Sombra - The Double Standard

So does Sombra’s (obviously though Soldier’s starts later)

Irrelevant to spread.

So can Sombra if you don’t look at it at all.

Sombra doesn’t have unique drawbacks that make her unviable.

sombra being used in contenders just shows she is not a USELESS hero like many people say.

she can be extremly useful …

so if you do not want to accept that fact just say how it is: YOU cannot make her work. YOU want her to be easier so you can pick her in solo-q, not communicating and just play her like a lone wolf.

she will need a rework for that… and you saw how blizzard handles reworks. they can break the hero and change the playstyle completely… “losing personality and uniqueness”… so say you want that and ask for a rework then.

but dont lie and say she is useless.


I had yet another occasion today where I EMP’d an ongoing teamfight and we still lost. Hacked tanks just get mass-urinated on by 100+ hp/s, the healers avoid half my bullets unless I’m point-blank. I’m sick of it, I’m sick of being a win-more character, I’m sick of bieng less effective with 50+ hours of practice than with Tracer or Pharah with less than one third of that time.

They force her to flank by interrupting hack with damage, and then make her trash when she’s in the flank. Crap damage, no sustain/defence besides running away. It boggles the mind


I’ve said it before:
Every hero does better in a professionally trained team with drilled voice comms.
It’s a big problem that Sombra is borderline worthless without it.

Also, this “must-pick in contenders” thing is nonsense. She’s a sometimes pick in contenders and not even doing so well.

Sombra will never have a good gun, thats just how things are. But abundance of her bugs are outright disgusting. Can I have a hack which hacks freaking Rein and not a Mercy which walks behind him for a split second?


Reinhardt is fine. I’m sorry, bugs don’t make a hero bad.

You can literally be invisible forever. Getting a Hack is not hard.

Yes, this is part of good communication.

Zarya bubble lasts 2 seconds, not 6. Body blocking doesn’t stop a Piledriver. You also simply can’t outheal that.

This is pretty easy when the enemy literally has zero abilities.

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‘Bugs dont make a hero bad’ Doomfist bad when he had a ton of bugs, now hes seen as op. Sombra, ton of bugs, is useless outside of pro scene. Reinhardt, one of the lowest tank pickrates in pro scene, only picked in ranked due to his shield.

Bugs do make characters bad.


Next Sombra rework is going to happen when they rework Symmetra, they’re gonna call her Symmbra:


In gm sombra has the 6th lowest pickrate. You should also know since youre in gm, that you even in gm/top 500 cant make coordinated plays with sombra very well.

You saying ‘bugs dont make characters bad’ and sombra is good outside of contenders/pro play, is ludicrous.


The same can be said of Sym honestly. They share a common trait of Blizzard being absolutely terrified of what they’re capable of if they were anywhere near as strong as some members of the roster, so they go without any significant buffs.

They aren’t allowed to be strong.


I’m going to be saving that persons comment of ‘bugs dont make a character bad’ and meme it. What an absolute meme comment, almost as memeable as ‘just shoot her head’


Remove the stupid cooldown on hack interrupts, that crap was completely uncalled for. Alternatively, keep it but add a damage threshold before the hack is interrupted, just 10-15 damage would go a long way imho.

I dunno how I feel about debating with the number 1 ranked sombra, guys haha :sweat_smile:
I will say that I don’t know how I feel about the whole trickle down from the pros. I think a faster reload wouldn’t hurt her. I think the big thing is the visual on hacked targets. Mainly because that would go a long way in improving her reputation, and yeah, it’s difficult to expect people at lower ranks to know how to capitolize on a hack. I’ve had genji’s blade 5 seconds after I hack and get mad at me because “I thought they were hacked.” Ditto dva’s using their ult.

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Why are bugs destroying my characters, Blizzard?!?!


I don’t have much respect left for top tier players that act like their skill level is the only thing that needs to be considered.

Numbah one Sombra, “My tent’s up.”

You’d be surprised dude. People will argue anything to keep some heroes down.
We’ve heard everything from “Sombra is too oppressive” to “hack is worse than being one shot”.

Though I do wish we’d drop the Sombra vs Everyone mentality, as we need all the help we can get.


0.65+0.7 (to get out of Stealth with loud voiceline and SFX) =1.35 seconds to react if Sombra is frame perfect and none of the enemy team disrupts her by moving in her way. It is incredibly easy to be interrupted by anyone paying attention.

Your video and the things it proposes are indeed useful but require so much communication and so much precision with large punishments when done wrong that it’s not feasible for your average team without masses of practice. In other words, these are plays that only the pros can feasibly make. It could be considered one of those “expectation vs. reality” things.

Sombra is game-changing at the very peak of play but struggles elsewhere. Not necessarily awful but not ideal either. That’s why I feel Sombra needs adjustments but not some kind of re-work (which I fear may have been the impression). Thank you for the source though.


but theyre fixing doomfist, priorities.

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I mean, I do. I don’t want her to be broken and nerfed again haha

That’s what I mean; You’re scared of Sombra getting nerfed because 0.01% of the player base even has access to a level of play where she’s marginally viable. That bothers me a lot.

Simple QoL suggestions like “add a sugar skull over hacked foes so your team even knows they’re hacked” get ignored because it’s not coming from professional players.

I’m fairly upset to hear this number one sombra being so calloused towards other levels of play.