Sombramains subreddit reached 5000 members

its always been that way, it depends on the enemy to actually react fast enough and hit you, so is that more on sombra being weak, or the enemy for reacting quick enough?

It was a good bit ago

There you go👌

Almost every single one of these are misinformed or just blatent lies. Please, just stop acting like you’re in the right when you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Hack hasn’t always been this way and Sombra hasn’t always been like this and Sombra is trash right now because of her bugs.


I looked at their career profile and they have the least amount of time on sombra out of every character in quick play.

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This post is why Sombra is useless A list of Sombra's Many, Many Bugs (6), Now with more LOS Bugs! - #64 by Xaron-1831

Her bugs have destroyed the niche she should have. If Sombra worked, Brigitte and Zen wouldn’t be played. Don’t you dare sit there and tell me one of my favorite characters is okay. She isn’t.

I would argue that she’s always been iffy. It’s just that with the removal of her EMP bot play style, her core problems that encouraged the emp bot style in the first place are finally revealed.

The bugs are just the straw that broke the camel’s back.

1 damage cancelling her abilities are making her way too susceptible to RNG which leads to her to being unreliable.

Emp pre Nerf was the ONLY reason why people used her (not counting sombra Mains pre nerf) it was because she was an emp bot. Now that she doesn’t even have that anymore even less ppl use her. Imo I just want the bugs to be fixed and I would be a happy sombra Main just with that. Not even a buff. But we don’t even get that.

correction Sombra used to be a niche hero with a niche purpose now she is trash with awful bugs.

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I mean… don’t take this the wrong way… But I am glad sombra is not meta if I am totally honest.

Stealth… Disabling abilities… Which in somw heroes are worse than a stun. The ability to just teleport away when on low health to heal up then finish the job.

Stealth is the absolute worst thing. In any game. Ever.

i mean…by then you should have been by your healer or team and getting heals as well.

Yea but the most annoying part is her just being able to escape with her translocator.

Oh you got her down to really low health ? Well you’re not getting that kill because Sombra is safe and sound again.

ok bud lol, i keep saying it u do u, u dont have to listen to me

thats sombra for you :slight_smile: which is why her dmg is low :slight_smile: atleast thats what i think.

its not about listening. its about having the correct information.

If you hold the information, you hold all the cards.

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She was an EMP bot because she couldn’t do anything else reliably. It was the most efficient and reliable way to play her.

More people will play her if her kit is reliable enough. The devs realise the same thing. That’s why her gun and Hack were buffed. Unfortunately Hack got a kneejerk nerf to the buggy wonderland we have now.

I believe her core problem has always been the 1 damage interrupt.

Make Hack harder to land but remove the no brainer 1 damage interrupt and you satisfy both sides. Make taking damage while in stealth still punishing without making it useless after taking 1 damage as it is right now.

I am sorry, but I completely laughed at this statement. :sweat_smile:

I completely excuse this replied as it really appears that you don’t know what you are talking about.

But, I hope you the best of luck mate.

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thank you for making it more clearly. lol that is what i was trying to convey but i was on my phone lol that actually sounds like a good idea. others thought of replacing some of her health with armor so by the time that her armor was removed she could ten get triggered out of stealth

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I don’t really dig the damage threshold idea that people have been suggesting. It DOES solve the 1 damage problem but it still keeps the damage stopping an ability theme. I’d like that to be no longer a thing in an FPS game.

I can work with an ability that has some downsides. I can’t work with an ability with a built in disadvantage that relies on being lucky or workaround that defeats an ability’s purpose to sidestep it (eg using side passages even though you are invisible).

Made a few suggestions here if you are interested. :smiley:


As much as I want them to do something aboit the bugs, if this post got a dev response that was just “no you can’t get a response on sombra”
I would think that was funny enough to keep playing

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List of things to make sombra actual assasin/disruptor:

  1. Fix all bugs.

  2. Remove passive hacks from hack, make them EMP exclusive.

  3. Targets affected by Opportunist take 50% more damage from sombra, hack deals 50 damage (so does EMP) and if target(s) are both hacked and under effects of Opportunist and hack they take double damage from sombra.

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