Sombramains subreddit reached 5000 members

Can we celebrate it with a response from the devs about:

a) All the non fixed bugs

b) Her being the lowest winrate picked hero in the game

C) How do you plan to fix her


Most players probably went there to sulk. If you look at the top picks in overbuff, you have Rein, Zarya, Zen, Mercy, Hanzo, Widowmaker. They’re all tanks, ability users and backline heroes that Sombra is strong against, she should be thriving right now. If Sombra had a chance at meta that’s being a strong pick, it should be this one.


shes a niche hero with a niche purpose, just accept it and move on already


Again, Reinhardt, Zarya, Zenyatta, Mercy, Hanzo, Widowmaker, this IS her niche!


She’s not niche, she’s dead with plenty of bugs to go with her.


ok then explain how she isnt niche lol

Explain why every character can do her job better than her lol

Actually explain what her job even is anymore😂

Edit: also niche seems to mean a weak character because the characters people call niche are: sombra, symmetra, bastion, torbjorn, mei, ana, and i’m pretty sure these characters just underperform in general.


The main issue for Sombra is that while hack is powerful, she lacks burst damage, which is the only meaningful damage in this meta. She can do all the disruption in the world, but getting a pick isn’t really gonna happen, which is kinda the point of the DPS role

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Except her niche is exactly this meta. She shuts down combos with Grav by negating high burst abilities. She negates barriers. Her ult devastates Zen.
This should be her meta.


her job is to be a disrupter/ assassin, so she needs to hack and or kill key targets

tell me who can hack better than her ill wait

ok then play her what is the problem lol

Tracer can skip the hacking part and just go for the kill😂


everyone in this game can kill, only a few can disrupt, so that is her niche as i was saying

Tracer can disrupt alot more than sombra.

no she cant, she is an assassin not a disrupter

shes not even an assassin rofl XD

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yes she is rofl XDDDDDDDDDD

She will probably stay like this for 1 whole year until the devs wake up and rework her just like with Symm.

What counts as disrupting then because a character that kills others from the backline and can cause disorder for the entire enemy team is definitely disrupting.

a disrupter shuts down abilities, things like hook, sleep, flashbang, hack