Sombra doesn’t need a damage buff. Your aim does

Actually, you can’t talk about aim when there’s spread involved. But, as with many other FPS heroes, it’s “the brake”, so that experienced FPS players wouldn’t utterly destroy those new to the genre …


you don’t exactly need to worry about damage falloff if you can become invisible and walk up to people without them noticing at all…

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What you said doesn’t mean she needs a dps buff.

Aim better and you’ll do better. You got 60 bullets and an ability that takes away the opponents abilities for 6 seconds. If you can’t kill them idk what to tell you

Umm, she yells when she decloaks. I don’t thibk she needs a damage buff either necessarily but switching to tracer is way more effective, so something should be done.

The difference is that Soldier not only has 11 more DPS, but he has a 120 dmg burst ability. Bastion has his 160 DPS Recon mode that no one ever uses because he also has a 450 DPS Sentry Mode.

Sombra has NO FORM of alternate damage, so her damage is, of course, weaker, and it requires more skill to deal consistent damage.

Regardless, I still believe she needs buffs unrelated to her maximum damage output. Putting her spread at 2.5 degrees would be a welcome change though.


Aim better and I’ll do better with literally every hero. That doesn’t mean Sombra is okay.

Plus, Sombra can aim better and she’s still only okay. To quote a good quote from a different thread:


and? she can be anywhere she wants when she decloaks now. not to mention she rocks a 60 round mag and a relatively small hit box, not including her amazing escape and the surprise hack usually puts any one person on their back foot.

She does not need a Dmg buff.
But She needs other buffs thats for sure

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You are arguing a completely different thing here. Just because Sombra doesnt need a weapon like Soldier and recon Bastion doesnt mean its comparable. OP thinks her weapons is just as lethal.

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Hack plus her gun is lethal. At close range it’s lethal.

Is it just as lethal as Soldiers and Bastions gun? No its not.

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provided she hits her shots and isn’t playing sniper hackmaster she can out dps soldier and scout bastion… I didn’t even factor in her much higher rate of fire…

Aim scales with all of these heroes. Provided they hit their shots, they will always outdamage a Sombra.

At average realized damage a match this week.
Sombra: 8.5k
Soldier: 14.2k

I cant use Bastions data because its stacked with his turret form damage.

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Those include helix rocket hits and soldier can benefit from damage boosts like orisa ults and mercy buffs, not to mention the extra time in match she spends getting into position. and you’re still wrong about dps… I’m not gonna keep going here though I have better things to do then argue with your obvious bias

Yeah, but all the other DPS have secondary damage, mainly in the form of burst.

Plus, she has to be really close to make use of her large spread, so shes always putting herself in danger with high risk.

Soldier is not doing 5k damage just using helix. Sorry but that should be obvious.

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reduce her clip size and give her more damage instead

i don’t see the reason for a stealth hero like sombra to have this type of gun

The actual difference is weapon spread. That’s where your hypothetical damage turns into actual damage.

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Yeah, right up until “BEAN HAIR ALL ALONG!” not to mention the possible detection if she gets that close.

Spread won’t matter if you actually play her right. Which is up close and personal. Instead of midrange.