Something needs to be done about sym


That was actually a really nice ultimate, A giant wall is just annoying af.

Also I miss “i get the feeling they have a shieeelddddd generatorrrr”


Interestingly that voice line is still in the game files.


This has nothing to do with me.

This has to do with the fact that she will never be buffed as long as she has tiny slow turrets. You can choose to accept that or ignore it and keep asking for buffs :man_shrugging:

You mean you forget to cancel it. :roll_eyes:

It still has a 12 sec cooldown after you cancel it…

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You can’t cancel a cooldown. Waiting 12 seconds to use it again is still a long time.

Also he said he likes the old one better, not that he cannot use it. You can still dislike things you are good at.

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Im inclined to agree that at the end of the day, for better or worse-

Her turrets are largely what keep the devs hand tied from giving sym more significant buffs.

Turret heroes are always difficult to balance.

Turrets, usually, tend to be quite strong in low levels of play- and fall off in mid / high levels of play when players learn how to coordinate against them.

In order to give turret based heroes buffs to the degree that theyre highly competitive- It typically comes at the cost of dominated lower levels of play.

Those turrets will always be a big ball and chain for symmetra i fear.

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no they’ve already drastically changed her from 2.0. Stop this. I like the turrets.

I hate to say this and I don’t know how long you’ve been around in the overwatch universe, but you should have seen when Sym was a true DPS but categorized as “Support” Literally could put down 6 turrets and had a beam that locked onto her target no matter how you moved Sym or how much anyone jumped around or dodged you. She was a true force to be reckoned with.

Yet, all the fanbois in the world would defend that she was not a DPS despite it clearly being so.

2.0 had…a movable personal shield…2 ults(+75 shields/6 teleports)…a piercing right click…a lock on left click…6 turrets.

god i miss it. such a fun kit.

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Nothing like being nearly completely immobile as a tank :slight_smile:

While I agree with your sentiment, and I am one of those haters… her turrets are too fun. Let’s just let her stay as she is. Her fans seem against a rework anyways. So we Gucci, mang.

can we have 2.0 back?



I have no qualms with Symmetra. Her niche is holding chokes with turrets, and letting her team reposition quickly compared to her enemies. Sure, a little buff might be in order along with Winston because those two aren’t Zarya or Moira right now, but Sym feels like just a small buff will work wonders.

Get a Lucio, or play Monkey or Ball. Easy.

Pressing W past the choke fast usually punishes Sym cause of how obnoxiously long her cooldown on her turrets is. :roll_eyes:

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Turrets arent nearly as problematic as Teleporter. Also, her Primary is outdated due to Barrier nerfs.

Give her 250 HP
Replace Teleporter with Photon Barrier
Rework her Primary

And after that, we can look at Turrets. If I had a usable Primary and a usable Ability 2, Turrets can be nerfed into the ground to a 2.0 state where they work as Anti-Flank, rather than DPS cooldown.

Oh, and Teleporter is also the reason for Turret Bombs, the prime example for why Sym 3.0 was a stupid rework.

Sadly, I feel like a lot of people didn’t actually know how Symmetra’s teleporter used to work before so they see the “infinite Teleporter” as a net buff.

Plain and simple, infinite teleporter has a forced 12 second cooldown between uses vs the past teleporter that came with a potential 2 second cooldown. One is overall better than the other. In nearly every situation.

The only thing someone gains from Infinite that they didn’t before?

  • Pushing less buttons
  • Keeping a teleporter in front of spawn
  • Keeping a teleporter up while Symmetra is dead (which most times ends up being a bad thing if she respawns and doesn’t have her teleporter to use immediately)

If the devs wanted to slow her down but keep Infinite then the most I can hope for is a reduced cooldown when she destroys it. At least, I can hope!

I think stuff like this is only true when people refuse to approach problems creatively. We have a roster of very different heroes with different variables. The best way to balance such a mixed bag is through kits that push against the weaknesses of other heroes and get pushed themselves.

The devs may not manage to balance her well because they are simply responding to the forums views on balance. “Give him more healing, give her more damage, why can’t this one block as much as that one”. Those number changes will always leave a list of people behind because every hero’s differences goes deeper than their damage/healing/HP/etc.

Symmetra’s sentries could be balanced in a competitive environment by giving it actual utilitybalanced out by Symmetra not being a hitscan murder machine.

Honestly, in True 3.0, all she needed was a projectile speed buff and a range increase on her teleporter (instead of reusing the asset from launch, they should have redesigned that ability). She was like a Tracer that can teleport along two points multiple times. The trade offs were apparent but with a buff to her mid-range capabilities, she could barrage an enemy team from any direction (alongside coordinating with others).

But on the topic of sentries, there’s a lot of directions they could do but here is one: Lower the damage of sentries. Tethered targets have their mobility abilities turned off while tethered (back on when destroyed).

  • Low rank - sentries aren’t any stronger and Symmetra won’t be any fiercer of a hero than she is on live
  • Low rank - Symmetra’s kit still has a lot of charge-up giving enemies time to react
  • High rank - Symmetra won’t steal a Sniper’s spot but like Sombra and Mei, her utility (alongside a fixed teleporter) would give her a strong spot on a coordinated team as she counters high mobility heroes that depend on their mobility to make plays
  • High rank - Symmetra’s teleporter and her sentries would allow her allies to approach fights in otherwise impossible ways with coordination giving them the DPS equivalent of a Tank’s Barrier, as far as utility goes
  • All ranks - Sentries turning off a curated list (it doesn’t have to be like hack - for example, I wouldn’t want WB to lose ball form and maybe Lucio shouldn’t lose wall-ride; it should feel balanced in a way) of mobility abilities means that for once, there will be a form of CC that doesn’t affect slow characters even worse than highly mobile ones. They can experiment with reducing damage for sentry speed buffs/cooldown reductions/etc

I don’t know what the devs will do in the end but I don’t think they believe she needs to be “gutter tier” because “turrets are unfair”. They could go in any direction! What worries me is that, like in other times, they will listen to the louder portion of the community and homogenize her until she is just holding W and M1 like other heroes.

If they reduce her further like that then I fear her weaknesses will only feel more apparent in the end.

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I wish she was still a support.

It seem more interesting, maybe having her have a “tool-kit” of sorts that lets you swap between her abilities [Teleporter,Shield gen, Turrets, Photon Barrier]

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You may as well change her name and model.

Nah they need to be turned into some sort of other utility rather than a damage tool ex. a low damage movement ability cripple or reveals enemies hit through walls to allies and pings them when someone is detected. Having flimsy turrets as a disposable damage tool just doesn’t work really since they’ll always either be doing too much or too little.

They should also just revert the damage buff on her M2 and give it a travel speed one instead. All the damage buff did was a just make her feel more random and spammy to play with how you’re mostly reliant on praying enemies are unaware enough to walk into them.

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