Sombra - The Double Standard



What a concept.

Try not to let it hurt you too much.


The meta in pro play always trickles down. Zarya has been dropping out of the GM meta for literally months now, and Hanzo isn’t even the number 1 DPS anymore (Genji and Widowmaker are picked more).

Guess what, if Contenders is moving away from snipers without the sniper nerfs or Mercy nerfs, I think its fair to say that on Live snipers aren’t the meta anymore.

You’re Masters on PSN. Want to know the number one DPS there? McCree. Number 2? Pharah.

But please tell me more about double sniper.


that and the pros running her 100% of the time in contendors right now. but hey what do they know, theyre only the top level playing for a living.

in pro play? no he doesn’t. orisa Hammond, Winston dva and sometimes zarya are the only tanks being used at pro level.

and as a rien player, rien is fine.

an ode to your skill, not her kit.

this is the only solid point you have, she needs bug fixes. but bug fixes aren’t as easy to fix as you may believe.

you mean everywhere.

mad cause you cant do it? get better.

you cant get mad that you cant hit shots and call widow underpowered.

then learn to use her like pros do, or play a new hero. maybe she just isn’t your hero. :man_shrugging:


Hack is much easier to land when you have invis and an escape compared to any of those killing abilities. That is why Sombra is so powerful right now, Hack leads to death atm.


LUDICROUS. Sombra is underpowered while requiring massive skill.

it should be ok, when your only ok with it
It should be good when your good with it
it should be great, when your great with it

but if your amazing, its only ever ok

Sombra is in a poor state, and no amount of youtube videos by the professional pub stompers of “your overwatch” and “cheeky brit a**hat” saying otherwise will change that.


No, she isn’t. Sombra is fine. Stop asking for buffs.

And for the record “LUDICROUS” is not an argument.


they also, as ive said, cant shut down entire kits, or make healthpacks unusable to the enemy.

sounds like someone is upset, but has no rebuttal. an entire flank can be shut down by just being seen for genji and tracer, sombra doesn’t have this issue.

its almost like you need to plan your hack out instead of just trying to face roll it infront of someone.

sure dude, that’s why shes being used 100% of the time in contendors.

double sniper isn’t meta. its shifted.

glad to see you cant even keep up with that, but think you can talk balance.


Care to elaborate? I’ve used it for countless years and never got flak for it.

If you think Sombra is bugged, wait til you play Symm.

Unkillable turrets.

Anyway, Symm is less used than Sombra, and has just about the same problems. Not all the problems, but peiple have the same mentality with her and with Sombra.

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Your Overwatch isn’t bright. I agree that what Freedo said was totally insane.

That being said, Sombra is still fine. She isn’t OP. That doesn’t mean she needs buffs.

It means nothing. You could remove it and your point would be just as null and void.

she isn’t suppsed to be a slaughter house dps. shes based around utility.

you get the value from her utility, not her gun.


Ludicrous: so foolish, unreasonable, or out of place as to be amusing; ridiculous.

How does this mean nothing? Honestly this hypocrisy is making me sick.

“Ludicrous” adds nothing of substance. Actually, neither does the second point. You made a claim. Now you need to support it.

I´m curious, so please tell me: What has more of an effect on the game? Beeing oneshot and send back to spawn. Beeing stunlocked and beeing tossed around like ball? Or beeing hacked and losing all abbilities but but not the abbility to fight back with you gun and probably kill your oppressor?
How many times have I tried to get the jump on Hanzo as Sombra? Too many. I have to activly aim at him hoping he is clueless. He never is since all it takes is 1 stupid arrow to the body and you are done. You can´t kill him before he turns when you don´t headshot him constantly which should not suprise anyone is actually no option on console without mouse and keyboard.

There is a simple reason Sombra is not fine:

When you play a game and pick Sombra you get instantly flamed and some even throw till I can play her in peace she is not fine.

Yes, she was used in Pro-play but only because they didn’t have any Counderstrat against EMP Bot she probably won’t be used again in the finals. (Just my guess tho) we saw her countered already at the end of the semis

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Why do I need to support a fact? Maybe “Ludicrous” is a bit of fluff, but in my opinion it adds alot of tention to the already interesting conversation, while providing a conclusive argument.

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I think OP was referring to bugs and low qol choices. It would be nice if some qol stuff was changed just so people would stop throwing when I pick her and know I’m doing something.

One-shots are complained about constantly (and extremely high burst is just 1/2 shots, not sure why you made it a separate category), as are cc abilites.
These forums, reddit, everyone was complaining about the increased mobility on snipers with one-shot mechanics. being both a tank and a DPS was complained about. High damage on already good kits does get complained about.
The only things I’ve seen be accepted on this list are 2-shots and big ults.

His kit is fine. Sure he has bugs, but you are advocating for changing far more than just Sombra’s bugs. Mercy mains may agree with the sentiment, but Rein mains tend to think he’s a great hero outside of those bugs.