Still no fix for QP leavers. Guess I'll do it too

That is such a tame penalty it basically doesn’t exist. The real penalty should be a 5-10 minute suspension from queueing into anything involving other players at its maximum degree, not an xp penalty.

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That’s over a good several years…

I’m not saying to not post, you do you, but I’ve never seen any indication that blizzard really pays attention to what the player base posts on the forums :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

If you wanted to create change I recommend go appealing to a streamer, maybe pay them to campaign for you or something :man_shrugging:t2:


Got news for you; blizz put OW on steam because they are DESPERATE. Why do you think the MM is absolute trash now?


My favorite is when they don’t wait to requeue so they get dropped into the same game and someone says, “WB!” Then they leave again. We can’t even get backfill bc the leavers come back and leave.

But you’re on the forums? So your statement kind of contradicts itself unless it is also talking about you. And if it doesn’t include you then there are probably lots of others like you and so they might as well talk on the forums because it seems there are probably lots of people like you to listen?

We had a leaver yesterday and while it was 4v5 the enemy rein came and blocked our spawn exit with his shield for a good 2 minutes. I’m not staying around for that cr4p. When I left it was still 4v5 and he was still blocking us at the main door of eichenwald point 1 attack and his teammates were taking the other 2 exits.

When you get ppl that toxic in QP you really shouldn’t stay.

:joy: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Keep waiting Timmy, keep waiting.

If you are a new to ow you will make dumb posts like this . Leavers have genuine reasons to leave (who wants to waste 20 mins of their time playing matches with pre defined outcomes), leaver penalty is a band-aid solution that will fix nothing . Besides do you think they want further decrease their playerbase by doing this ?

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People have been leaving QP since day 1, it hasn’t gotten better or worse in recent times, the only thing that has gotten worse is that sometimes there’s 0 backfill.

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The “fix” is make the game more fun so people leave less.


Nope. Because I am addressing it specifically to the OP. Not to the rest of the forums. They are just able to see it. Period.

Nice attempt at a semantic argument though. B+ for effort.

Leave the QP is the noblest thing everyone should have the right to do right now.

Go play comp then…? It’s a really easy fix!

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Fun Fact: In QP, before the match starts, you can leave on the hero select screen without any penalty at all.

This is just a hold over from when matches would play back to back rather than one at a time. It should be removed and penalize for leaving as the person had to make the choice to queue for that game. Whereas when games would chain back to back it wasn’t the case.

They have a shadow penalty which is very obvious. They take the leaver and they force them into playing a match within 1-2 games that are going to be a complete LOSS or backfilled into a losing game.

I wouldn’t sweat it too much, Overwatch has Competitive. If you want a mode that has LEAVER penalties, they already have it. Its Competitive. The mode still has LEAVERS, so Leaver penalties don’t really do much. :grin:

I mean if you are wanting them to do something scary like busting down someone’s door and etc… i mean its just a video game. its not the end of the world to have someone leave. Its not like the system DOESN’T find a better player to fill the spot.

I mean realistically speaking, if a person leaves the match, a better player is put in their place, and if you observe carefully. When the person leaves the match the matches do improve for the better.

In games that I play outside of Overwatch that do have hard-core leaver penalties, typically what happens; is the person that doesn’t want to be there (or even the whole team) just afks, gives up and throws the match until the timer runs down or the match concludes.

I’ve also played matches in those types of games where both teams are TROLLS and they just park their characters for HOURS on end, in the server and nothing happens.

(speaking about Dead by daylight).

IDK, its online gaming, its a culture in itself. If leaving bothers a person that bad, I don’t advise playing games online. Its just a way of life. When games are broken and busted, there is always going to be players that are upset regardless.

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not news. I literally said: “But now they’re allowing it”

Going against double sniper, having a bad tank, dps healers, it is rather masochistic to just sit there and take it.

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That’s exactly… what happens, sometimes. The system doesn’t backfill for the entire rest of the match lol.


People have been leaving online games since Doom back in 1994. It’s natural. It’s normal. How you gonna punish someone for doing what is normal and natural?

Bliz made the game so that if someone leaves, it screws over their entire team. That’s not normal or natural.

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