Sooo done with Doomfist?

I’m still wistfully hopeful they see the feedback and plan more aside from the primary fire changes. I hope and pray.


100% playable? Are we just disregarding his frequent game breaking bugs? You know, the bugs that plague every single one of his abilities besides hand cannon?


I can’t believe this person is arguing that these aren’t ghost punches. You’re clipping right through characters and then taking a charge? Doomfist is the buggiest character in the game and playable doesn’t mean good.

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Some people are very stubborn. The solution is to just walk past them, there is no hope there that they will comprehend it.

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Even though Jeff said that they need to finish Doomfist and other heroes before sym I think he means the current PTR version of the big ol villain. It would be nice to get some clarification if possible since it is not exactly clear.

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If tweaking the gun is all they think Doomfist needed I’ve lost hope for this game and the balancing team.

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I just want to know after they tweak his gun if they have anything more planned for him, I still will try to play him more to get better, but just hoping for some clarity on their short term plans.