Sombra - The Double Standard

Her kit(Hack, Stealth) is selfish. What she does with her kit (Recon, providing opportunities) is supposed to be selfless.

In other words, Sombra’s kit mostly benefits herself and cannot be used to benefit her team but she is supposed to benefit her team to be effective.

Hacking a Rein is now “selfish” exposing the whole enemy team to yours. Yes such a selfish kit shes got. Shes meant to hack primary targets for your team. If people are hacking like a McCree and wondering why they arent doing anything on Sombra then yes shes selfish and useless. If you use her correctly, hacking a Rein, Doomfist as hes jumping onto your support, Hammond as hes Piledriving, her kit is beneficial to the whole team


Ok I mean I do agree with you there. A lot of those are the defining aspects of her kit. Although if I could damage people by throwing my translocator at them. Just cuz that’d be pretty funny.

I do think there’s some clunk in her kit, like i don’t think there should be a visual when I translocate while invisible and the minimal damage threshold would still be nice

Hack is no more selfish than a discord or a Junk trap, and those are primarily used to help teammates. It is a about as selfless as an offensive ability can be.


she is pretty bad once the combat focuses on her.
She just easily dies when that happens. Like when a pharmercy starts focusing its hitscan counter, soldier or mccree, or whoever gets picked to counter it.

Takes more effort to do your part than it takes for the other person to do their part.

That’s 1 of 3 abilities and the only ability she has that does so.

Not so much a critism but it’s not as easy to hack a Rein shielding his team as it is conceptually.
Theoretically: Stealth behind Rein with a Translocator set up, hack, your team now has an advantage.
Reality: Stealth behind Rein with a Translocator set up, narrowly avoid having your cover blown, fiddle with your hack aim while trying to get an angle that doesn’t hack the Zenyatta, (hopefully) hack, 2-3 members of the enemy begin focusing you forcing your Translocate. Your team is now fighting a 5v6 with the other Tank and healers protecting the team which will likely have irreversibly swayed in one favour by the time you get back but, hey, Reinhardt’s shield’s down!

That isn’t to say you won’t sway things in your favour, it’s just to risky for the actual value it gets 9/10 times.

I’m also not saying Sombra is unplayable, I think she’s very close to being (or possibly already) viable. She just needs a few bug fixes and adjustments.

im a sombra main and i think everything about her kit is fine except her bugs. some of which have been plaguing her for a buttlong time.

Didn’t ask for a threshold.

Starts at 0.

Fires and reloads faster.

He can do his job of healing, speed boosting, and booping without saying a word.

Other unique heroes don’t have nearly as many drawbacks tied to their kits.

Well, at least this thread didn’t fail to bring that meme out.

Why are there only a couple that are so brutally team dependent?


Have you tried lower your hack sensitivity? That helped my difficulty with Guardian Angel and Nanoboost, which have similar aiming mechanics.

This post is what I always thought.
But she can’t have high damage! She has insane spread?
But hack is so powerful, it balances her! No use if you can’t do it and it’s on a 2 sec cd? what.
But she has infinite stealth and translocator! And the most clunky animations and loud voice lines.
I’ve noticed a lot of people are saying that she’s fine just because pro’s use her now lmao… If it takes a meta where she is favored so heavily to make her acceptable she isn’t balanced in any world.

Might help but the issue is Reinhardt will usually be blockaded by his team making getting a hack much harder, not impossible but much harder. Hack is also a bit different from GA and Nano in terms of accessibility(Not sure if right word?).

Hack, for a long as it is, has a lower range than both of the above and can be cancelled instantly (Which usually forces Sombra to reset her approach) if she’s stood where she can be seen by the enemy. Seems easy enough but Reinhardt is often stood at the front whereas Sombra has to be behind all of them so Hack isn’t interrupted.


Come back and tell me reins fine.

When a character is only being used for one ability, aka his shield, theres a problem. His shield which is the best one in the game for a shields purpose is the only reason why reinhardt is not F tier.

reinhardt is not okay, he is not op, hes not balanced, he doesnt work as intended. Reinhardt is the most unfun tank besides orisa in the game now when he used to be the most fun. I havent seen this many rein mains quit in dive or in s10 then i have in the last 1-2 weeks. Reins with over 200h-400h+ on the character are quitting him, is that not a problem?

Not sure why this argument is so popular. A hack isn’t really easily translated into a kill. I’d bet if you looked at the stats, the odds of surviving a hack are very high, especially during a team fight. It requires:

A) The hack goes off in the first place without being cancelled by damage, or bugs.

B) The Sombra’s team to move with great timing to take advantauge of the 6 second window.

C) The enemy team to not do anything to protect their hacked member. No Zarya bubble, no healing, body blocking, etc.

D) The friendly team can deal sufficient damage to outright kill the hacked character in the 6 second window.

Honestly getting hit by pretty much any other ability, sleep dart, junkrat trap, flashbang, shield bash, doomfist uppercut, is much more likley to result in a kill than being hacked.


Is this a joke? To get detected you literally have to be body touching the enemy. You have infinate stealth? just literally sit behind or above the Rein so you cant miss. Having a shield compared to not having a shield is one of the biggest swings in a match.

You realise people are saying that Sombra is the strongest DPS in the game right now? Ive just gotta make sure you know that

what people. The only people that actually say this are contenders/pro players. sombra is only strong there, as she is rn we will never see her in ranked as a meta character. Even gm/top 500 dont have good enough communication or coordination.

“Yeah but her hack is annoying!”
t.Non Sombra players

For all those hyping contenders as the holy gospel of balance, Sombra was used in the play off finals Kongdoo Panthera Vs Runaway only once on kings row and unsuccessfully so.


Is this a joke? Rein is not in a vaccum. His entire team is behind him. An entire team that can shut you down by continuing fire.

Oh! I’m so sorry. I must have missed the patch notes where Sombra can hack while invisible.

So, who are these people? I’ve not heard of them. I’ve only heard of people who have heard Sombra is strong with no sources other than her appearance in Contenders.
Just some friendly advice, use examples rather than just “People”, it makes your claims more credible. :+1:

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Whats really depressing is the fact Sombra will more than likely be hailed as a “success” with her recent changes, and left alone for an entire year just like Bastion…


Your hack time is 0.65s are you playing against robots that can turn on you that quick?

She was used so many times from pros to go a long side wrecking ball.

If you watch this video you will see the potential Sombra has if you can actually communicate to your team.