp and everything in between.
I havent watched the video as i know “Your overwatch” are baised almost all the time, but as a D.Va main i can tell you that she is a lot weaker than before and in comp if you dare to chose you get reported for “Throwing” just because. She does need buffs inmediatly, specially for survivality to stop being an ult battery
yeah cuz is really tearing up bronze luvs lets not buff her because she’s the third least picked tank in bronze when she’s historically been one of the most picked heroes in bronze simply due to fun factor and being viable previously
You say she needs buffs but haven’t really said what about her needs to be buffed. Her abilities seem fine to me.
Are you trying to say she needs more health? Because that would be insanely absurd.
Are you trying to say say she needs more damage output? She’s not a DPS, she’s a tank…tanks aren’t meant to have high af dps.
I’m truly not understanding what on Earth you or anyone else here wants/expects to be buffed. I keep seeing “she is bad” but not how she can become better. What about her needs adjusting?
Could it be that heroes around her might be too strong in some way? Perhaps they are the ones that need adjustment, and not D.Va.
No, she’d just get to feed more ult charge before getting demeched
Boosters damage returning wouldn’t be too bad, but it’s DM
Looks at Zarya and Roadhog and Sigma and even Orisa
uh huh.
Revert the knockback booping nerf, revert every GOATS nerf, and adjust her garbo critbox.
I wouldn’t bother waiting and just move on. =p
No sense to live in false hope.
Immortality nerfs are going to make this game pretty ugly to play for tanks that not even doublebarrier can withstand, I wager. No point playing tanks unless you rly love doublebarrier.
Animal crossing is sounding pretty good rn.
Yeah, that’s cool…but if you look very closely at what I WROTE, you just might be able to make out “aren’t meant to”. Traditionally, tanks have never had high DPS. If you want DPS, play a…idk…DPS hero? The fact that other tanks in the game have higher than normal DPS is part of the problem yes, and like I said…they should be the ones to be adjusted.
Wouldn’t that just make her too strong? Or are you suggesting bust her like the other heroes? Perhaps further busting and breaking is needed to balance out existing busting and breaking, interesting concept. Let’s fuel the everlasting bustfire.
You never asked what was bad with her before, you kept repeating “she is just fine,( which its not true)” but i’ll tell you,
1- She has one the biggest crit spot in the game, that means you can “headshot” her meka even if you werent aiming for it, thats why her survivality its to low and gets melted
2- Defense Matrix needs the range back as now you cant defend anything that isnt directly behind of you
3- Her cannon dps are to low to kill alone and added to that you get slowed down while shooting, so if you got to dive someone he will escape cause your boosters are on cooldown and you are to slow to follow them while shooting ( so i say just decrease or remove the slowdown while shooting)
Tanks do high damage in this game because they have to draw threat. It’s not a PvE game; there’s no taunt. There’d have to be way more CC otherwise for tanks to draw aggro. D.Va and Zarya and even Hog are limited in CC so they have damage. Overwatch doesn’t seem to care about “traditionally”. Tanks have to be threatening.
It wouldn’t be, because D.Va wasn’t overpowered. She lacked competition and was the third tank in a three tank comp. The third tank slot isn’t possible anymore. She wasn’t strong enough to be the #1 off tank and she wasn’t strong enough to keep from being replaced by Sombra in GOATS’s dive variation. They nerfed the third strongest tank with mediocre stats for no reason.
Okay, you got me there. I wasn’t aware that her critbox was a problem. My bad.
Eh, it seems okay to me. The range seems fine. Perhaps the rate it is broken might need a tweaking? idk, it has always seemed fine to me. Just gotta manage it and activate when you necessarily need it.
Not sure this is a good idea, because it might just make her too strong. We don’t need another broken hero. We need the currently broken heroes to be balanced.
D.Va’s a contradictory hero. She has essentially 0 range, so to do damage she has to work at a range where people are going to get pretty much 100% headshots. That’s why she melts so much.
Headshots do double damage because you either hit the head or you’re likely to hit air. There’s risk vs reward.
They eliminated the risk and made the reward greater on D.Va just because of her windshield.
I still half-think they should just put it on the top of her mech.
This is, of course, only exacerbated by the fact that she’s the only off-tank who has to split her self-sustain and her ally peel from the same resource. Unlike Zarya, Hog, Sigma, and even Hammond who have separate abilities for their own self-survival
Still, as you can see she its not in the perfect spot, and she does need buffs, specially in comp as for now she is a “Throwpick”
I understand the need to be able to crit the mech, although logically it makes as much sense as Ana being able to sleep the mech. One shouldn’t be able to headshot the mech, because well it isn’t alive and the brain of the mech is D.Va. Also, bullet-resistant glass is a thing. Maybe have the critbox be the mech’s legs…but then again that would be just as big, if not bigger, of a critbox…so not a valid solution there. Maybe a crit spot in the back of the mech? I’m purely brainstorming here. I know critbox isn’t the only problem, but it would help if the enemy couldn’t get crits as easily. Right?
Make her critbox a bit smaller and reduce the crit damage for her MEKA from 200% to 150%.
It will be still be very easy to land crits on her, but it will be less rewarding.
I don’t really see how a critbox on top of the MEKA would work out.
You would basically need to put some kind of “head” on it (like with her Academy Skin), but if that was ever going to happen I would need to call the fashion police to arrest the devs
As in other posts have suggested, make the critbox on top/back of the meka where the fussion core is
That was literally my idea–put the Academy head on every other skin :^)
Flat crit reduction is a neat idea, but I do think it needs to be significantly smaller. If you miss D.Va’s head–however unlikely it is–you still get a bodyshot. You’re still rewarded. If you miss a headshot on pretty much every other hero, you’re at about a 50%+ chance to hit thin air. It’s not really fair.