Stealth Sym Buff?

You can go for it. Lmao

No there’s something more forgiving about the hitbox happening too.

The hitbox is definitely way bigger. This cannot stay with her huge damage.

Are you sure that’s not just the massive test dummy hitboxes? Can you try it against bot heroes?

The weapon was garbage, it’ll be fine.

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There was no change, her gun just isn’t as bad as people try to make it out to be.

It’s actually pretty good. If you have cover other otherwise not being focused you can dish out lots of damage quickly.

A gif comparison with actual heroes would be more convincing

It’s definitely bigger

i mean
the weapon isn’t garbage
symmetra just can’t handle being at that range, with nothing to support her zoning tool for the orbs
she’s the odd ball out, not the weapon

Cries in reaper whos just as trash

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The beam is the only part of her kit that forces her into a range she doesn’t want. Orbs are fine from a distance. Sentries are fine from a distance. She only needs survivability when using the beam, making it the odd ball out. Everything else fits her play style fine even if they have their own problems.