Sooo done with Doomfist?

I haven’t seen a single one since the patch that said they were removed. It was either latency or it didn’t happen.

You are going to have a hard time arguing with the Doomfist main saying he just saw it happen and has video proof.

Just because you didn’t see it - doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
Unless you are saying you are an omnipotent entity.

Oh, they surely can. They have some of the better engineers in the world.

The question i have, do they want to? i don’t think so, this is why it is at the bottom of their priority list, or “maybe we will do it in the next 5 years, maybe” list.


Would explain why they acted like he didn’t have any for 4-5 months.

You are welcome to visit the thread of wonders and the gazillion bugs of doomfist.

The bug you are saying you don’t see, is the bug number 26. You are welcome.



I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. 300hp would put Doomfist in a perfect spot.

For his size, it just feels like he’s super vulnerable in every engagement unless he gets all his combos and slams just right, so he can make an escape. I mean it’s a bit silly. I main Zarya who has 400hp, while DF who is even bigger and more muscular has 250. Doesn’t make sense.


They literally weren’t ghost punches. You missed. You want to complain about the hitbox? Sure. That isn’t a glitch.

You can also take a look at bug #6

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So you are now claiming omnipotent status?
You know for a fact I missed?

You do realize a second person is also claiming to have ghost punches. I know it is hard to admit you are wrong always in your life. But you really should get used to it, as you I am sure it happens every momment of your life.


it isn’t a ghost punch. The rocket punch hitbox is smaller than Doomfist, so he moves other characters to the side when he flies past them. He is hitting them with his model’s collision hitbox, but not the rocket punch hitbox.

Just because there’s a few people out there who can do something well, doesn’t mean it’s effective.

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Now thats a bug. I think the problem here is also related to Doomfist’s collision box being smaller than Rocket Punch hitbox. The Soldier actually jumped on Doomfist’s head, preventing him from being hit by the hitbox.

What isn’t a ghost punch, what example out of a dozen?


It wasn’t a ghost punch where the animation half starts. I have no reason to believe it is anything more than a miss or latency. Why would I?

As you can clearly see, I don’t have a latency issue.

My ingame ping is 10 -15.

So I think you need to add a 3rd option.
You were wrong this entire time and refuse to admit it.

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Yeah, why wouldn’t you believe ghost punching is a thing ,it is not like the pile of evidence can exceed mount Everest in height.


The first one. It had a description. Second one too. Third case you admit its a fringe case, obvious miss. That probably means latency. Fourth is a picture,of the third not even evidence. Fifth is super obvious miss lmao. Sixth is just a picture of the fifth. Seventh was the closest, but you can see that Mccree moves to the right at the last second, obvious miss.

Except they missed. I literally saw it happen. I have no idea what happened to you. You didn’t show a video.
EDIT: You posted a random hanzo clip and a speedtest_net screencap. Give more your ingame ping if you want to prove you don’t have latency.

Oh so you are on of those stubborn ones. Okay.

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I didn’t submit to your terrible evidence? k
EDIT: Didn’t see the last one. What is the date on it? Ping? Until I have that information, I’m not going to say that was a ghost punch. However, that one is 100% fishy. But if it takes that many “sources” to find a legitimate one, it really isn’t a common occurrence.
EDIT 2: Where I though the crosshair was on Reinhardt himself, it was actually on his hammer, where there is no hitbox. That means that again, it isn’t a ghost punch, just a representation of rocket punch’s extremely small hitbox. Honestly, they need to just expand the hitbox to Doomfist’s model to avoid these “issues”.