Imagine if Sym had auto lock

Zarya still has a very small beam hitbox, more ticks of damage on average, as well as being able to amp her damage much faster and more reliably than Symm. She just has to use 2 bubbles at the proper time and she already does Symm’s max beam damage.

I think to make primary useful, they need to make the hitbox bigger like Moira’s, make the ramp up faster and more reliable (maybe stay on charges, such as level 1/2/3 longer before dropping), or give her a new ability that allows her to stay within melee range of enemies, like Take a Breather or Cryofreeze.

So more of a soft-lock beam?

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Ugh… -.- Don’t bring up Moira or that phrase. gives me a headache.

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Moira actually doesn’t have a lock-on at all. Her beam actually has a large hitbox and she can only suck from a target’s chest, which gives the illusion of lock on.

An example of this is Moira could just barely be hitting a Roadhog’s hand, but she will still be sucking from his chest, bending the beam, giving the illusion that it’s locked onto the target, but in fact, she is still hitting the Roadhog.

Because of her hitbox size, that’s why I’m bringing up that it might be beneficial to give Symmetra Moira’s hitbox.

Moira hitbox is between 2x-2.5x the size of Zarya and Symmetra’s beam hitbox. It would be a much needed change to Symm to make her ramp more reliable.

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The “Beam” is literally entirely cosmetic.

It’s to give a visual to loosely understand what’s happening, a health drain focused on a single target.

The actual hitbox is a large cone.

You could potentially rework her weapon to act similarly to Moira’s…

But damn.
I loved that old actual lock on.


Yup, makes sense.

I think something like this would probably be a better middleground.

Especially if the actual beam was maybe only half the size of Moira beam.

So you still have to aim, but not Geguri levels of craziness.

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I edited my post. Idk if you saw, but I added more info. My bad. Lol

This is why sym’s playstyle went out the window.


It’s a bit op for her in her current form. Genji can not deal with her turrets, that’s a big weakness as he can’t jump around and escape and it’s the biggest doom counter.

So to then give her lock on would be very unfair
From a sym main

Symmetra’s primary role when she had beam lock-on was to support her team and backline. This was done through turret placement to allow an opening for teammates to attack the slower target, teleporting team members to crucial locations in time, and to protect against close-range targets. Specifically when flankers came in for the supports, because Symm’s lock-on was very threatening to those who got too close. Like Genji blade. Which kept heroes like him in check while she was around.

When they removed the lock-on, put tele in her base kit, and made her turrets more aggressive, they essentially removed all of her supporting features, while giving her a support ult on a kit that doesn’t support that type of ultimate. They spread her identity out way too far, making her a jack of all trades, but garbage at all those trades. Where before, she had a distinct role with Symm 1.0 and 2.0. Now she’s just all over the place. That’s not necessarily because of lock-on removal, but with its removal, she is now unreliable at everything she does, including trying to repel flankers from her backline.

Don’t doubt a pro genji because Symmetra turrets takes 10 second to deploy. An aggressive Genji can decimate her before she can even let off 3. Do you know how much dodging Symmetra have to do deploy all 3 hoping Genji won’t destroy them.

Hardly because that alone would be her only defense when all fails. Remember TP takes time to deploy too in this fast pacing game.

it will never come back

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What if it did though? Just a curious question.

or photon barrier …

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that would be an extreme nerf her old beam had around the same range and had full lock on at 120 dmg

That’s the wrong reason to remove it though.

Autolock would mean nerfs id rather have a large frontal cone so it works similar to lockon

they buffed her? she is stronger now. they reworked her because 200dps autolock is a bad idea

just like he can deflect torb’s turret,’s bomb, translocator, or other objects. He can’t

ok im raging when a winston is on me he has autolock but i dont? nerf him nerf nerf him. Stupid argument. Who cares about low rank genjis, its their fault they need to git gud