Really Blizzard? Like please. You remove everything that’s good about D.Va then add sigma after she got hit hard by nerfs… Like WHAT. I’m am so sick and tired of Blizzard going out with game breaking buffs/nerfs and then taking 2 months to fix those…! Like Step up your game blizzard and grow up!
The best video to watch as of right now about how sigma is ruining everything: D.Va is Officially DEAD! - How Sigma Fundamentally Broke Overwatch - YouTube
A Dev Actually Responded!!! WOW!
I wasn’t aware that D.Va needed a buff. I personally don’t think it’s D.Va that needs adjusting, but perhaps other heroes (specifically in the DPS category) that need balancing. D.Va also just got the DM buff, which makes a huge difference if you know how to use it properly. I can’t even think of what Blizzard would “buff” really.
Still watching YO in 2020
Embarrassing I must say
See I think a great buff for D’Va that would be awesome and help with the anti barrier crowd is to have self destruct ignore barriers.
would still be stopped by telephone poles etc. but with the amount of barriers D’Vas self destruct has been less and less useful (while still good just not great)
I agree that dva needs buffs, but using YourOverwatch to convince other players is probably not the best way to achieve this.
This would be too strong and should most likely need to receive compensation nerfs to make it not a guaranteed multikill every single time.
I do think dva needs buffs, but her ultimate is the last thing that needs it. It’s already an effective zoning ultimate with a multikill potential.
Been gone for like 6 months?
stand behind a flag pole and you still avoid it, before the barrier tanks were added constantly it was very simple to avoid, good ‘nerf’ to go with it would be to re-add it hitting pilot D’Va.
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No, I play almost daily and in fact D.Va is one of my most played heroes. I just know how to use her that doesn’t involve getting wrecked the whole game. Sure, sometimes it does happen but that isn’t a case for needing buffs.
I’d rather see characters who need buffs get buffs, like Bastion for example. He has the lowest pick rate, and the nerf to shields isn’t doing him any justice. Sure, bastion needs a rework, but let’s be honest…Blizzard has other priorities than reworking heroes.
D.Va isn’t perfect, but she’s in a pretty decent place right now. Let’s give other heroes a chance at buffs.
D’Va is perfect even if they nerfed her hard to the ground would still be perfect.
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D.Va is competing with said Bastion for the “worst hero” spot in GM.
She’s also the first non-DPS ever to go below 1% pickrate on Overbuff overall (which puts her at 5th from bottom).
3rd worst winrate overall.
She needs buffs.
Thank you! These people really need to read up before they make a post.
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What do you think of my buff idea of her self destruct avoiding barriers and goes back to having to hide when you blow it or it will damage you ?
When I first started playing had many deaths from my own self destruct
Okay, so GM shouldn’t really be the basis for what should be buffed/nerfed. If you think about it, you have the game’s topmost players in GM, and more than likely skill plays a much higher role than in the lower-tiers. A majority of players are in the lower-tier and so that is where your baseline should be.
I do not play comp, and I probably never will. It’s overrated and filled with a bunch of tryhards, and I play Overwatch casually. In the games that I play, D.Va has no issues. Or, no new issues brought on by Sigma (as the totally accurate video above states).
There is no way in hell D.Va is competing with Bastion as the worst hero spot. She is heavily versatile, has pretty decent damage output, has a stunner of an ult when it hits, and has pretty high mobility for a tank. Maybe in your GM bracket she is low, but again…GM isn’t the end all be all.
She doesn’t need buffs.
Thats the problem… you don’t play overwatch with a competitive mind view. D.Va is really broken… please watch the video before you start making rants on why you don’t thing D.Va doesn’t need buffs… but I don’t disagree with your opinion. It’s your opinion not mine.
As a D’Va one trick I’m mixed on if she needs buffs or just needs to utilize her kit better, Seen so many D’Vas against me that get stuck against our barriers and die instead of staying mobile . You are a giant MEKA which is easy to hit, move your fat *** if you want to live. Then the opposite happens when you get kicked out of the MEKA and you are the smallest hero.
i have seen the video, and can’t say I fully agree with it. If anything, Sigma needs the adjustment, not D.Va. Also, Sigma isn’t a replacement for D.Va just like D.Va isn’t a replacement for Sigma. If anything, WInston is more of a D.Va replacement, because he has better mobility and better shielding. Sigma has a completely different play-style than D.Va and Winston. His job is to put up shields for his team and protect the front line. How is he a replacement for D.Va?
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No one with a sane mind can say balance can be judged from QP solely. QP pickrates (as well as Bronze Silver in Comp) are in big part due to a hero’s popularity. That’s why Orisa gets a 6 times lower pickrate in QP GM than in Comp GM.
The majority of the playerbase is in Gold/Plat, where D.Va is, guess what, the worst tank, and one of the worst heroes.
Regardless, it’s best to look at higher tiers (Diamond+) to judge balance as people there:
- try to win
- are competent
- play as a team
They do compete, they both provide mobile cover. Sigma is better due to his range (unlimited), his speed, his amount of ult charge fed, and the fact he uses a barrier (always superior to DM).
That would be true in his release iteration. The nerfs to his barrier make him strictly an off-tank. He can’t hold a frontline on his own.
I think that both need to be taken into account.
Even then, she’s the second least played tank in QP, despite being one of (if not the) most popular heroes.
Look at Genji, he has double the competition. He also has double the pickrate.