Still no fix for QP leavers. Guess I'll do it too

People are still leaving QP games and Blizzard still isn’t fixing this issue.

So I started leaving too. If I started doing it, then this problem will just grow more and more over time.

Matter of time before Overwatch 2 QP players stop playing altogether.





Leaving qp is not against any rules. That means you can do it too and thats ok


It’s actually against the rules. Blizzard Support - Leaver Penalty on Overwatch 2 Account


There is that minor penalty, that doesnt actually stop anyone from leaving though. It wont get you banned, ever. You can do it too if you want

Whats funny is a dont even have the BP, who cares about exp with no bp?


That’s the issue I’m trying to address. It should get people banned if you leave many games.

Especially when people use the leave function in the menu vs actually being disconnected.


They dont want it that way, if they did it would be that way.


I don’t want it that way. Hence this post.

Lmao. I thought this was a troll but then I saw his name, and now I’m just loling.


They have heard this request many times and said no. I get that people try to change things by posting here but blizz hardly even looks at this forum. Troll threads stay up for hours with 100s of posts

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Ok good. The only mistake you’ve made is that you didn’t do that from the beginning. Nobody is entitled to your time except you. The only thing everyone is responsible to is the ToS/CoC and leaving matches is not in there. So go ahead and do it whenever you feel like it. You’re entitled to leaving


Don’t bother talking to the people on the forums. They don’t care about the inherent problem leavers create for the game. Why? Because they practice it.

They desire to keep the ability to shop for the “ideal game”. They make the claim that they only leave stomps. But I would bet real money their idea of what qualifies as a stomp is very different from what one is in reality.

I’ve proposed time and time again on this forum that anyone who leaves a quickplay game mid play should get a 10 minute ban or however long the match lasts for. whichever is longer. Because leavers are incentivized to leave because they can save time by shopping.

Take that incentive away and most shoppers will stick out their matches.

But nope. The player base would prefer harmful practices to continue because they practice them.


Many people wanted OW on Steam. For years they refused. But now they’re allowing it. They even said “we’ve heard players want the choice of Steam for a selection of our games”.

There are many instances where the team has listened and made changes. This should be another.

I never saw that posted on this forum to be fair. Im not saying they never changed anything due to players wanting it. Its just not from a post here

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I mean it’s been asked for many times on here…

When the red team are getting an easy win due to leavers I encourage blue teammates to leave with me so the game gets cancelled. If it’s 2v5 or worse the game cancels immediately. I don’t see why red team should get a free win at my expense.

well you got me there, looks like blizz clearly doesnt want it that way though

I’ve had 3 games today where the entire match has been 4v5 / until the game times out…


Just because it’s a casual mode, doesn’t give you the right to ruin the experience for 4 other people for, let’s be honest, petty reasons - because your team lost first fight, because you didn’t get a heal, because you died etc.

Nobody is saying that you can’t leave…but if you do, there should be some reasonable “timeout” involved, otherwise we get what we get now…

Sadly, stinky attitude like yours and F2P crowd that this game didn’t need in the first place, is what ruins this game right now.

Wouldn’t expect anything else from someone named Fartsniff69…perfect representation of the new community in this game…

You’re a lame hypocrite regardless of how you justify yourself for leaving.

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