Sooo done with Doomfist?

Just wondering if there are any more tweaks or changes planned or if you feel he is in a good spot at the moment?


Lots of people would like to know this too.


The change hasn’t even gone live yet. Calm down.


People are worried because it sounds like this is all they have planned for doomfist.

While it’s nice and all, people have mostly asked for buffs in other areas more than his left click (small survivabilty buff, small RP hitbox buff, etc)


you mean the one change to the one part of Doomfist kit that always worked fine?

After waiting 7 months for this character to be given a change to let him be played, I think the time for calming down has long passed.


My third most played hero this season is Doomfist, by a small margin. He is 100% playable atm and doesn’t need huge buffs. Just because you want something doesn’t mean you’re gonna get it.


I am also worried and anxious to find out


I hope not. There are still so many bugs that need to be fixed.


Very curious, what makes you think he is viable?

Playable? Yes. Good? No, not really.


A majority of the bugs aren’t inherently that damaging to doomfist–They are damaging, just that they are infrequent and aren’t as big of an issue. All that needs to be fixed imo are wall collision detection, seismic slam hit reg, seismic slam canceling if it cant reach its destination.

I have a thread of things that would fix those and bring him into a widely viable state(Good and not overbearingly difficult to be effective, as he is that right now.)–Doomfist being viable to the 1% of the population in overwatch who actively main him is not okay.

The name of this thread is “Community Patch idea list for Doomfist”.
Feel free to come check it out and let me know what you think of it.

I play him and win, that’s what makes me think he’s viable. He isn’t good, I didn’t say that. But remember all it took was a bigger hitbox and he was dominant in the meta.

Personally, I would consider missing out on kills you could/should easily be able to confirm due to bugs on a semi-regular basis to be rather damaging. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I meant stuff like lucio boop bug for instance. I then listed what I think are actively damaging him as a hero the most often. :stuck_out_tongue:

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You have no idea what your talking about. Just because your team carries you when you play Doomfist doesn’t mean anything.


Yes I’m sure my team carries me lmao. I’ll see you next time Doomfist ends up broken because Blizzard listened to you guys.

Sure hope not…


I’m not sure if more tweaks would be that needed. I obviously wouldn’t complain about some improvements here and there, but I feel that he’s in a pretty good spot for players that take the time to practice. At the same time, I don’t know how he feels at higher levels of competitive, so I speak with limited experience.

Yeah because he was so broken before. he was out for a week before being nerfed and yet you talk about how he dominated the meta.
Everyone was playing him or the first week because he was a new character, Roadhog and Mccree could still smash his face in then.

What happened was one genji main cried and made a youtube video and the Devs brought out the biggest hammer they could get and smashed Doomfists teeth in.

Obveusly the hit box was too big seeing as there was one spot on one map where you can hit someone through a prop but since the nerf he has been one of if not the least played character.

It’s people like you who refuse to let go of dive and will shoot down anything that goes against it.


Doomfist had what, a 60% winrate? He also had 25% pickrate in pro games while no one even knew how to use him yet. We’re both the same rank. If people carried my Doomfist to my rank, they carried your Lúcio to yours.

Maybe there is a reason for this silence who knows. Perhaps they are moving Sym to a defense class and the new hero is a support who gives CD reductions , or maybe Sym is getting reworked to do this which would pair well with a CD reliant hero like DF.