Sombra - The Double Standard

To play Devil’s advocate, Sombra is the only character that can hypothetically be wherever she wants and uncontested until she wants to be.

Now that’s out of the way, I agree. Sombra’s kit is fundamentally flawed. Her kit solely focuses around her but she’s one of the most team-demanding heroes in the game beyond supports. She can’t do anything alone that Genji or Tracer couldn’t do quicker. I don’t know if I’m just playing her wrong but it rarely feels like I’m actually doing anything other than chip damage and the occasional support kill aside from the usual hacks.

Personally, I’d like a way for Sombra to rig a teamfight in her favour before it’s begun by being stealthy like planting bombs or recon nodes or something. Either that or a flat out damage increase and reduced uncloaking so she can be a stealth assassain that’s rewarded for being stealthy.

It would also be nice if Stealth went on a decreased cooldown like Translocator if Sombra cancels it instead of being broken out

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“B-b-b-b-but Contenders!” Is the only argument you ever have. You’re a troll, and a bad one.


Then she needs a different playstyle, her kit is for stealthy assassination, but her gun prevents that, her gun forces her in a crappy disruption role.

If she isnt allowed to gain value with her gun IN AN FPS then why give her one, IN AN FPS.

It isn’t a fact, it is a claim. If you think Sombra is underpowered you need to explain why. If you think she requires massive skill, you need to explain why.

Stupid people in solo queue aren’t a reason to break a hero.

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You do realize that approximately 95% of the playerbase agree to this? In this case, YOU need to explain how she DOESN’T take massive skill.

Go look up “burden of proof”…

And for the record, I do think Sombra requires a lot of skill. I am the #1 Sombra, you know.

Actually I lied. Fitzy went on a winstreak today. #2.


Do you think really think a better indicator on hacked targets would break her?

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THANK YOU. Finally someone properly admitting to this. She’s so hard I still have a 40% accuracy with aiming hack after 700+ hours. THIS is how you define skillcap.

No, but read the OP’s complaints.

These aren’t QoL changes. These are changes like a damage threshold which would be insane.


Okay I’m going to assume you’re a troll…

I don’t need an alternate form of damage, but I want her to actually be good at the things she is supposed to be good at, besides EMP. A shorter reload or tighter spread for the gun would be nice, but she has so many clunky delays and cooldowns that have got to go.

Is there a problem with this? The game is supposed to be a team game, right? A team-dependent hero shouldn’t be wrong in such an environment. Hack makes a dive target out of anyone. This may not help in solo queue, but the majority of Boston’s win streak in OWL stage 3 was with Mistakes’ Sombra replacing the normal Genji and providing even more value to the team, in addition to the Contenders success everyone likes to downplay.

sombra is really powerful if you actually learn how to play her

you don’t pick sombra because of her damage but because how much potential she has to shut down different targets

if sombra’s bugs gets fixed she will become a viable pick

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Her spread has a 2.7 spread. Soldier has a 2.4 spread. Tracer has 3.6. Sombra’s spread is fine.

Reload could be changed to 1.25s, but I find that sort of unnecessary considering Sombra is already viable.


You misunderstand. My problem is not that Sombra is a Team-player, it’s that Sombra has a selfish kit for selfless purposes.

Well like I’m gonna say to every thread I see now…they’re working on a Torbjorn rework at the moment…we have no idea how long it’ll really take so you’re not going to instantly get what you need a week after this post, I’d say when they finish the Torb rework they’ll probably choose another character to work on…atm Im hoping they choose Bastion but they may just do Mercy with the demands…so be patient and wait until they aren’t working on another hero <3 people who don’t wanna see FIX _________ NOW!!! THEY SUCK

I usually don´t use hack in an offensive way. My example with Hanzo was only an example where she struggels in general. (That beeing said I hunt down Widows pretty frequently)

Hack can be used to disrupt the enemy, thats for sure. Im teamfights I use it to dismobile flanker and make them vunerable to my team. A immobile Tracer in a teamfight is a dead Tracer after all. Even Brigitte can be countered when she does not put her shield up. However, thats basicly the only way she can work in teamfights or fights in general. One of the only few other valuable abbilities is EMP with a followup, but even if that works in Contenders doesn´t mean it works on comp since we don´t have that way of coordination. If a character completly depends on her team coordinating which usually doesn´t work there is a problem.

How is the ability to gather information for your team selfish?

EMP followup is easy in comp. EMP should still be a free fight if you simply count it down. It isn’t hard at all.

Lucio is also team dependent.

Stop complaining about heroes being unique. Sombra doesn’t need to be like Tracer.


Sombra mains really feel hard done by. When the fact is youre probably the same people that dont join voice to let your team know the exact positions of every enemy. You can solo make a whole team useless. People think Sombra is an assasin. She holds some of the strongest powers in the game to enable her team to know positions of enemies. You didnt even get the 4m detect radius implemented into the game. Shes so strong right now.

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