A list of Sombra's Many, Many Bugs (6), Now with more LOS Bugs!

It still switches targets in the middle of a hack, breaks by a single mobile ability even you have clear LOS. Hack sometimes doesn’t go off even the sound went off.

It still hacks a cryo mei, throwing dva mech, a bubble target.

It still has lots of bugs. A character whose main kit is full of bugs isn’t playable. Watching Fitzy stream is painful now cuz hack just breaks and breaks over again just because a blink a dash a rocked punch that they don’t even notice them until the failed hack.

Still on the PTR? I didn’t run into any of those issues.

I tested it, yes it still on PTR. They just fix thin object. It still has problems

Okay. But did it break on nothing, like it does in my retribution videos?

I don’t think so. It didnt happen in my PTR games recently so it’s a big improvement I guess.

I’d call that an improvement. Sombra’s not out of the doghouse yet, but that one LOS bug might be fixed. Hopefully it’s still the case on live

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blizzard please!!!

This is not a bump I repeat. This is not a bump…
This is a boop


I love how you can sroll down the original post and it just goes on and on…

Amazingly detailed post, well done.

Blizzard, you will never see a more comprehensive Sombra bug list than this. This would be an excellent opportunity to respond to your players.


That’s high praise. Thanks.

Seriously this bug fked me so hard in comp and I couldn’t finish the key hacking while in fight which theoratically should be done easilly and fast. The most obvious thing I noticed is that when she goes visible and try to hack people right after that, the hack takes longer than usual.

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The bug where, after a hacked pack runs out, and you re-hack it, it showed as enemy Sombra hacked it, is solved in the latest PTR build 16-06-2018.


www . youtube . com / watch?v=XI7hYDV9M_g

That looks like hack sensitivity too high and not aiming at the correct target. Xaron is aiming in between the targets and it picked the target to the right.

I can confirm, if you use < and > to move frame by frame on YouTube you can actually see it happening
Though something to note is that they started hacking the Nulltrooper before any diamond appeared that lets you know that you can hack that target. Something that I’ve actually had happen to myself but on a more extreme scale (it was very obvious that it happened)

For future reference, enclose the link using ` so you don’t have to do that dumb thing with spaces

Anyway, the Hack Switch might be wrong, but the LOS break is obvious.

Bump for visual aid.

Bumping for awareness.

I would like to see this thread at the top of every other thread ty very much.

Every time someone posts about Sombra, someone inevitably says something like “Sombra is fine.” And every time someone says something stupid like “Sombra is fine,” I reply with something like “you call this fine” with a link to this post. It’s been linked to every Sombra thread in the last month.