Sombra - The Double Standard

One-shot mechanics? Okay.
Two-shot mechanics? Okay.
Extremely high burst? Okay.
Multi-kill to team wiping ultimates? Okay.
S-tier kits combined with S-tier damage? Okay.
Stuns / Freeze / Snare / Trap / etc? Okay.


Random spread low bullet damage gun.
No form of burst damage.
No form of alternate damage.
A kit with a drawback attached to every part of it, including animations delays, audio cues, and countered by taking damage, the most basic aspect of the game.
Complete with bugs on top of the drawbacks to make her completely unreliable on top of clunky feeling.

But according to non-Sombras - Okay.

The double standards surrounding Sombra are disgusting.

She’s being used in Contenders? That’s great. Reinhardt gets used a ton, go ask the Reinhardt players if he’s fine. Mercy gets used all the time. Go ask them if she’s fine. (Don’t turn this into a freaking Mercy thread, there’s enough of that crap already.)

The more I try and play Sombra, the more frustrated I get.

I’m tired of trying to play a hero that gets beaten down by bugs, basic combat, and not being able to hold her own in combat. I’m tired of people thinking she’s okay because some pro used her somewhere. Big deal! I could say Bastion is perfect, because I saw him get used in a pro match! Pretty sure we know that’s not the case!

I’m frustrated. Just frustrated and tired and annoyed.




Listen, I’ll be happy when people stop throwing games as soon as I use her to fill a dps slot. Until then, how can you suggest she’s fine?


Finally some good topics instead of mercy mains crying that their hero is not the only healer in the game.


Ok fine but almost no one is saying that she’s fine so if you could not make this Sombra vs the World, that would be great.

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You haven’t been on the forums lately, have you.

Way to miss everything.


Yeah seriously, Blizzard needs to man up and stop being so scared to buff Sombra without nerfing nearly everything else about her. Out of all the “unfun” things in this game such as:

  • Shield Bash canceling nearly everything and basically allowing her to Auto Kill a Tracer.
  • Moira’s beam damaging people across the entire objective killing a Pharah quicker than a hitscan, and that’s not counting her damage orb.
  • Hanzo busting Tanks better than Reaper even without the abomination that is Scatter Arrow which was in this game for over a year and a half.
  • Junkrat walking up to any 200HP hero shooting one explosive and letting his Concussion Mine finish them off while he flies away with nothing but a scratch.
  • Tracer blinking behind the enemies One-Clipping a Mercy or Zenyatta and escaping untouched in less than 5 seconds.
  • Getting a useful pick only for Mercy to Resurrect them as if it never even happened stopping us from pushing.

Oh, but Sombra’s not allowed to hack/kill people, Ya know… DO HER JOB, so we gotta rework her into a Spectator Camera that contributes to maybe 15% of the fight? Pfft.


This can all be fixed if brig ate some spaghetti

He’s pretty good actually.

Last patch (which is what Contenders is on) she was still OP.

Sombra is absolutely fine. In this meta, a Hack is easily translated into a kill. That is what makes Sombra extremely powerful. It has very little to do with the changes (though they do help). Sombra right now is fine.


LMFAO! No, he’s not. You literally have no idea what you’re talking about if you claim Reinhardt alone is in a good state.

What Meta are you in? In case you haven’t noticed we’re still in Double Sniper Meta with Zarya, a Hack is nothing to this meta, especially when a hacked target is triple pocketed and can get a Zarya bubble.

You probably see those few Contenders games where Hammond and D.Va are used and think “Oh that must the new Meta! Sombra must be so good!” Yeah no. That’s contendors, that’s now how the normal playerbase works, we don’t play like them, we don’t always have their perfect team coordination and strategies which is what Sombra relies on to even be remotely useful in this crazy meta, and 90% of the time that doesn’t exist, Sombra is not fine what so ever, she’s still the only hero who has to be walked on a dog leash by all her teammates to make sure she’s ready to combo her EMP after she’s done spectating, meanwhile any other hero could’ve done FAR more with much less effort and downtime.


Is Sombra fine, or is Sombra fine with lots of communication and coordination?

There is an extremely important difference.

Almost every other hero in the game can hold their own in the most scattered of quick play matches, while Sombra can barely even do that.


Reinhardt has a positive winrate and literally the highest pickrate of any hero. Bugs don’t make him a bad hero.

Lmfao is this a joke? You know Zarya is rarely used at all outside of solo q right? And for the record, Wrecking Ball destroys snipers (who are nerfed btw) and he allows Dive to go through healing. Why do you think teams are using Sombra all of a sudden? It isn’t because of “scouting”. It’s because of the meta.


I said ALMOST no one.

Oh yes, Lucio is so much better in solo queue.

I don’t get why people complain about unique heroes.

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What teams are you talking about?? What Wrecking Ball?? I literally haven’t played 8/10 games that aren’t double sniper, Hanzo is still stupid broken so Zarya will always be by his side to combo ults. Once again I can already tell you’re using what you see the pro teams use as an example of this “meta” that isn’t actually whats used in our version of the game because guess what, WE AREN’T PROS, people in Low and High Tier are still taking the easy way out with Hanzo + Zarya, they use Hammond because he’s new and they would be expected to use him, they haven’t even been on the same patch as us. You have no clue what you’re talking about if you think Sombra or cough cough Reinhardt, are fine right now.


The forums seem to be tailored to what you’re interested in, I see a lot of her genji threads because that’s what I’m most active in.

psst none of the heros with these abilities stop others from using abilites, nor do they have an instant transport to safety, or infinite invisibility.

none of them can shut down ults with an auto tracking ability.


i played sombra once on mystery heroes.

She was surprisingly ok, not amazing, probably not balanced, but ok.

her gun is ok when you’re good at tracking with it.


None of those heroe’s abilties are canceled by 1 point of damage, Sombra’s is. Her entire kit can now be shut down by 5 damage or less. I’d think again before trying to use the “ShE cAn tAkE AwAy oUr aBiliTiEs aNd StUfF” excuse against Sombra.

Not to mention Sombra isn’t contributing at all compared to any other DPS who could be doing far more while Sombra is “scouting”, and a hack doesn’t lead to a death, especially in Double Sniper meta.




What a concept.

Try not to let it hurt you too much.