Stealth Sym Buff?

Her gun feels better. Can you please confirm what’s changed? Tickrate? Also, thanks!


Did they change how it interacts with armor?

I don’t know but it gets brighter with charge and it just feels more fluid.

People are saying they just increased the Size.

Good for Symmetra mains. Sym, Bastion and Torb are being lifted from their grave together!

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Wait so now I can actually kill someone on level 1 charge now?!

Slowly but surely getting there! I especially want sym to be strong. I love it when teams play around with her TP


No - now you can actually charge the LMB against all units and not barn yard size Shields.

Are there patch notes for this, or is it a stealth change?

Its not in the patch notes

it might be like the sombra changes from back when she was first getting changes, where changes meant for next ptr got on live

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Hopefully they wont take it away then like they did with Sombra :sob::sob:

I agree, I played her a ton today and she def felt better.

I wish I could experience this for myself and do some testing to see what exactly changed.

Hey SilentStrike, you wanna call dibs on this one, or did I guess this one?

My Sym main friend feels no difference. Of course he can aim so perhaps he is not the one to ask.

Based on what I’ve seen in the Sym main reddit and youtube vids is they added a visual indicator upon connecting. This should help with aiming significantly, and is a feature that hasn’t been seen on any other beam weapon. This is gonna be lit.


When are the other 20 changes we need coming?


In time I hope.

The three turret masters shall rise again!

They just made her beam brighter