Something needs to be done about sym

She’s clearly bad, but it is clear many people hate playing against her.

I’m going to say it is her turrets, Nothing else in her kit is that “annoying”.

Get rid of her turrets, then give her something else. Like, she has so much potential to be an awesome DPS! Let her build jump pads, fortresses, robots, heal turrets IDK?

Sym mains, unless you want your hero to sit in F tier for the rest of the games lifespan, her turrets need to go.

Her turrets are holding her down.


I’ll happily trade away her turrets. They could come in as some sort of facet of her kit but in a much more limited way… Just not necessarily completely erase them.



  • Base shields increased from 100 to 125
  • Base health increased from 100 to 125 (125/125)
  • New Passive: Shield Bender
    • Damaging any sort of shield (Barrier, Shield health, Temporary Shield health) regenerates her shield health by 20 per second
    • Does not regen normal health (white health)
  • Photon Projector (Primary Fire)
    • Damage ramp-up increased from 60/120/180 to 80/130/180
  • Photon Projector (Secondary Fire)
    • Splash Damage decreased from 70 to 50
    • Maximum charge time decreased from 1 second to 0.8 second
    • Projectile speed increased from 25 meters per second to 30 meters per second
  • Sentry Turret
    • Damage decreased from 40 (30 for console) per second to 5 per second
    • Health increased from 30 to 35
    • Movement reduction increased from 20% to 30%
    • Cooldown decreased from 10 seconds to 9 seconds
  • Teleporter
    • Cooldown starts when deployed

Her TP is

The ability to just skip all the way to the Point or having a permanent shortcut (Which is specially annoying in Koth maps) its simply absurd


It really isn’t. It actually requires teamwork, people should be rewarded for that.

There are plenty of ways to out play it also, for example, an ana throws a nade when everyone TPs.

TP is probably annoying because it’s good. That is fine.

Still, the ability to just skip a choke and go straight to point is a bit much

This sounds like it might make people hate her turrets even more, it sounds really annoying TBH…

I think it is fine.
I like how players are rewarded for working together, and it doesn’t lack counterplay either.

I guess, but i think the reward is a bit much in this case, specially that it isnt really hard to pull off

Getting your whole team to work to go through the TP is surprisingly hard lol

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Symm’s kit is really unfortunate. ALL THE POWER OF CREATION and only tiny little turrets to show for it.

She’s in that group of characters that aren’t good, but aren’t fun to play against. In a world where OW isn’t the game that it is, she would have a way more creative kit. What does teleportation and auto turrets have to do with hard light? Without turning into Fortnight, letting her build things with light would be interesting. That won’t happen, though.

Just lengthen her beam, lower/eliminate the turret damage, and give them a better slow? I’m not especially excited about it, but it seems in line with what they would do, and might make her better while being less annoying. Maybe a bit faster secondary fire charge time?


Get rid of the charge time.

It’s not that I have a problem with charge weapons. I have a problem with useless mechanics and charging up your sym’s M2 shot doesn’t feel like it actually does anything useful.

I don’t feel skillful for charging up her orbs.

Symmetra was passable before they made her TP infinite. If they just reverted her TP back to the way it was before, she would instantly be better. The inflexibility of her only movement ability just gives her the same problems she had before they reworked her: long cooldowns, immobile, team reliant, weapon charge.

In terms of damage level, I think she’d be better off if they made her beam and orb do a flat 140 damage than to keep the beam charge. It’s just not good or helpful to have your primary fire start at 60DPS when every other damage dealer (and even some supports) deal more damage than that baseline AND can deal crit damage.

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She needs some changes but I dont think a slate of buffs like this would go over well especially at lower ranks where tanks just meander about aimlessly.

It would flat out enrage the beam weapon and turret auto lock haters as well.

ShIeLd GeNeRaToR oNlInE

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2cp switched to sym to get my team past the chokepoints and onto point I jumped from bronze dmg and elims to gold dmg and elims taking out 4 enemies on point. Yup she sure is weak and felt dirty after playing her.

I miss shield gen :frowning:


Please don’t tell me you’re aim is that bad that you can’t hit a stationary target like a Symetra turret. :persevere:

Infinite TP is great! I believe players that do not like infinite tp do not know how to use it or play against it. Her TP doesn’t take long to destroy.

Oh I know how to use it. It’s just I preferred the previous one that had less potential downtime between uses.

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As a Symmetra main I do not see her in F tier. I see her in C tier because despite being underpowered she can still be very strong overall. The thing that is keeping her in C tier is her slowness. She is strong and can do a lot of damage, but she needs time to get there.

Sym is not really the hero you can pick up and play. She can be a great pick and is more than capable of winning. However all this requires time, which is not for everyone.

The only hero in F tier for me is Sombra.

People do not like infinite TP because it is more clunky and has a higher cooldown.

It is not that people don’t know how to use it, it is just that people like the old TP better. Myself included actually, I miss the old TP.