Something needs to be done about sym

please read the below:

Can you summarize this? I don’t feel like reading a book right now.

I always wanted her turrets to just be integrated into the TP. TP must be active. But allow the Sym to turn it on. So you could deploy it with no sound. Than turn it on. It removes turrets sneakiness. But forces everyone to always shoot the TP.

the following list gives reason why “she’s a team dependent hero” is not an excuse for poor balance on a hero and why tp should not be considered as a pure “team ability”:

  • locking a hero’s ability to contribute meaningfully behind the active inputs of 5 random teammates is not fun nor skill-based and stochastically weak. esp when players are rewarded individually.
  • team use tps are simply inherently situational and don’t make up much if the match time compared individual uses which are more general and frequent
  • team uses often don’t need high duration in 1 spot anyways to justify infinite duration at the cost of massive down time —> basically copped massive hero down time for nothing
  • the very notion/lower standard of “she’s a team reliant hero so let her value be locked behind teammates” is exactly why there where so many complaints about sym2.0 being niche and weak, why she was false report witchhunted, and the very basis of why sym3.0 rework happened in the first place.

I like jump pads.

I’d be willing to give up garbage turrets for jump pads

I see. :thinking:
Your Symetra’s playstyle only revolves around her. The new TP patch doesn’t fit a self centered playstyle. TP is more team oriented now; the way it should be.

it really shouldn’t be as explained above. like you can’t expect a hero with low effective range (yes that includes orbs), low sustain,.low burst and low mobility to be fine and excuse it with “oh she’s a team hero”. to hold specifically sym to that standard, while others aren’t, legit not even mei mor sombra suffer from this balance standard, is actually being biased against the hero.

Your Teammate, “Sym? Can I use your TP?” :heart_eyes:
Your Symetra, " No! It’s mine!!! :triumph:

Looks like selfish play behavior to me…

teammate: “hey sym can you put down a spawn tp or insurance tp somewhere back?”
sym: “no-one’s dead, fight just started, why spawn tp when I can use it to flank and get a pick on enemy support or zone them out while you guys push?”
team: “no put up a spawn tp or insurance tp because we MIGHT need it and stay back spamming orbs inconsistently landing them”
sym: *complies*…
teammate: “omg sym useless with no-aim orb spam not killing anything”
sym: :man_shrugging:

like would you tell a barrier tank to never block attacks for themselves and only ever when there’s a teammate behind them? would you be all for a change to barriers to enforce that constraint?

like I said before, team uses for tp are much more situational, less frequent and legit make up a small amount of the match time compared to opportunities for sym to use it for herself.

do teams constantly have chokes to jump that need sym tp reserved all the time? hardly.

are teammates constantly dying demanding a lot of spawn tps? no. even respawn timer is like more than 12s.

whereas chances for sym to flank, escape, grab better angles or even just get in effective range happen waaaaay more often. so why the heck would you put in a balance change to take these opportunities away from sym and consequently make one of her active abilities, that she crucially needs, unavailable so often?

and why is that excessive need for teammates to demand tp be reserved for them, when they legit often don’t need it, not considered selfish?

Why does my Symetra work and yours doesn’t? :thinking:

is it working? when you look at people who climbed with sym3.0, are they only ever using tp for teammates in passive ways where its often idle in its uptime (e.g. spawn or insurance tps) and never using tp for flanks, zoning, getting better angles, etc?

are you only ever playing sym in double barrier comp where pretty much everything is already handled for yoy due to shield spam?

I’m not saying to never have team uses. but if you’re being optimal with sym, tp will be used for her own plays more often. and having infinite tp where its down time is so massive simply reduces a lot of individual use opportunities nerfing the hero massively. further saying this change is fine due to “she’s a team hero” standard somehow only exclusive to her, and despite the fact that old 3.0 tp was blatantly better and shown to be objectively balanced via the years we had it, is a massive bias induced slap to the face.

She’s back where she was

Makes no sense to rework her for her to be in the same place…but meh.

She’s fine.

One of the few counters to brig still so… That’s nifty

No, nothing I like more than seeing a Genji squirming like a bug in a spider’s web in them.

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I actually don’t remember Sym being half as annoying during the shield generator era :man_shrugging:

It was fun tracking them down and destroying them and I agree even though shield gen arguably benefits the enemy team more, its way less irritating than the giant wall - a good sym is just terribly unfun to play against with her current kit imo

You know what annoys me about playing Sym? I often have to just pretend that her cooldowns don’t exist because they don’t actually do any good.

Her trio of turrets often get killed by incidental fire before they ever shoot an enemy. And in the even they do shoot an enemy, they die too quickly to have made a difference. Imagine having a “nothingburger” ability with the same cooldown as Rez.

Her TP requires a lot of coordination to get any value out of, and most situations don’t really benefit from it either. The health on it is okay, but the deployment time is way too slow to react to many emerging situations.

And to make it all the worse, her primary fire takes so much time to ramp up to full damage that one person calculated that she needed to fire uninterrupted for like 12 seconds before she matched the potential damage output of other DPS heroes. Everyone does much more damage in the short-term, and she doesn’t have the health or defensive capabilities to force a situation into the medium-term.

I like Sym’s concepts, but she’s held back by the entire kit being way too slow.

…that said I am kinda jonesing for some Sym playing. Might boot up OW and play her in a few minutes.

Heck make her Turrets act like an auxiliary fire mechanism for her primary. Imagine:

Press ability now “Turrets” are floating near Symmetra. Whenever she fires her beam, the “Turrets” will also fire at he reticle location. Just an attack buff.

I like that, but we could do that a little bit better, make it her ultimate, for 7 seconds she activates 3 floating sentries that will boost her damage to crit damage x2, speed her up x1,2 or slow down enemies on her range x0,5 and activate shield regeneration while taking damage.

A true damage dealer ultimate for our true damage dealer.