Something needs to be done about sym

What if they like weakened damage by like 10 - 20% and revealed the enemy?
Maybe give her 6 turrets as well
but remove the dmg?

edit: i mean weakened the victims damage, e.g person goes into turrets, they now have 10 - 20% less dmg

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Yeah they could probably just function as debuff turrets rather than any sort of damage. Would give a reason to make them a bit bulkier in terms of HP too since they no longer have much solo kill potential.


You could have some cool strats, for example, put them in a location where snipers would go, now they can no longer one shot and they are revealed.

If she has bounce pads, she won’t be used.
If she has heal turrets, she’s a Bastion Battery.
And I don’t know what a fortress is in this instance or what the robots in question might do.

Eh, bounce pads would be decent.
Really though, I was just coming up with random ideas.
There’s so much potential for her kit, and she has… turrets…

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Officially turn her into an anti-barrier hero and give her super-slow piercing orbs back.

Remove the charge-up mechanic since it doesn’t do anything and add a short windup if you’ve been holding down M1 to prevent absurd burst. Just let her spam super-slow full-power orbs. If you get wrecked, it’s your fault.

Oh, don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying “she’s fine, she needs nothing” because she’s really not great. I just don’t want her kit to be changed in a way to make her MORE “niche” than she already is.

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To expand on this, here’s a spitball thought, digging into her design as a high-risk glass cannon:

Primary fire
DPS from 60/120/180 to 100/150/200
This may SEEM alarming at first but consider Sym primary used to do 195 at rank 3, and that Zarya does 90 at no charge, and with more range to boot. I’m removing turrets from her base kit so she needs more oomph

Secondary fire
Time for a fully charged shot decreased from 1 second to 0.8 seconds.

Sentry Turrets

Photon Shield
New SHIFT ability. Exact copy of Sym 2.0 photon barrier, on an 8s cooldown.
Now she has a reactive defense again.

Photon Barrier
Duration reduced from 12s to 10s. While the barrier holds, alternate fire projectiles that collide with terrain will deploy a sentry turret. Max 3 active.

Also, regardless of anything ever, EVER… Tighten her damn clown hitbox.


I honestly love this rework idea!!!
1+ :smiley:

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>=2 years of data for a more frequent tp across various meta shifts show that it objectively is not oppressive nor OP. That much fear of a situational “team use” which only make up like a really small portion of the match time is pretty ungrounded.

there’s plenty of drawbacks to not having tp available (e.g. if you “permanently leave it up as a short cut”) for sym as shown by how current live sym being forced to play more like old 2.0 sym because she can’t get herself in her effective range (yes that includes orbing too) for actual hero uptime without tp and is forced to play passive highly dependent battering ram.

not saying a tp cast should be available every sec or that there’s no high potential for team strats with tp, but we legit had a really decent balance reference for tp where we OBSERVED it being fine for a long time. And that balance reference point is MUCH better and higher than we have now for current tp.

it is absolute garbo and a massive nerf from the old 3.0 tp.

keeping in mind that tp’s down time is highly positively correlated with sym’s hero down time, this massive increase in tp down time is a massive nerf no matter how good you are at destroying it early for when you don’t need infinite tp.

like what tp is for sym is like:

  • translocator + invis is for sombra
  • blinks + recall is for tracer
  • step + wraith is for reaper

i.e. both the engagement and disengagement bread & butter mobility to let the hero actually do stuff (i.e. have up time and be in their effective range).

there are some cases were serial is better than parallelisation, but tp’s 12s cd defs ain’t one of them.

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Your Sym does not know how to use infinite TP. :roll_eyes:

legit the only situation where current tp isn’t a nerfed compared to old 3.0 tp is if both your team and your tp don’t need to be moved. which in a fast paced game of OW esp after the barrier nerfs, is hardly ever.

the fact of the matter is with infinite tp, placements of it are forced to be much more passive and sym’s hero uptime has plummeted hard due to much less ability to get herself where she (should) want to be when she (should) want to be, resulting in much higher excessive team dependence.

The problem with Symm is that she’s a bad try of a hybrid hero between dps and support.
she got the long range support side the prefer people to stay back and attack from distance (teleport,giant barrier,shields,secondary fire) and on the other hand you got her dps side the want people to come close and attack her. (primary fire,turrets).

The turrets overall are a good ability but 3 is not enough, and they doesn’t really fit her fragile build.

I really like the turrets since they bring unique ability to the game that helps some of the “Bad” heroes while countering some of the “good” heroes.
More turrets require more shots, meaning faster shooters like tracer,Soldier:76,Winston,Torb’s turret,Zenyatta and Mercy are really good counters while heroes like Reinhardt,Brigitte,Junkrat,Reaper,Hanzo & Lucio are much weaker.

Overall Symmetra is a good concept but not for 1 hero but rather 2.
one support based around shields and tp for keeping distance (great for and against snipers) and one dps based around punishing slow moving comps and time based shields.

I am having difficulty understanding your post. Infinite TP doesn’t feel like a nerf to me. My Symetra can be devastating on some maps if the enemy team doesn’t properly adjust.

The high level explanation was already provided (see below)

being forced to passively spam orbs from afar outside their effective range (because they’re too slow to consistently land afar) and wait like 2.0 is not better than using tp to grab picks or aggressively zone.

For more detail:

Honestly a massive chunk of the people who hate her always will hate her purely because she isn’t twitchy hitscan. Her very existence annoys them.

Just buff her and ignore them.

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Didn’t they already nerf her turret damage? It’s pretty poor damage unless you have all 3 turrets melting someone anyhow.

As a Symmetra main, I find she is fine, balanced and fun as she is.

Symetra has a new playstyle. My Symetra found a way to make it work in favor of the team. Your Symetra is still looking through the photo album of the past.

Please ask your Symetra to adjust to the playstyle change. It’s fun when you know how to use infinite TP for the team. :grin: