Sooo done with Doomfist?

The problem people are having is that they miss a punch and then instantly die because he is so damn squishy.

All it takes is one badly aimed flashbang several feet away from you and a couple shots from a Mccree and Doomfist is dead.

The same thing goes for Roadhog hooking and than immediately killing Doomy, etc…

Doomfist just needs some resistance to CC like maybe half the duration compared to other characters and he would be in a good place I guarantee it.

I think it would be perfectly fair too considering he is a close range fighter who is supposed to be a brilliant engineer.

People wouldn’t be complaining about missing punches if there was the chance to able to survive and escape to be able to try again I believe.

Imagine instead of being insta-gibbed by mccrees/roadhogs that doom is able to survive some of these insta kill abilities and turn the tide of the fight? Would make things a lot more interesting.

It feels really good to be able to survive a flashbang combo but its very rare since the flash duration is just way too forgiving for a mccree against a close range monster like Doomy.

I don’t think I have ever survived a hook + shotgun blast from roadhog though, that is another story.

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Here is the original.

I don’t think you will admit you are wrong even under torture, you are just one of those who can’t admit it.

It isn’t. But doomfist has over 30 bugs, so they interchangeably happen all the time and you just wanna rip your hair out.

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Are you the one who you think you are? are we familiar?

Check the edits. Plus, that didn’t include either of my concerns. As for the other bugs, I already admitted they existed. Ghost punches simply don’t however. Considering I gave reasons for every single one of your pieces of “evidence” I don’t think i’m the one who can’t admit when i’m wrong.

You know, just declaring it as a non ghost punch is just absurd and ridiculous, and it also doesn’t make the declaration true either. Doomfist literally moves winston body to the side as he passes THROUGH him. And it isn’t a ghost punch? seriously?

You are a funny guy, but i’m not laughing, i’m face palming.

You reasons are declarations. Its ridiculous and laughable.


Did you even read WHY I said it wasn’t a ghost punch? For a ghost punch to happen, the hitbox has to actually be in range to connect. I specifically explained why the Winston moving to the side only made it more obvious that it wasn’t a ghost punch: Rocket Punch’s hitbox is smaller than Doomfist’s model. You want to complain about that? Sure. It probably isn’t fair. But in no way shape or form is that at all a bug. You have no idea what you’re talking about. You’re seeing things that look stupid and jumping to conclusions without any critical thought at all.

Here, ahve some more. I wanna hear more cool stories how this isn’t a ghost punch. Make me laugh.


The crosshair wasn’t even close to Reinhardt at all. This is your worst example yet. In addition, I would imagine Charge has a larger hitbox than Rocket Punch simply because Reinhardt is literally bigger. Thus, Reinhardt wins side by side every time because Charge connects and pins before Doomfist lands his punch. You aren’t even trying.

I’m sure looking at them right now.

Here, have some more of those juicy definitely not ghost punches


It’s like 3 out of 4 rocket punch hits ends with the enemy sliding off the wall unhurt.

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Hilarious. Thank you, you did not disappoint. It was fun to read.


I already told you that jumping over Rocket Punch is 100% bug. I also told you why it was happening. Meanwhile, you haven’t even tried to explain why these things are occurring. You would think that you would want to know everything you could about why these things were happening so you could try to avoid them/get them changed. But I guess complaining mindlessly works too.

So what explanation do you have to why Rocket Punch should have hit there? Do you have any explanation at all?

Does “clipping through reinhardt” count as an explanation for you? i really doubt you would recognize a ghost punch even if one hit you in the head.

Oh wait, it can’t hit anything.


That is indeed the question. Why would they want to, after all, Genji is one of the reasons OWL is enjoyable to watch. Having a direct counter to him wouldn’t be…preferred…at least until Jeff gets tired of watching Genji.

He went through Reinhardt’s hammer, which has no hitbox. Next.

Just :woman_facepalming:

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Confirmed from Jeff, they ARE still working on Doomfist.


The change is still on PTR, so doomfist didn’t receive his buff yet. So it is still in the process. If i had to guess, this is what he meant. Don’t expect there is anything more than that, you will probably get disappointed.

I personally would love more changes, i was just disappointed too much over the game’s life time and now i get my hopes a bit more realistic.

I hope he is not just talking about the ptr reload thing and means they going to add something else.

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